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  1. 这项军事指挥权的交接,正值塔利班不断进行引人瞩目的袭击事件,以及阿富汗安全部队接管某些地区的安全责任之际。

    The change in command comes as the Taliban continues to carry out high-profile attacks and Afghan security forces take over security in some areas of the country .

  2. 有道理。但是,从神学上找理由反对把军事指挥控制权交给北约,暴露了法国外交的幼稚。

    But theological objections to vesting military command and control in Nato have shown the childish side of French diplomacy .

  3. 他被授以这次军事行动的作战指挥权。

    He was given tactical command of the operation .