
jìn xiānɡ
  • offer incense in a temple;worship in a temple
进香 [jìn xiāng]
  • [go to a Buddhist temple and offer incense to Buddha] 到圣地或庙宇烧香朝拜

  1. 泰山香社传统进香仪式研究

    A Study of the Incense-offering Ritual by Tai-Mount Incense Society

  2. 进香过后,就给祖父母及叔叔们拜年。

    Pilgrimage after the New Year give grandparents and uncles .

  3. 虔诚地趱程要到你那里进香,

    Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee ,

  4. 我们每天应该给和尚们吃的,按时去庙里(进香)。

    We should offer food to the monks every day , go to the temple regularly .

  5. 中国很多佛教居士在某些特殊日子(如赴当地寺庙进香献祭时)禁用肉食;

    Many lay Chinese Buddhists renounce meat on certain days , when they make offerings at their local temples ;

  6. 新年以来你和她(他)第一次约会,一起去庙里进香。

    Since the year you and her ( him ) on the first date , together go to temple pilgrimages .

  7. 这些史料显示,元明以来武当进香习俗具有全国性的地域分布。

    These historical materials are the strong proofs for the nationwide distribution of the folklore of the pilgrimage to Wudang Mountain .

  8. 其中的庙会、进香、迎驾,一般都有民间舞队(称香会或花会、皇会)参加,著。

    Historically , temple FAIRS , offering incense and greeting the Buddhas , were joined by folk dance troupes ( called Xianghui , Huahui or Huanghui ) .

  9. 更为引人瞩目的是进香队伍中妇女的大量参与,甚至可以说,妇女构成了朝拜队伍中的主要群体。

    More eye-catching is the pilgrimage massive participation of women in the ranks , and even say that women constitute the worship team of the major groups .

  10. 晚清时,天津民众大规模地到妙峰山进香,并把新创造的神灵“王三奶奶”送上山。

    At the late Qing dynasty , many people in Tianjin worship in Miaofeng Mountain and send the newly created god " Wang the third grandmother " .

  11. 节日这天,成千上万的居民都穿上富有民族特色的服装,吟唱吆喝,扶老携幼,到庙里去进香。

    Festival that day , thousands of residents are ethnic characteristics of clothing to wear , singing yell , young and old , go to the temple pilgrimage .

  12. 朝山进香是一种旧时已有的民间习俗,到明清时期已经成为一种非常普遍的社会风尚,北京地区亦是如此。

    Pilgrim is an old folk custom has been to the Ming and Qing dynasties have become a very common in society , is also true in the Beijing area .

  13. 虽然已到妙峰山开庙进香的时节,夜里的寒气可还不是一件单衫所能挡得住的。

    Although it was already the time of year for pilgrims to offer incense at the temple on Fantasy Peak , a single thin shirt was not enough to keep out the night chill .

  14. 其主要表现形式有进香、拜神、娱神、打擂、坐山轿、买卖货物等。

    Mount Tai temple will be filled with persons ; and its main manifestations of a pilgrimage , worship , entertainment God , hits strikes , sitting hill palanquin , the sale of goods .

  15. 全港的天后庙中,以位于清水湾半岛大庙湾的一间最负盛名,每逢农历三月二十三日天后宝诞,都有很多善信前往进香。

    During Tin Hau Festival , which falls on the23rd day of the third moon , many worshippers visit the most famous Tin Hau temple at Joss House Bay on the Clear Water Bay Peninsula .

  16. 昨日,是农历的七月初一,我有机会去弘法寺一去进香,心中一个始终要做的事情终得完成。

    Yesterday was the first day Lunar New Year in July , I have the opportunity to promote Buddhism pilgrims to a temple , Hongfashi Temple . A mind always needs to be done in the end to be completed .