
  • 网络Service learning;service-learning
  1. 服务学习&美国大学中一门独特的反规范课程

    Service Learning & an Original Anti-Normal Course at American Universities

  2. 架设网站,管理及介绍服务学习的档案。

    Construct the net , manage and introduce the case of service learning .

  3. 服务学习(SL)是一种建立在经验学习理论基础上,将课程学习与社区服务相结合的教育方法。

    Service-Learning , based on experiential education theory , is a instruction method that integrates academic study with community service .

  4. 服务学习(Service-Learning)是当代美国教育改革中一种颇为引人注目的课程形式,目前在美国中小学校已趋于普及。

    As a noticeable curriculum form , Service-learning now is popular in elementary and secondary schools of America .

  5. 去年,Amizade全球服务学习和志愿者项目向九个国家提供了300名志愿者。

    The Amizade Global Service-Learning and Volunteer Programs placed three hundred volunteers in nine countries last year .

  6. 自90年代以来,美国高等教育课程改革的焦点之一就是在课程中设置服务学习(Service-Learning),以便把理论与实践紧密地联系起来。

    Since 1990s , one of the focuses of the higher education curriculum reform in the U.S.A is to provide Service-Learning in the program , so that theory and practice can be integrated closely .

  7. 第二部分阐述了美国高校服务学习的基本理论。

    The second part analyses the basic theories of service-learning .

  8. 美国高校服务学习产生及发展动力初探

    Analysis on Emerge and Development of Service Learning in American Colleges and Universities

  9. 本文主要阐述了服务学习在社会工作课程中的运用和探索。

    The article discusses the use and exploration of service-learning in social work .

  10. 美国高等学校的服务学习研究

    A Study on Service-Learning in American Colleges and Universities

  11. 美国服务学习理论概述

    The Summary of Service Learning in America

  12. 对美国服务学习的背景考察是论文的基础。

    The background review of service learning in US is the basis of the thesis .

  13. 美国教师教育中的服务学习

    Service-learning in Teacher Education in America

  14. 服务学习与研究性学习比较及其对区域高校实践教学的启示

    A Comparison of Service and Research Learning and its Significance for Regional Colleges ' Education Practice

  15. 服务学习是一种将学业学习和社区服务有机结合的教育理念和教育实践方法。

    Service learning is an educational concept and practicing way which combines service and learning organically .

  16. 服务学习的两个基本点是满足学习需要和社区需要。

    Service-learning has a two-fold focus : learning for the student and service to the community .

  17. 服务学习初探

    Initial Exploration of Service - Learning

  18. 这次两党联立的立法通过投注“服务学习”而促进了青年人的服务事业。

    This bipartisan legislation promotes the cause of service among young people by investing in service-learning .

  19. 美国中小学服务学习课程:内涵、方案、实施及评价

    Service-learning in Elementary and Secondary Schools of America : Connotation , Program , Implementation and Assessment

  20. 开放型消防服务学习大纲

    Open learning fire service program

  21. 服务学习是一种学习方法,它联系学校和社区,促进合作,积极地回应社区的挑战和机遇。

    Service-learning is a way to join campuses with communities , to positively respond to community challenges and opportunities .

  22. 服务学习和美国的社会历史传统和不断的教育改革有莫大的关系。

    Coming from volunteer service and community service , service-learning ties up with American social tradition and education revolution .

  23. 第四,服务学习运行方式具有反思性,体现了学思并举的教育方法。

    Fourthly , the variety of operation mode in service learning incarnates the equal emphasis on learning and thinking .

  24. 美国高校服务学习经过十几年的迅猛发展,已经成为今天全美各级各类高校普遍运用的一项教学策略。

    After more than 10 years ' development , service learning has been widely used in American colleges and universities .

  25. 美国高校服务学习发展的阶段特征及其影响因素探析

    A Probe into the Features of Service-Learning in American Colleges and Universities in Different Developing Stages and the Influencing Factors

  26. 在北京召开的中国国际远程教育大会围绕网络服务学习型社会高峰论坛,就开放教育的现状与未来进行了深入思考。

    The China International Distance Education Conference held in Beijing focused on the topic ″ Network serves a learning society ″ .

  27. 国内近年来,服务学习应用于师资培育机构有逐渐展开之势,但服务学习融入职前师资培育课程中的情形仍为少数。

    In recent years service learning has started to spread in our country 's teacher education program but still is minority .

  28. 服务学习是国家、学校重塑21世纪青年公民角色的重要机制。

    Service learning is an important mechanism that the country and school used to remold the role of citizens of21thcentury youths .

  29. 第一部分概述了美国高校服务学习的基本内涵,并回顾了服务学习的历史发展。

    The first part summarizes the basic connotation of Service-Learning in American colleges and universities , and it reviews its historical development .

  30. 多年的理论研究和实践探索已经证明服务学习不但是一种有效的教学方式,而且是一种有效的公民教育方法。

    More and more studies have proved that service learning is an effective method not only for instruction but for civic education .