
  • 网络frigate bird;Frigatebird;frigate;Fregata
  1. 军舰鸟不但是世界上飞得最快的海鸟,而且是最擅长远洋飞行的海鸟。

    Frigate birds are not only the fastest , but also the most acrobatic ocean-going birds .

  2. 食物包括鱼类、海龟、海鸟、海狮、海船上所弃杂物等。军舰鸟不但是世界上飞得最快的海鸟,而且是最擅长远洋飞行的海鸟。

    " Its diet includes fishes , sea turtles , Birds , sea lions , small whales , carcasses , and ships ' garbage . " Frigate birds are not only the fastest , but also the most acrobatic ocean-going birds .

  3. 一只盘旋的军舰鸟给他指明了海豚追逐飞鱼的地方。

    A hovering mar-of-war bird showed him where dolphin were chasing some flying fish .

  4. 军舰鸟在空中飞得高些了,又盘旋起来,双翅纹丝不动。

    The bird went higher in the air and circled again , his wings motionless .

  5. 就在这时,他看见一只长翅膀的黑色军舰鸟在他前方的天空中盘旋飞翔。

    Just then he saw a man-of-war bird with his long black wings circling in the sky ahead of him .

  6. 军舰鸟也没有机会,飞鱼对它来说太大了,并且它们速度太快。

    The bird has no chance . The flying fish are too big for him and they go too fast .

  7. 一只盘旋的军舰鸟给老人指明了海豚追逐飞鱼的地方。但是鱼群游得太快,也太远了。

    A hovering man-of-war bird showed him where dolphin were chasing some flying fish , but the school was moving too fast and too far away .

  8. 岛上栖息着多达5000对壮观的候鸟军舰鸟,度假村提供观鸟、徒步旅行以及水肺潜水、钓鱼和帆船项目,还有一间餐厅,主打本地食材。

    The island is frequented by up to 5000 pairs of magnificent migratingfrigate birds , and the resort offers bird-watching and hiking as well as scuba diving , fishing and sailing and a restaurant that focuses on local ingredients .