
  • 网络Service Innovation
  1. LivingLibrary对大学图书馆服务创新的启示

    Inspiration of the Living Library for the University Library Service Innovation

  2. CRM注重技术创新,更注重服务创新。

    CRM to technological innovation , pay more attention to service innovation .

  3. Internet在商业银行中的应用,引发了银行界新的科技革命和服务创新浪潮。

    The utilization of internet in commercial banks results in new tides of revolution in science and technology and the innovation of banking services .

  4. 要加快第三方物流企业经营管理与服务创新,适应政府发展政策调整和WTO的宏观环境。

    The Third-Party Logistics enterprises should quicken business administration and services innovation , thus acclimatize themselves to the government policy regulation and the macro-circumstance of WTO .

  5. 其次,结合该过程模型,论文进一步探讨了定制化KIBS服务创新过程中的客户互动机制。

    Using the process model propose above , the author further explore the customer interaction mechanism during the innovation process in those KIBS who develop customized services .

  6. 本文基于OECD各成员国所制定的并实施的成功的公共服务创新措施和实践战略,提出了一个有关公共服务改革管理的框架。

    The aim of this study is to develop a framework for the management of public service reform , based on successful innovations and practical strategies , which have been developed and implanted across the OECD countries .

  7. 首先,结合定制化KIBS的特征及其服务创新本质,分析了定制化KIBS对客户互动的要求;

    First , the author made a deep analysis on the characteristics and essence of services developed by those KIBS , thus to explored the need of customer interaction during the NSD process .

  8. 高校档案服务创新的理性思考

    A reasonable thought of archival service innovation in universities and colleges

  9. 知识经济时代企业产品销售的服务创新策略分析

    Analysis of Creative Strategies on Product-sold Service in Knowledge Economy Age

  10. 越来越多的企业关注服务创新,并通过服务创新实现差异化竞争。

    More and more enterprises pay special attention to service innovation .

  11. 信息网络发展与农业信息咨询服务创新

    Development of Information Network and Innovation of Agricultural Information Consultant Service

  12. 中远物流有限公司服务创新策略研究

    The Research on the Logistics Service Innovation Strategy of COSCO-Logistics Ltd

  13. 试论高职院校图书馆以人为本的服务创新

    On " Human-Oriented " Service Innovation in Higher Vocational College Library

  14. 国内服务创新研究现状及其评述

    The Current Domestic Studies on Innovation in Service and Literature Review

  15. 商业银行金融服务创新及应用研究

    Research on the Financial Service Innovation & Application of Commercial Bank

  16. 着眼读者知识对图书馆读者服务创新的重要作用。

    Hommization of readers service in hospital library and its efficiency ;

  17. 基于移动通信技术的图书馆服务创新研究

    Study on Library Service Innovation Based on Mobile Information Technology

  18. 第三方物流服务创新:融通仓及其运作模式初探

    A Third-party Logistics Service Innovation : Financing Warehouse and Its Operation Model

  19. 数字技术与高校图书馆的服务创新

    The Digital Technique and the Service Innovation of University Library

  20. 物流服务创新网络的多代理人协同策略分析未标识的代理服务器

    Analysis on Coordination Strategy Under Multi-agent Case for Logistics Service Innovation Network

  21. 我国零售企业的服务创新浅论

    Discussion on the Innovation of Services in Chinese Distribution Industry

  22. 谈网络信息环境与高校图书馆服务创新

    On Internet Information Environment and Library Service Innovation in Colleges

  23. 高校图书馆多元化信息资源建设与服务创新

    The Construction of Diversification Information Resources and Service Innovation of University Libraries

  24. 物流服务创新与物流绩效关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Logistics Services Innovation and Logistics Performance

  25. 科学发展观与临沧市图书馆服务创新的思考

    Some Reflection on Scientific Development and Innovation of Library Service

  26. 转变员工观念,实现经营服务创新。

    The stuff member 's ideas innovation and the realization of service improvement .

  27. 服务创新已经成为服务企业发展的关键。

    The service innovation already became the key of the service enterprise development .

  28. 知识经济下服务创新模式的探讨

    On the Service Mode Innovation under the Knowledge-based Economy

  29. 旅游服务创新研究综述

    A Summary of the Researches into Tourism Services Renovation

  30. 制造业的服务创新与差别化战略

    Service Innovation and Differential Competition Strategy of Manufacturing Enterprises