
ɡù kè mǎn yì dù
  • customer satisfaction
  1. 他们的移动业务的顾客满意度高达90%以上。

    Customer satisfaction with their mobile service runs at more than 90 per cent .

  2. 2000版ISO9000顾客满意度与过程方法模式分析及质保实例

    ISO9000:2000 Customer Satisfaction and Process Method Mode Analysis and QA Example

  3. 基于FUZZYAHP的顾客满意度权重计算方法的研究

    Research on Computing Weight of Customer Satisfaction Based on Fuzzy AHP

  4. 顾客满意度的模糊DEA评价

    Evaluation of Customer Satisfactory Degree with Fuzzy Theory and DEA Method

  5. 目前,以B2C电子商务企业为对象进行顾客满意度评价的研究成果并不丰富。

    At present , researches based on B2C e-commerce enterprise customer satisfaction degree evaluation are not rich .

  6. 采用模糊评价法对国产与进口移动电话的顾客满意度CSD的量化结果进行测评,可有效指导国内移动电话的生产与经销企业的营销策略。

    The vague methods to evaluate the customers ' satisfaction degree can effectively guide .

  7. 本文提出了应用广义最大熵(GeneralizedMaximumEntropy,简称GME)的方法对顾客满意度进行测评,该方法能够处理有限的或者不完全数据。

    In this paper , a new method for limited or incomplete data based on generalized maximum entropy is applied to measure customer satisfaction .

  8. 正基于此,本文通过分析E公司这个跨国制造企业的供应链管理模式,提出了供应链环境下基于顾客满意度的物流服务质量体系,并选择模糊层次分析法(模糊AHP)进行了评价。

    Therefore , a logistics service quality system based on customer satisfaction under supply chain environment has been established by analyzing the supply chain management mode of E-Company .

  9. 把质量功能展开(Qualityfunctiondeployment,QFD)方法引入到顾客满意度测评研究中,建立了顾客满意度测评的质量功能展开模型。

    First , we introduce Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) into the evaluation for customer satisfaction index ( CSI ) . Then a customer satisfaction measurement model based on the QFD is set up .

  10. 当顾客满意度指数测评指标和测量成分较多时,PLS回归建模方法和模糊综合评判方法都存在简化测量成分而造成信息损失和难以估计预测精度的问题。

    When there is too many evaluation targets and ingredients , the above methods will lead to information loss and sharply accuracy decrease .

  11. 顾客满意度的增加,实际上通过ROI、股票价格收益、市场占有率、和资产净值的增加来影响经济绩效。

    The customer satisfaction increases the economic performance by way of the ROI , the stock price income , market share , and the increase of the net asset value .

  12. 本文借鉴了顾客满意度测量模型和SERVQUAL模型,这些理论模型在国内外研究服务满意度和服务质量时使用比较普遍,也比较成熟。

    The two models have been used widely and are mature on research service quality and satisfaction at home and abroad .

  13. 目前国际通行的顾客满意度指数测评方法是美国CSI的创始人fornell教授提出的基于偏最小二乘(PLS)的结构方程模型(SEM)方法。

    At present , Professor fornell , the founder of American CSI proposed a measure method that uses PLS and SEM to measure CSI , which is very popular in the world .

  14. 吸引力因子法模型、顾客满意度模型都能够用来间接测量旅游目的地形象营销的效果,此外,旅游促销Bayes决策分析模型提供了具体的旅游目的地形象营销手段。

    Appeal factor law model , customer satisfaction model can measure travel destination result , image of marketing indirectly to use , in addition , tourist promotion Bayes strategy models have offered the concrete travel destination image marketing means .

  15. 然后结合医疗卫生服务行业的特点,基于ACSI模型并利用PLS建模方法构建了医院顾客满意度指数模型。

    Then according to the characteristics of the health services career , based on the ACSI model and PLS model method to build the Hospital Customer Satisfaction Degree Index Model .

  16. 近20年来,西方发达国家普遍意识到了顾客满意度的作用、地位和意义,从定性和定量两个方面对CSD进行了系统研究。

    With the general awareness of CSD 's role , place and significance in the developed countries in the West , a systematic study has been made on CSD both qualitatively and quantitatively .

  17. 目前,遵循ISO9000标准建立企业质量管理体系,并以此推动企业的质量管理、提高产品质量和顾客满意度,已经成为国内外企业普遍关注的热点。

    At present , it is the hot point to establish the Quality Management System ( QMS ) with ISO9000 standard , according ISO9000 to promote the quality management and to advance the product quality and to advance the satisfaction of customer .

  18. 以开封市为例,以顾客满意度(CSD)为理论基础,通过对游客随机抽样调查和大量问卷取证,获得开封市的游客感知度和满意等级隶属度。

    This research is to take Kaifeng City as an example , with CSD as the theoretical foundation , passing tourist ′ s random sampling and a great deal of questionnaires of visitors acquire the tourist perception degree and the satisfaction grades belonging degree of Kaifeng City .

  19. 利用外部资料来提高运营水平和顾客满意度。

    Utilizes external data to improve operational excellence and customer satisfaction .

  20. 顾客满意度测评研究及实例分析

    Research and a Case Study on the Measurement of Customer Satisfaction

  21. 汽车维修企业服务质量的顾客满意度测评

    Customer satisfaction degree evaluation of service quality of automobile maintenance enterprises

  22. 第四章:顾客满意度测评的误差控制。

    The error controlling of the measurement of customer satisfaction index .

  23. 服务产业顾客满意度测度研究

    The Research on the Estimate of Service Industry 's Customer Satisfaction

  24. 油田社区物业管理的顾客满意度研究

    Research on the Customer Satisfaction in Property Management of Oilfield Community

  25. 基于支持向量机的移动电话顾客满意度评价系统

    Customer Satisfaction Degree Evaluation System of Mobile Phones Based on SVM

  26. 基于顾客满意度的品牌忠诚模型实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Bank Brand Loyalty Based on Customer Satisfaction

  27. 供应链组织合作提升顾客满意度分析

    Analysis of Promoting Customer Satisfaction Through Cooperation in the Supply Chain

  28. 用模糊特征量化方法进行顾客满意度测评

    Fuzzy attribute quantification method to evaluate customer satisfaction - rate

  29. 高校教学质量顾客满意度测评研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation on University 's Teaching Qualities

  30. 供电企业顾客满意度指数测评方案探讨

    The Discussion of Test Program of Power Supply Enterprise Customer Satisfactory Index