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jūn shì ɡōnɡ yè
  • military industry;war industry
  1. 军事工业与民用工业齐步发展;

    Military industry developed in the same step of civil industry ;

  2. 转轨经济军事工业商业化研究

    Commercialization of the Military Industry in the Period of Economy Transition

  3. 目前主要应用于军事工业和航空航天工业。

    It 's mainly applied in the military , aviatic and astronautic industries .

  4. 国际合作和平利用军事工业技术会议

    Conference on International Cooperation in Peaceful Use of Military Industrial Technology

  5. 军事工业生产性噪声对工人听力的影响

    Effect of productive noise in military industry on workers hearing

  6. 高密度钨合金及其在军事工业中的应用

    Investigation on high density tungsten alloy and its application in military industry

  7. 山西抗日根据地军事工业初探

    Analysis of the Military Industry of Anti-Japan War Base in Shanxi Province

  8. 日本军事工业发展模式浅析

    Development Model of the Japanese Military Industry and the Enlightenment

  9. 近代文化;军事工业;文化教育。

    Modern age culture ; Military industry ; Cultural education .

  10. 两年内,我们的军事工业,有了相当大的增长。

    In the past two years our war industries have grown considerably .

  11. 军事工业运行效率的特殊规定性&军工产出与社会贡献的效率解释

    Specific event of working efficiency as regards defense industries

  12. 高技术战争条件下世界军事工业发展的基本趋向

    The basic development trend of the world military industry

  13. 论清末军事工业

    On Military Industry at the end of Qing Dynasty

  14. 湍流冲击射流在工程和军事工业中都具有广泛的应用。

    Turbulent impinging jets are widely used in engineering and military industrial field .

  15. 世界军事工业调整策略探析

    An analysis of the adjustment of world military industry

  16. 晋冀豫根据地军事工业的生产与经营(1937~1945)

    Production and Management in the Base of Jin-Ji-Yu ( 1937 ~ 1945 );

  17. 日本的军事工业必须拆除;

    Japan 's war industries must be dismantled ;

  18. 资产专用性、交易成本与组织&军事工业合约治理的经济学分析

    Asset specialization , transaction cost and organization Roles of cost management in development organization

  19. 军事工业需求探讨

    Probing into the Demand of Military Industry

  20. 美国军事工业的新调整

    A new readjustment of American military industry

  21. 后冷战时期美国军事工业的重组、发展及其影响

    American Military Industries in the Post-Cold War Era : Restructuring , Development and Its Influence

  22. 晚清时期,受聘来华洋员对中国军事工业近代化起了重要的推动作用。

    The foreign employees had an important pushing effect on modernization of Chinese military enterprises .

  23. 本系统实现了通用模型多屏幕高分辨率绘制和立体绘制,在汽车工业,建筑行业,模具制造行业,军事工业等行业具有广泛的应用价值。

    It can be used in many industries , such as car industry , architecture industry .

  24. 对我国军事工业管理体制改革问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary Probing into the Problem of the Reform of Management System of China 's Defence Industry

  25. 军事工业的技术创新策略初探

    Technical innovation tactics of military industry

  26. 来保持你军事工业的完整。

    To maintain your military-industrial complex .

  27. 福州船政局是洋务派创办的一个典型的近代军事工业企业,在其并不算长的历史发展过程中创造了辉煌的企业业绩。

    As a typical martial industrial enterprise , Foochow Dockyard has created a magnificent enterprise achievement .

  28. 清末军事工业是中国工业近代化的开端。

    At the end of Qing dynasty , military industry initiated the beginning of Chinese industry modernization .

  29. 我们建立军事工业,须使之不助长依赖性。

    In establishing our own war industry we must not allow ourselves to become dependent on it .

  30. 现在俄罗斯正在成为一个完全的资本主义国家,有丰富的自然资源和复杂的军事工业。

    Now Russia is becoming a fully capitalist country with the vast natural resources and military industrial complex .