
xiāo fèi xìng zhī chū
  • nonproductive expenditure
消费性支出[xiāo fèi xìng zhī chū]
  1. 用马尔柯夫链预测居民六年的消费性支出结构

    Forecasting nonproductive expenditure structure of Changchun townsfolk in 6 years Markov chain

  2. 长期以来政府卫生支出一直被视为一种消费性支出,可以增进社会福利,但降低经济增长率,但作为政府对国民健康人力资本的投资其生产性支出的特点也是显而易见的。

    Government health expenditure has long been considered as a nonproductive expenditure , which can promote the social welfare , but reduce economic growth rate . But as a kind of investment of the national health capital , this expenditure also has an obvious feature of productive expenditure .

  3. 这可能会带动消费性支出和一大批消费工业的复苏。

    This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries .

  4. 我国城市居民家庭消费性支出的实证分析

    The Analyse of the City Resident Family Consumption Outgo in China

  5. 安徽省农村居民消费性支出的因子分析

    Factor Analysis on the Consumption Expenses of Rural Residents in Anhui Province

  6. 山东省农村人均消费性支出的动态回归模型

    Dynamic-regression model of per capital annual expenditure on consumption in Shandong countryside

  7. 云南省城镇居民消费性支出与可支配收入的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Consumption Expenditure and Disposable Income of Urban Residents

  8. 汽油价格上涨会抑制消费性支出,反之,汽油价格下降则有利于促进消费支出。

    Just as rising gas prices hurt consumer spending , falling gas prices help .

  9. 消费性支出的预测及量化分析

    Forecast and Quantitative Analysis of Consumption Payout

  10. 6月份消费性支出下滑;

    Consumer spending fell in June ;

  11. 消费性支出的预测无疑对宏观调控、微观经济发展都将具有重大的指导意义。

    The forecast of consumption payout possesses great guidance meaning for development of macroscopic control and microcosmic economy .

  12. 2001年,美国的消费性支出只受到了轻微的影响,十年前它曾经有所下滑,但是仅仅是暂时的。

    In2001 consumer spending barely skipped a beat ; a decade earlier it fell , but only briefly .

  13. 在一个随机内生增长模型中分析了具有相对拥挤性的政府消费性支出,并讨论了最优的财政政策。

    Government consumption expenditure with congestion was analyzed and optimal fiscal policy in a stochastic endogenous growth model discussed .

  14. 增税举措给消费性支出造成冲击,结果导致经济衰退,促使安倍晋三推迟了第二阶段的增税计划。

    The blow to consumer spending from the increase led to the recession and persuaded Mr. Abe to delay the second phase .

  15. 第二,从1981年到2009年,山东省城镇居民与农村居民在消费性支出结构上有着一定的区别。

    Second , from 1981 to 2009 , a certain difference exists between the consumption expenditure structure for urban and rural residents .

  16. 不幸的是,由于暴跌的利润和增加的失业挤出了投资和消费性支出所导致的第二轮的影响,经济看起来摇摇欲坠。

    Unfortunately , the economy is likely to totter again as the second-round effects of tumbling profits and rising unemployment squeeze investment and consumer spending .

  17. 运用协整理论,对山东城镇居民的人均可支配收入与人均消费性支出进行了实证分析。

    Using co-integration theory , the per capita annual disposable income of Shandong urban residents and per capita living expenditures for consumption has carried on demonstration analysis .

  18. 当前要想了解我国的居民可支配收入与消费性支出,就必须利用半线性回归模型的优良拟合性质进行分析。

    In this paper , based on the large sample property of semilinear model , we analyze the relation ship between living expenditure and disposable income in China .

  19. 从江苏省的发展现状来看,居民人均医疗保健支出逐年增加,医疗保健支出占消费性支出的比重不断提高。

    According to the current development in Jiangsu , the resident 's medical services expenditure per capita increases year by year and the percentage to consumption expenditure improves constantly .

  20. 推动力因素中包括城乡收入差距和非农产业生产总值,阻碍力因素包括城乡消费性支出比及城镇失业率这两个因素。

    The urban-rural income gap and non-agriculture GDP are included in pushing factors . The urban and rural consumption expenditure and urban unemployed rate are included in impeding factors .

  21. .病人可以食用苹果、苹果汁、苹果酱等。例句:这可能会带动消费性支出和一大批消费工业的复苏。

    The patient can have apples , apple juice , apple sauce , and so forth This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries .

  22. 到本月月底,至少部分战略储备原油就会化身汽油,登陆美国的各加油站,使汽油价格继续下降,进而刺激消费性支出。

    By the end of the month , at least some of that will be landing at filling stations and affecting gasoline prices where it really counts : in your wallet .

  23. 研究结果显示,财政收入、政府消费性支出、政府生产性支出、财政赤字分别与就业变量之间存在长期均衡的协整关系。

    Research results show that there is a long-term equilibrium co-integration relationship between the government revenues , the government consumer spending , the government productive expenses , fiscal deficit and employment respectively .

  24. 得出现行每人补助150元的标准,高于近几年城镇居民家庭、城镇最低收入户、农村居民家庭、农村高收入户平均每人消费性支出中的满足十天基本生活需要支出的平均值。

    The current standard is higher than the average of the urban and rural families , urban lowest income households and rural High Income Households ' per-capita expense , which can satisfy the basic livelihood needs for ten days .

  25. 卫生服务费用过高阻碍了广东省城乡居民的卫生服务利用,具体表现在卫生支出占消费性支出比例和住院费用较高、两周患病未就诊和需住院而未住院的主要是经济原因。

    It manifests specifically in that health expenditure takes a large proportion in the total consumption and hospitalization costs are high ; People who are required hospitalization but without hospitalization and non-visit in two-week sick are due to economic reasons.10 .

  26. 同时农民的支出结构存在着不合理,主要表现在消费性支出所占比例大,投资性支出过低,关键在于用于农民自身的人力资本投资过低。

    At the same time it shows that the rural expenditure structure is not reasonable : mainly shows there is a large proportion of consumer , compared with low investment spending , especially the human capital investment for the farmers themselves .

  27. 在技术相对效率上,要完善相关制度,加强对财政资金的监管;要合理使用财政资金,减少纯消费性支出的数量,同时加大对先进技术和项目管理方式的运用。

    On the technical efficiency , we should improve the relevant system , strengthen supervision of financial funds ; We should rationally use financial resources and reduce the number of pure consumer spending , while increase the use of advanced technology and project management .

  28. 政府储蓄是一定时期政府的财政收入减消费性财政支出后的结余。

    Governmental saving is the difference between the fiscal revenue and governmental consumption during a given period .

  29. 现代消费理论表明,影响居民消费性支出的主要因素是居民的可支配收入、消费倾向和物价水平等。

    Modem consumption theory shows that the main factors influencing residents ' consumption are disposable income , consuming trends and the price level .

  30. 从结构上来看,投资性支出和民生性支出对全国居民消费产生了挤入效应,而消费性支出产生了挤出效应。

    Analyzing from the structure , the investment spending and welfare spending have packed effect , but the consuming spending has extrusion effect .