
  • 网络military doctrine
  1. 中国需与美国分享更多的本国核军事准则及常规军事准则。

    China needs to share more of its nuclear and conventional military doctrine with America .

  2. 根据军事准则,认罪裁决应仅由本案的证据来决定。

    Under the military code of justice , the decision on the plea offer was supposed to be decided solely on the evidence in the case .

  3. 巴基斯坦军方与美国和北约驻阿富汗部队合作多年,制定在巴阿边境地区军事行动的行为准则。

    Pakistan 's military has worked with U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan for several years to establish guidelines governing military action along their shared border .