
fú wù fèi
  • service fee;cover charge
  1. hovelstay.com是个新网站,名字很可爱,它的服务费不到3%,而且房价是每晚最高99美元(不含手续费)——不用再艳羡地浏览Airbnb上那些租不起的漂亮房子。

    A new start-up with a cute name , hovelstay.com , charges a lower 3 percent service fee and caps its ( pre-fee ) prices at $ 99 a night - no more browsing jealously through those gorgeous , unaffordable Airbnb digs .

  2. 替您去取,你得交十三元服务费。

    Get it for you for a thirteen yuan service fee .

  3. 这么高的服务费可能使咨询者望而却步。

    The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice .

  4. 您消费50元,另加2.50元的服务费。

    That will be $ 50 , plus a service charge of $ 2.50 .

  5. 这名消费者也被诈取了服务费。

    The consumer is getting screwed by cover charges as well .

  6. 大多数餐馆加收10%的服务费。

    Most restaurants add a 10 per cent service charge .

  7. 所有服务费都不包括增值税。

    All charges for service are exclusive of value added tax

  8. 旅行社对英镑支票收取1%的服务费。

    Travel agents charge 1 per cent commission on sterling cheques

  9. 包括咖啡、服务费及增值税在内,一顿五道菜正餐的价格为30英镑。

    A five-course meal including coffee , service and VAT is £ 30 .

  10. 卖方支付固定的服务费。

    Sellers pay a fixed commission fee .

  11. 凡账单上没收服务费的,是否付小费由你自己决定。

    Where there are no service charges added to the bill , tip at your discretion

  12. 他威胁要扣掉她的服务费。

    He threatens to dock her fee

  13. 这是饭钱,服务费在外。

    That is the price of the meal exclusive of service charge .

  14. 他们厌烦了每个月100多美元的电视费。他们中越来越多的人不再交有线电视和卫星电视服务费,也不用室外天线接收免费电视信号。

    They 're tired of $ 100-plus monthly bills . A growing number of them have stopped paying for cable and satellite TV service , and don 't even use an antenna to get free signals over the air .

  15. balance差额余额如果你保持1000美元的余额,就不必付每月20美元的服务费了

    If you keep a balance of $ 1000 , you won 't have to pay the $ 20 monthly-service fee .

  16. 消费者每月只需支付7至10美元的服务费,无需购买售价约150美元的Office。

    Consumers pay $ 7 to $ 10 a month for the service , rather than buying a copy of Office for about $ 150 .

  17. 本月早些时候,阿里巴巴开始向PC用户收取支付宝交易费,但仍免收手机支付服务费。

    Earlier this month Alibaba also started charging PC users for Alipay transactions , but kept its payment services free on phones .

  18. 花旗和其他大型银行也已经明智地决定,不效法美国银行(BankofAmerica)收取借记卡服务费的做法。

    Citi and other big banks wisely chose not to follow the lead of Bank of America ( BAC ) in imposing fees for using debit cards .

  19. square收取2.75%的交易服务费,大致相当于传统信用卡处理器的收费标准,但不收月费和初装费。

    The transaction fee of 2.75 per cent is similar to that charged by conventional credit card processors but square does not charge monthly or set-up fees .

  20. 首先,和第二个词组onaccountof一样,onthisaccount到底是表示“由于(forthisreason)”的意思,还是表示“与服务费相关的账目”的意思?

    It contains the same ambiguity as the second use of on account of : Does the writer mean " for this reason , " or is he referring to the record of credits related to the services charges ?

  21. 西库勒表示,可以看看通商航运业的例子:澳大利亚海事安全局(AustralianMaritimeSafetyAuthority)提供了实时的港口活动信息,船只可以据此改变航速,节省燃料,让港口服务费降到最低。

    Consider the commercial shipping industry : the Australian Maritime Safety Authority provides information about port activity in real time so that ships can vary their speed to save fuel and minimize port fees , Sicular said .

  22. 香港置地文华东方酒店Amber餐厅的套餐价格(6道菜)为每位3888港币,加收10%的服务费。

    Over at the Mandarin Oriental Landmark 's Amber , the 6-course gastronomic dinner costs HK $ 3,888 per person , plus 10 % service charge .

  23. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)称,麦格理银行原本预计可从相关交易中获得高达7亿澳元的服务费,包括该交易本身及再融资和资产出售等后续交易。

    The bank stood to reap up to A $ 700m in fees from the deal and subsequent related transactions such as refinancing and asset sales , according to JPMorgan .

  24. 我的同事Eddie告诉我那里有个特别棒的DJ,舞池很大,服务费也合适。

    Eddie from work told me that they have a really good DJ and a big dance floor , and the cover charge isn 't bad .

  25. 在此之外,外商投资公司将收取VIE公司一笔服务费,以弥补为其开发和维护网上交易平台的费用。

    On top of that , the WFOE will charge the VIE for a technical service charge to compensate for developing and maintaining the internet trading platform .

  26. 中国民生银行(ChinaMinshengBank)在上周提交的一份监管申报文件中表示,它通过销售一系列安邦产品,获得的服务费收入高达600亿元人民币(合87亿美元)。安邦持有民生银行18%的股权。

    China Minsheng Bank , in which Anbang owns an 18 per cent stake , said in a filing last week that it may earn up to Rmb60bn ( $ 8.7bn ) in service fees by distributing a range of Anbang products .

  27. 此次上市的联席全球协调人是中金公司(CICC)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),还有农行内部的证券部门。这些机构有望赚取大笔服务费。

    The joint global co-ordinators for the offering , who stand to earn the biggest fees , are CICC , Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley , as well as Agricultural Bank 's internal securities unit .

  28. 你可能也注意到,在你最终预订之前,Airbnb会宰你一刀,它的服务费是6%至12%。

    You 've also probably noticed Airbnb 's service fees of 6 to 12 percent when they ambush you before you finalize your reservation .

  29. 国土安全局现在要求申请F-1的学生支付200美元的SEVIS服务费,然后再申请签证。

    Homeland Security is now requiring F-1 students to pay a $ 200 SEVIS fee before the student can apply for the visa .

  30. Wai说:你付给中介额外的服务费,他们却不一定为你找到最优惠的票价,常常是全价经济舱,这并非首选。

    ' You pay a premium for a travel agent , but they don 't necessarily find the best fares , and it 's usually a Y-class fare , not priority , ' Ms. Wai says .