
  1. 将具有专业特定功能的电子军务应用系统应用于军事工作很有意义。

    It will be meaningful to use E-military in the army .

  2. 他建议他们大力研究军事工作。

    He recommended that they should devote great effort to military work .

  3. 我希望那部分的军事工作能完成。

    And I hope that part of the military work will work out .

  4. 不仅是因为情报工作是最绅士的军事工作,

    It was not simply that Intelligence traditionally represented the most gentlemanly war work ;

  5. 丹尼斯顿申请增加人手,以便在地中海地区进行军事工作。

    Denniston had to plead for an increase in staff to match the military activity in the Mediterranean .

  6. 除了军事工作外,为了补给军需,这些戍卒们也会从事屯田等农业活动。

    In addition to military work , in order to supply munitions Garrison have also engaged in agricultural activities .

  7. 目前,德国牧羊犬,荷兰牧羊犬和比利时玛利诺犬已被证明是最好的选择,作为标准地做好军事工作犬。

    Currently the German Shepherd , Dutch Shepherd and Belgian Malinois have proven to be the best choice as the standard military working dog .

  8. (四)党对于军事工作没有积极的注意和讨论,也是形成一部分同志的单纯军事观点的原因。

    The Party 's failure actively to attend to and discuss military work is also a reason for the emergence of the purely military viewpoint among a number of comrades .

  9. 但是一些员工认为,因为最终要为带来的敏感和潜在的致命工作担责的不是算法本身,而是创造它们的人,谷歌不应该参与军事工作。

    But some employees believe humans , not algorithms , should be responsible for this sensitive and potentially lethal work - and that Google shouldn 't be involved in military work at all .

  10. 此外,党务工作还存在三种倾向:只重上层、没有下层;缺乏群众基础,只注海外工作;只重军事工作,忽视开展党务。

    In addition , there still exists a party of three tendencies : " only the upper weight , no lower " lack mass base , and only note overseas , only heavy military work , ignored in party affairs .

  11. 但是官方历史认为他们很不幸,因为他们在1936年之后所做的大量军事工作,几乎没有关于德国的。

    but the official history was to describe it as ' unfortunate ' that ' despite the growing effort applied at GC and CS to military work after 1936 , so little attention was devoted to the German problem . '

  12. 军事飞行员工作绩效结构的分析

    The analysis of the structure for job performance of Chinese military aviators

  13. 他们会在阿富汗境内至少九个军事基地工作。

    They 'll work out of at least nine bases across Afghanistan .

  14. 论抗日解放区战场的军事经济工作

    Military economic work in the battlefield of liberation area in the Anti-Japanese War

  15. 其中的一些有军事情报工作背景。

    Several of his staff members have military-intelligence backgrounds .

  16. 整个战争年代他都在美国本土的军事基地工作。

    He spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US .

  17. 新时期军事经济工作应正确处理的几个关系

    Problems in military economic work in New Period

  18. 把握市场经济特点做好军事经济工作

    Characteristics of market economy and military economic work

  19. 军队财务收支工作是一项综合性的军事经济工作。

    The work of financial expenditure is the army military economic work a comprehensive .

  20. 设计质量评审中的军事代表工作

    Brief Discuss of the Work of Military Deputation in the Comment on Design Quality

  21. 本文就设计质量评审中的军事代表工作做一些初步的探讨。

    This article gave some of brief discusses on the work of military deputation .

  22. 是时候把军事科技工作转移到中国了,一切都准备好了!

    It 's about time military technology jobs goto China , everything else has already !

  23. 目前,计算机网络的应用已经深入到军事、工作和生活的每一个角落。

    Computer networks have penetrated into every nook of military , working and life today .

  24. 对军事经济工作改革的思考&学习社会主义市场经济理论的一点体会

    THINKING ON THE REFORM OF MILITARY ECONOMIC WORK & experience of studying socialist market economy theory

  25. 委托代理理论述评设计质量评审中的军事代表工作

    Deputation Theory Review Brief Discuss of the Work of Military Deputation in the Comment on Design Quality

  26. 工作分析的方法、综合性职业数据分析系统等是军事职业工作分析的重点研究。

    The methods of job analysis and comprehensive occupational data analysis programs are the focuses of job analysis .

  27. 在武装部队缩减的时代,美国转而求助私营公司履行军事援外工作。

    In era of shrinking armed forces , America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid .

  28. 我院军事教育工作取得了不少成绩,同时,也存在着几个亟待解决的问题。

    Although we have got some achievements in quality-oriented education by military education , there are still some urgent problems .

  29. 我知道他从来没去过海外;整个战争年代他都在美国本土的军事基地工作。

    I know he never got overseas ; he spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US .

  30. 随着基地军事训练工作的不断发展,军事训练信息化管理的要求也越来越迫切。

    With the continued development of military training work in our base , the requirements of the military training information management is becoming more and more urgent .