
  • 网络Satisfied with the service;service satisfaction
  1. 适用于顾客提供产品、服务满意程度的调查、分析、确认。

    For customers with the products , service satisfaction survey , analysis , confirm .

  2. 顾客的感知公平中,除了程序公平,其余各个感知公平维度都与服务满意呈显著的正相关。

    In the fairness of customer awareness , all elements shows positive effect to service satisfaction except for procedural justice .

  3. 我们对那家酒店的服务满意极了。

    I 'm quite satisfied with the service of that hotel .

  4. 在大城市里给百分之十五小费表示对服务满意;

    A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service ;

  5. 您对工程一、二、三部服务满意吗?

    Do you satisfied with the project dept.I , II , III ?

  6. 阁下对本酒店客房设施及服务满意程度如何?

    Do our facilities in the Guest room satisfy your esteemed guests ?

  7. 先生,你对我们的服务满意吗?

    Are you satisfied with our service , sir ?

  8. 产品优质,价格合理,交货准时,服务满意。

    Best in Quality , Competitive Price , Timely Delivery , Efficient Service .

  9. 提高老年病房服务满意率的做法与体会

    The practice and experience of improving the patients ' satisfaction rate in elderly ward

  10. 您对行政中心的服务满意吗?

    Do you satisfied with our administration centre ?

  11. 努力使我们的客人对产品满意,对我们的服务满意。

    We endeavor to make our customers satisfied with good service and good quality products .

  12. 你对我的服务满意吗?

    Are you satisfied with your care ?

  13. 亦想透过此问卷了解阁下对亚洲博览馆的配套服务满意程度。

    I would also like to know how satisfied you are with the services in Asia-World Expo .

  14. 结果急诊科质量检查达标,服务满意率明显上升。

    Result As a result , the quality of emergency nursing achieved to be qualified and patients'satisfaction got increased .

  15. 目的:(1)研制一份可以测评患者对护理服务满意程度的科学的问卷调查表;

    Objective ( 1 ) To develop a questionnaire which can evaluate the patients ' satisfaction level to nursing service .

  16. 忠诚顾客中97.04%都是对医院服务满意的顾客,而满意顾客只有31.62%是忠诚顾客。

    97.04 % loyal customers are satisfied with the health service , yet only 31.62 % satisfied customers are loyal customers .

  17. 揭示其他顾客不当行为对同属顾客的服务满意及行为倾向的影响机理,并检验关系质量的调节作用。

    Analyze the impact of other customer misbehavior on customer service satisfaction and behavioral intentions , testing the moderating effect of relationship quality .

  18. 运动赛会观光服务满意度因素方面,共计有「周边交通」、「会场服务」、「表演活动」、「周边活动」等四个因素。

    The factors of the tourist service satisfaction including " peripheral transportation "," event site service "," show activity " and " peripheral activity " .

  19. 提高了护士整体素质,病人对护理服务满意率提高到95%。

    As a result , the general quality of nurses was improved and the patients ' satisfaction rate with nursing service raised to 95 % .

  20. 我们一贯奉行“品质第一、交期准确、服务满意”的宗旨,为您提供质量优良、可靠耐用的产品,以满足您的要求。

    We always keep " quality first , delivery in time , perfect service ", Supply good quality , reliable durable products to meet your requests .

  21. 以“质量为本、信誉永远、服务满意”为宗旨,弘扬民族正气,铸造轴承精品为企业精神。

    " Quality-oriented , the credibility of Forever , service satisfaction " for the purpose of carrying forward the national righteousness , casting quality bearings for the entrepreneurial spirit .

  22. 大学生对学校卫生服务满意率低,高校医院要提高服务意识和能力,构建和谐医患关系。

    They are dissatisfied with health services of college . The college hospital must improve the treatment level and service awareness to assure a harmonious relationship between the patients and doctors .

  23. 为了保证整个供应链经济、高效地运行,保证顾客对产品和服务满意,就必须对整个供应链中的产品和服务的质量进行管理和控制。

    In order to ensure the supply chain run more economic and more efficiently and satisfy the customers demand , it necessary to manage and control the quality of product and service .

  24. 建立优质服务满意率测评链;完善机关绩效评价机制,打造学习型机关团队。

    Thirdly , give prominence to innovation in hospital management : establish appraising chain of satisfaction rate of high quality service , improve mechanism of performance evaluation to build learning type group .

  25. 影响国内游客对山西省旅游环境满意的因素主要与景观资源满意、住宿服务满意、景区形象满意、管理与服务满意有着密切的关系;

    In china , the factors affecting tourists ' satisfactory degree towards Shanxi tourism environment have closely relationship with the satisfactions of scenic spots resources , accommodation services , scenic spot images and management services ;

  26. 使消费者在购买、使用产品以后,对产品及服务满意,并最终体验到幸福的感觉,这是企业及设计师开发产品的终极目的。

    So that consumers in the purchase , after using the product , satisfied with the products and services and , ultimately , to experience the feeling of happiness , which is developing products companies and designers the ultimate goal .

  27. 其中,信任就是信任一个维度,关系利益包括关系利益(社会、经济利益)和心理利益,满意包括服务满意和产品满意(或核心服务),联系包括便利联系、经技联系和法律约束。

    Trust is one dimension of trust , relational benefits include social and economical benefits and psychological benefits , satisfaction includes service satisfaction and product satisfaction ( or core service satisfaction ), bond includes convenience bond , economical and technological bond and law bond .

  28. 从用户角度来说,QoS是用户对网络提供服务的满意程度;而从业务角度来说,则是网络向业务所提供的带宽、延时、丢包率等参数的指标。

    From view of user , QoS is the satisfaction with services ; and from services point , it is the performance parameter such as bandwidth , delay , packet loss rate and so on .

  29. 研究了系统的维修服务顾客满意指标(CSI)设计和顾客满意测评(CST)方法,(?)点研究了CSI指标的设定方法及程序、问卷的设计方法和问卷的检验优化方法。

    This paper studies Customer Satisfaction Index design and Customer Satisfaction Test method , Focus on the method and procedure of CSI design , the method of question paper design , testing and optimizing .

  30. 他直言不讳地说他对服务不满意。

    He made no bones about his dissatisfaction with the service .