
jūn lìng
  • military orders
军令 [jūn lìng]
  • [military orders] 在军事上所发布的命令

军令[jūn lìng]
  1. 参谋本部是北京政府的军令部门,是大总统军事统率权的具体体现。

    Being the military orders department of the Beijing Government , Military headquarters was a sign of the President 's commanding the army .

  2. 认为在军队内部,简单实用的军令完全取代繁文缛节化的军律在军队中大量使用。

    That large-scale use within the armed forces , simple and practical military orders completely replace the red tape of military law in the military .

  3. 简子严厉地说:“军令不是开玩笑,你讲得出道理就放过你;要是讲不出来,就判你死刑!”

    Jianzi said in a stern voice : " Military command is no joke . If you can explain the reason , I will let you go . Otherwise I will sentence you to death . "

  4. 这部3D战争片的男主人公冷锋(吴京饰)是个痞性十足的特种兵。一次突击行动中他违抗军令打死了毒枭,被开除出队。

    The 3-D war epic centers on Leng Feng , an insubordinate special forces soldier who is expelled from the army because he disobeys orders and shoots a drug lord during an assault mission .

  5. 将军令士兵沿河岸排队。

    The general ranged his men along the river bank .

  6. 士兵若不顺从军令,将军也无法指挥他们获胜。

    No general can lead his soldiers to victory without prompt obedience .

  7. (二)在报纸上宣传军纪军令的重要性,以为发动内战的准备;

    To start a press campaign on the importance of observing military discipline and military orders in preparation for launching civil war .

  8. 他们有一个军令状,奖赏他们的邪恶行动,其中包括黄橙黑颜色的撒旦符号。

    They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions , which include Satanism , and symbols and yellow-orange-black colors .

  9. 东南亚金融之都正在上演一场大戏,何军令和新加坡其他中国巴士司机的不满不过是这场戏中的一幕而已。

    The grievances felt by Mr. He and other Chinese bus drivers in Singapore are part of a broader drama unfolding in Southeast Asia 's financial capital .

  10. 我们进行的是侵略战争,而这根据国际法是非法的。这是我接受行军令的地方,而不是从敌人那里。

    We 've committed the invasion of this war , and it 's illegal under international law . that 's where I take my marching orders , not from any enemy .

  11. 据32岁中国大陆司机何军令和其他人描述,当时他和另几个人在人群中穿梭,散布司机们当天及第二天应当拒绝上工的信息。

    He Jun Ling , a 32-year-old mainland Chinese driver , and others walked through the group , spreading the message that the drivers should refuse to work that day and the next , according to Mr. He and others .

  12. 故意隐瞒、谎报军情或者拒传、假传军令,对作战造成危害的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑;

    Those who endanger military operations by deliberately concealing military information , providing false military information , refusing to relay military orders , or relaying false military orders shall be sentenced to not less than three years and not more than 10 years in prison .