
jūn shì shǒu duàn
  • military means
  1. 纯军事手段的战争,是外行的战争。

    Wars by pure military means are wars of laymen .

  2. 日本正是以军事手段为支撑,来谋求政治大国发展。

    Japan is supported by military means to seek political power development .

  3. 存在选择军事手段的切实可能这一点将会起到作用。

    The real existence of a military option will come into play

  4. 他从一开始就认为美国及其盟国过于强调军事手段。

    He 's argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option

  5. 同时,美国正准备对叙利亚采取军事手段。

    Meanwhile , the US is preparing military options against Syria .

  6. 进行战争一般是用军事手段克敌制胜。

    Its tactics therefore were an amalgam of both of these activities .

  7. 总统详述了所有可能采取的军事手段。

    The President talked through all the military options .

  8. 仅靠军事手段化解不了这场危机。

    Military means alone will not end the crisis .

  9. 当然,朝鲜对这些军事手段感到反感。

    Now , of course , North Korea does not like these military options .

  10. 利用军事手段对他国进行干涉是美国新干涉主义的最高表现形式。

    Using military measures to intervene some countries is the highest exhibition of neo-interventionism .

  11. 一个国家如果能用和平的方式达到目的,就不会采取军事手段。

    A nation would not choose war if its goals could be met peacefully .

  12. 他还说,并非所有问题都可以用军事手段来解决,这也说得没错。

    He was also right to say that not every problem has a military solution .

  13. 戈尔巴乔夫上台后,在军事手段仍然无效的情况下,决定从阿富汗退出。

    Gorbachev decided to retreat from Afghanistan when he found the military aggression was in vain .

  14. 美国人始终希望通过外交而不是军事手段解决问题。

    The Americans always hope that there would be a diplomatic rather than a military outcome .

  15. 不愿诉诸军事手段并不意味着中国害怕战争。

    The reluctance to resort to military means doesn 't mean China is afraid of war . '

  16. 从伊拉克战争论夺取制空权的军事手段

    On Military Measures for Air Supremacy from the Iraq War On Supremacy of Law On the Military Power

  17. 美国新基督教右翼势力的主要观点是在国际问题上,主张强权政治,认为只有通过军事手段才能保证和平;

    The main viewpoint of American New Christian Right force is maintaining power politics on the international issues .

  18. 经济制裁取代军事手段成为冷战后国际干预的重要手段;

    Economic sanction has become the important means of the international interference after cold war instead of military sanction ;

  19. 由于这不可能通过经济或常规军事手段实现,于是搭载核弹头的弹道导弹就成了他唯一的选择。

    Since this is impossible through the economy or conventional military , nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles are his only option .

  20. 签署巴黎协定之后,北越并没有立即采用军事手段统一南方。

    After signing the Paris Agreement , North Vietnam didn 't conquer the South Vietnam by force at once .

  21. 阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克对记者说,仅仅通过军事手段不可能取得战争的胜利。

    Defense Minister Wardak told reporters that the current war against them cannot be won only by military means .

  22. 不能仅用军事手段。一词汇讲解当孩子们的游戏过于吵闹时,他们的母亲叫他们停下来。士兵们停下来休息。

    When the children 's play got too noisy , their mother called a The soldiers for a rest .

  23. 通常,人们认为该条约第五条规定美国有义务以军事手段保卫其盟国。

    Article V of the treaty is commonly believed to commit the US to defend its ally by military means .

  24. 即使是人道主义行动,也不应诉诸军事手段。

    Compulsory means should not be adopted indiscreetly , nor should military means be resorted to even for humanitarian ends .

  25. 他们表示,该组织仍然还在继续一系列非军事手段来监视和破坏伊朗核计划。

    A mix of non-military methods to monitor and disrupt Iran 's nuclear plans is still , they say , working .

  26. 大战略是指为了达到安全目的的一系列政治与军事手段。

    Grand strategy is the collection of political and military means and ends with which a state attempts to achieve security .

  27. 其基本原则是通过政治和军事手段保卫成员国的自由和安全。

    The fundamental role of MADS is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means .

  28. 因此,各个国家无不用尽各种政治、经济和军事手段,加强本国石油安全体系的建设。

    Consequently , all countries use various political , economic , and military means to enhance the construction of petroleum security system .

  29. 在某种程度上,美国利用经济政策和对外贸易的手段达到了政治、军事手段所没有达到的效果。

    To some extent , the economic policies and foreign trade means adopted by America are more efficient than political and military means .

  30. 我,与全世界其他许多领导人一道,都采纳了这个目标,并将积极通过非军事手段来争取实现这一目标。

    I , along with many other world leaders , have embraced that goal , and will actively pursue it through non-military means .