
  • 网络Strategic intent;strategic intentions;Strategic Purpose
  1. 广泛传播IT部门发展SOA能力的战略意图,使SOA成为整个组织的核心战略能力,为组织提供长期效率

    Communicating the strategic intent of the IT department to develop SOA competency into a strategic , core competency for the long term effectiveness of the organization as a whole

  2. 接触高级管理层,了解战略意图。

    Engage with senior management to understand strategic intent .

  3. 促销是在营销组合4P中四大要素之一,是企业营销策略的重要组成部分,也是企业参与竞争、贯彻各项战略意图的利器之一。

    Promotion is one of the elements in 4Ps , and it is also an important part of marketing strategy of the companies . It looks like a weapon to help the company to compete with others and implement the strategic intention .

  4. 日本满洲移民战略意图新探

    A New Inquiry on Japanese Strategic Intentions of Emigrating to Manchuria

  5. 新世纪的日本对非外交及其战略意图

    Japan 's African Policy and Its Strategic Aims in the New Century

  6. 现实主义国家战略意图与崛起困境的生成

    Realistic National Strategic Intention and the Formation of Rising-dilemma

  7. 南宋初年宋金西线战争双方的战略意图

    On the War Strategies of the West Line between Jin and Song Dynasty

  8. 解读日美军事同盟的新趋势及日本的战略意图

    Understanding the New Trend in Japan-U.S.Military Alliance , and Japan 's Strategic Intention

  9. 一个人不可能单纯出于职业发展的战略意图,便可随意创造出这种热情来。

    No one can manufacture this passion for strategic reasons of career advancement .

  10. 如果不具备必要的技能,战略意图只是美好的愿望。

    Without possessing the necessary skills , strategic intent is merely wishful thinking .

  11. 构建企业的核心竞争力,不但要确立企业发展的战略意图,还需创造独特的企业价值链及整合企业之间的价值链。

    Building core competence lies on confirming strategic view and creating unique value chain .

  12. 从根本上说北约东扩体现了美国主宰全球的战略意图。

    Fundamentally , east-expansion of NATO shows the American strategy purpose to control the earth .

  13. 不少企业通过广告传递的产品信息、企业信息并未使消费者留下深刻印象,因此,企业广告运作应根据企业市场营销战略意图,进行广告活动的整体策划;

    Many enterprises fail to leave deep impression on consumers by advertising themselves and their products .

  14. 中印参与国际经济一体化的实践及战略意图探析

    The Practice and Strategic Intention of China and India in Their Participation in International Economy Integration

  15. 企业如何承认和回报员工是传递公司战略意图的主要部分。

    Enterprise how to recognize and reward employees is the main part of the transmission company strategic intent .

  16. 第五章主要研究日本提出建立东亚共同体构想的战略意图。

    Chapter Five is mainly a research on the strategic purpose that Japan proposes to establish East Asia Community .

  17. 改革开放以来,我国中外合资企业从无到有,在合资形式、合资关系、合资双方发展战略意图等方面也都发生了巨大的变化。

    Our JV have been changed on the form , relationships and strategic intent since reform and opening up .

  18. 战略意图是一项长期的、共享的愿景,从最短的10年到无限的未来。

    Strategic intent is a long-term , shared vision stretching from a minimum of ten years up to an indefinite future .

  19. 本文重点探讨了敦刻尔克条约的缘起及相应时期英国外交政策变化状况并尝试对敦刻尔克条约的战略意图做出评估。

    This thesis discusses the origins of the Treaty of Dunkirk and the changing conditions of British foreign policy in this period .

  20. 冷战后,主要国际力量对比发生了新的变化,并且各有战略意图。

    The structure of the power has changed after the Cold War , and the powers have their own strategic intention each .

  21. 其中,前者包括三个理论,即互惠理论、资源依赖理论,以及金融控制理论,它们是服务于组织之间的战略意图;

    The former , which consists of the reciprocity theory and the resource dependency theory and the finance control theory , serves inter-organization intention .

  22. 冷战后的美国想要建立以美国为主导的世界新秩序,实现其霸权战略意图。

    After cold war US wants to establish a new world order , which takes US as the leader to realize its hegemony strategy intention .

  23. 第二部分分析了北约东扩的现实条件与战略意图,第三部分则分析了北约东扩中存在的障碍与影响。

    The second part analyses the reason and strategy purpose of east-expansion . The third part analyses the problem and influence of east-expansion of NATO .

  24. 本论文在全面分析朝美的战略意图和博弈,把握和预测朝核危机的发展趋势。

    This thesis analyzes the strategic intention of the DPRK and U.S.A in an all-round way , predicts the development trend towards the nuclear crisis .

  25. 厘清美俄的中亚战略意图,以期为我国中亚战略的制订及更有效地开展与中亚国家的全方位合作提供有益借鉴。

    Only through a clear understanding of the US-Russia strategies over the Central-Asia area , can China carry out effective cooperation with countries in this region .

  26. 中小企业实施信息技术外包应从五个方面入手:企业要有明确的战略意图和长远目标;

    When middle and small enterprises give their information technology outsourcing , the following five principles should be taken into consideration : having a clear strategy intention ;

  27. 发达国家推行经济全球化的战略意图和政策举措是影响发展中国家经济安全的深层次因素;

    The policy and strategic aim of the economic globalization that the developed countries practised is the key factor that affects the economic security of the developing countries .

  28. 实施全面预算管理是实现企业战略意图和资源合理配置的有效手段。

    It is an efficient means to realize the strategic intention of the enterprises and the reasonable collocation of the resources by carrying the overall budget management into execution .

  29. 凭借美国在关贸总协定机制中占据主导地位的影响力并经过积极的外交努力,美国的战略意图和政策目标基本实现。

    Relying on the dominant influence in the GATT regime and by means of vigorous diplomatic efforts , America 's strategic intention and objective were realized on the whole .

  30. 中美两国如何判断彼此战略意图,将直接影响双方采取什么样的政策、发展什么样的关系。

    How China and the United States perceive each others strategic intention will directly bear on the ensuing policies they adopt and the course of development of bilateral relations .