
jūn tuán
  • legion;corps;army group
军团 [jūn tuán]
  • [army group] 集合两个军以上的大部队;方面军和集团军的统称

军团[jūn tuán]
  1. 该标准是国内第一个供暖散热器产品的国标。我国供暖散热器的新主力军团&全铜水道散热器

    The standard is the first national standard for heating radiator production in China . A New Main Army Group of Heating Radiator Industry in China & All-copper Water Radiator

  2. 长征开始前,他因反对军事指挥上的教条主义,被错误地撤销了总参谋长的职务,到五军团去当参谋长。

    Before the long march , because of his opposition to dogmatism in the military command , he was wrongly dismissed from the post of chief of the general staff and demoted to chief of staff of the Fifth Army Group of the Chinese workers'and Peasants'Red army .

  3. 罗马军团最后一支部队于公元410年离开英国。

    The last of the Roman legions left Britain in AD 410 .

  4. 他早在1941年就被任命为非洲军团的指挥官。

    Early in 1941 he was named commander of the Afrika Korps .

  5. 该军团是专门为在印度作战而从苏格兰高地征募来的。

    The regiment was recruited from the Highlands specifically for service in India .

  6. 他们在那里对罗马军团进行了最后的抵抗,场面英勇而悲壮。

    There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions .

  7. 实力雄厚的英国军团喜忧参半。

    The strong British contingent suffered mixed fortunes

  8. 在这里不可能完整地论述古罗马军团复杂的历史。

    It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion .

  9. 军团正在本城镇附近集结。

    The corps are assembling near this town .

  10. 几乎不可战胜的撑杆跳高名将伊辛巴耶娃又给俄罗斯军团增添一金。

    And the almost unbeatable pole-vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva added one more gold to Russia 's tally .

  11. 军团士兵在凯旋归国时,不肯服从执政官的命令。

    The legionaries , on their victorious return , refused any longer to obey the consuls .

  12. 8月29日,中国军团在东京残奥会上成绩亮眼。东京残奥会中国代表团继续夺金之旅,8月29日当天收获16枚金牌,以46枚金牌和104枚奖牌的成绩继续位列金牌榜和奖牌榜榜首。

    China 's Paralympians continued their gold rush at Tokyo 2020 , pocketing 16 more golds on Sunday and keeping the country atop the medal standings with 46 golds and 104 medals in total .

  13. 嗜肺军团菌DNA疫苗的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies of DNA Vaccines Against Legionella Pneumophila

  14. 半套式PCR检测军团菌方法的建立及应用

    Establishment and Application of Semi - nested PCR for Detection of Legionella Species

  15. 空调冷却塔水与空气军团菌的PCR方法快速检测

    Rapid Detection of Legionella in Cooling Tower Water and Air with Different PCR Methods

  16. 穿着悍妇装,试着击退大规模不死军团的机器人大boss,这个人到底是谁?

    Who the hell tries to fight off a massive legion of indestructible robot overlords in a dominatrix outfit ?

  17. 用Nested聚合酶链反应(nestedPCR)法检测嗜肺军团菌种。

    The nested polymerase chain reaction ( Nested PCR ) was used to detect legionella pneumophila .

  18. 对肺炎支原体、肺炎衣原体、军团菌标准菌株进行单一PCR扩增,对扩增产物进行DNA序列分析。

    DNA amplification were carried out to Standard strain of Mycoplasma pneumoniae , Chlamydia pneumoniae and legionella pneumophila , and analysis the amplified products .

  19. 军团菌rcp毒力基因的聚合酶链反应检测方法研究

    Detection of Legionella pneumophila rcp Virulence Gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction

  20. 而今,他将率领一支逾2900人nbc环球军团奔赴北京。

    Now he will be leading a 2900-strong NBC Universal army to Beijing .

  21. 嗜肺军团菌对人体中性粒细胞NBT还原作用的影响

    Effect of legionella pneumophila on NBT reduction of human neutrophils

  22. 其形态染色性、营养需要、生长特性、生化反应性、DNA和蛋白质分析结果均符合嗜肺军团菌鉴定要求。

    Its morphologic and tinctorial properties , nutritional requirements , growth characteristics , biochemical reactions , as well as results of DNA and peptide analysis overall met the criteria for identification of Legionella pneumophila .

  23. 目的了解深圳市中央空调冷却塔军团菌污染现况及水环境的pH值、温度等因素对军团菌的影响。

    Objective To understand the status of contamination of Legionella in the air-condition cooling tower in public places of Shenzhen and the relation between pH , temperature of cooling tower water and Legionella .

  24. n.军队;众多;(古罗马)军团adj.大量的;

    a large group of soldiers who form a part of an army , especially the ancient Roman army : very large in number

  25. 实验室血清IgM检测结果:军团菌16.88%,乙型流感病毒15.58%,支原体11.68%。

    The positive serological IgM antibody for legionella was 16 . 88 % for flu was 15.58 % and for mycoplasmal was 11.68 % .

  26. 采用煮沸法制备细菌染色体DNA,PCR法检测环境水军团菌敏感性为280cfu/ml水,检查临床标本军团菌为560cfu/ml支气管灌洗液。

    Preparing bacterial genomic DNA by boiling method , the assay could detect 280cfu / ml water and 560 cfu / ml clinical bronchial fluid respectively .

  27. 雷鸟的这个室内市场是该学院今年推出的新模式的一部分,被通俗地称为全球军团(TheGlobalCohort),并与美国国务院合作。

    The market at Thunderbird is part of a new model the school launched this year , colloquially called ' The Global Cohort ' and run in partnership with the US Department of State .

  28. 已经证明,Mip蛋白是一些动物病原微生物(例如嗜肺军团菌、沙眼衣原体、淋球菌等)的重要致病因子。

    Mip proteins have been identified as important virulence factor in several animal pathogens such as Legionella pneumophila , Chlamydia trachomatis , Neisseria gonorrhoeae .

  29. 深圳市公共场所冷却塔水中嗜肺军团菌Mip序列分型研究

    Sequence - based classification scheme for the Legionella pneumophila in the air - condition cooling tower in public sites of Shenzhen targeting the mip gene

  30. 泳池边上,剃光了头、肌肉发达、刺着纹身的法国外籍军团(ForeignLegionnaires)正在来来回回地游泳,晒黑了的法国大使夫人和一个美国传教士家庭几个面色苍白的女儿看着他们。

    Down by the pool , Foreign Legionnaires with shaven heads and muscular , tattooed torsos are swimming laps watched by tanned French embassy wives and the pale daughters of an American missionary family .