
jūn shì dài biǎo tuán
  • military mission
  1. 我们欢迎俄国军事代表团前来,以便协商未来的计划。

    We welcome arrival of Russian Military Mission in order to concert future plans .

  2. 然而,在越南一个高级军事代表团在刚刚过去的周末访问北京后,双边关系据报道已经平静下来。

    However , relations have reportedly been soothed this weekend by the visit to Beijing of a high-level Vietnamese military delegation .

  3. 中国各级军事代表团应邀对东北亚、东南亚、南亚、中亚地区多个国家的军队进行了成功访问。

    Chinese military delegations at various levels have made successful military visits on invitation to many countries in Northeast , Southeast , South and Central Asia regions .

  4. 今年4月,为了庆祝中国人民海军建军60周年,中国在青岛举行了海上阅兵式,29个国家的军事代表团参加了此次阅兵。

    In April , China celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy with a parade off its east coast port of Qingdao in front of military delegations from 29 countries .