
  • 网络Military observation;Observadores Militares;Military Survey Home Page
  1. 已经应用到军事观察、环境观测、交通维护、健康监护等许多领域。

    It has been used in military operations , environment observing , transport maintenance , healthy guard and so on .

  2. 一些军事观察人士表示,禁飞区对利比亚不会有太大效果,因为卡扎菲似乎主要依靠地面部队。

    Some military observers say that a no-fly zone would be of limited use in Libya , since col Gaddafi seems to be mainly relying on ground forces .

  3. 美国政府向延安派驻军事观察组,标志着双方建立起以促成共同对日作战为目的的初步合作关系。

    The sending of the US Army Observer Group to Yan'an by the American government marked an initial cooperation between the US and the CPC for the purpose of promoting common resistance to Japanese aggression .

  4. 如果仅仅从从军事制度上观察,厢军制度的确不是善制。

    The Xiang Forces system was really not a perfect system if just looking into its military system .