
jiāo tōnɡ xiàn zhì
  • restricted traffic
  1. 随后结合研究结果,为充分考虑实际道路和交通限制情况,在GIS环境下建立求解模型以开展实例研究。

    Combining the results and full considering the real road and traffic limit , this study established a solution model to develop the example study in GIS .

  2. 最优路径规划,对Dijkstra和A算法的复杂度进行分析,实现了满足实际交通限制的基于四叉堆的优化Dijkstra算法;实时动态最佳路径的实现方法

    The route planning module implements an algorithm of optimal route plan fulfilling the rules of transportation after analyzing the algorithm of Dijkstra and A. IMPLEMENTATION OF REAL-TIME DYNAMIC OPTIMAL ROUTE

  3. 交通限制条件下的最短路径算法分析与优化

    Analysis and Discussion of the Shortest Path Algorithms for Transportation Networks

  4. 具有交通限制约束的道路网络最优路径算法

    Optimal Path Algorithm for Road Net with Traffic Capacity Limits

  5. 基于交通限制的路网最优路径算法

    Optimal path algorithm of road network with traffic restriction

  6. 交通限制正式开始实施时,北京周一的道路上了减少800000辆车。

    Up to800,000 cars were taken off Beijing roads on Monday as the traffic restriction officially began .

  7. 美国海岸警卫队解除了得克萨斯州重要商业运输航道的交通限制,此前该航道因石油泄漏而关闭。

    US Coast Guard has lifted traffic restrictions on key Texas commercial shipping waterways shut down by an oil spill .

  8. 北京想通过制定紧急措施来抑制雾霾天气,例如关闭工厂和交通限制。

    And Beijing is trying to tame its infamous smog by preparing emergency measures such as factory shutdown and traffic limits .

  9. 周三在印度,最高法院下令在首都实施若干交通限制令,应对污染。

    And in India on Wednesday , the Supreme Court ordered several transportation restrictions in the nation 's capital to fight pollution .

  10. 中国冠状病毒疫情震中武汉市解除交通限制后,成为中国游客最向往的旅游目的地。

    Wuhan has become Chinese travelers ' most desirable destination , after traffic restrictions were lifted in the epicenter of China 's coronavirus outbreak .

  11. 但仍有500多种交通限制,而近期被拆除的68个检查点中,有一些之所以不再有利用价值,是因为修建了隔离墙。

    But there are still more than 500 restrictions on traffic and some of the 68 checkpoints recently removed were no longer necessary because of the building of the Wall .

  12. 今天,北京开始实施一系列交通限制措施,目的是在本月进行的亚太经合首脑会议前改善空气质量并控制交通流量。

    A number of traffic restrictions are being put in-place starting today here in Beijing to improve the air quality and limit traffic ahead of the APEC Leaders ' Meeting this month .

  13. 近年来越来越多的桁式组合拱桥进入危桥的行列,并且多数已进行了交通限制,影响了当地交通运输的发展。

    Especially in recent years more and more trussed combination arch bridges bring to enter the ranks of dangerous bridges , majority of traffics have been controlled , which limited the development of local transport .

  14. 交通网络限制搜索区域时间最短路径算法

    Time Shortest Path Algorithm for Restricted Searching Area in Transportation Networks

  15. 由于时间和交通的限制,剩余的大多数藏品回到了北京。

    Most of the rest returned to Beijing because of time and transport restrictions .

  16. 受现有道路交通的限制,车辆事故时常发生。

    By the limitations of the existing road traffic , motor vehicle accidents often occur .

  17. 本区的多数县市处于山地环境,地形崎岖,交通受到限制,经济发展相对滞后,扶贫任务依然艰巨。

    It is arduous task to help the poor and develop economy in this region with many mountainous counties .

  18. 既然在城市中心交通被限制,往来各处就比过去方便了。

    Now that the traffic has been restricted in the centre of the city . it 's easier to get about .

  19. 但是他表示,因为道路被废墟和其它障碍阻拦,从机场到城市的交通受到限制。

    But , he says access to the town from the airport is limited because of debris and other obstacles on the roads .

  20. 如何优先发展公共交通,限制小汽车的使用已成为中国城市交通决策者们所面临的重要课题之一。

    How to prioritize the development of public transport and to restrain the use of cars becomes a vital issue for decision-makers in sectors concerning transportation .

  21. 然而由于甘肃地处中国西北,受地域、经济、交通的限制,甘肃的乡村旅游发展比较滞后。

    However , Gansu Province Located in northwest China , subjects to geographical , economic and transportation constraints , rural tourism development in Gansu lagging behind .

  22. 由于受交通的限制,作为中华文明重要发源地之一的西北地区,其近代经济的发展十分缓慢。

    As the most important cradle of Chinese civilization , owing to the underdeveloped communication , the economy of Northwest China is developed slowly in modern times .

  23. 报道说到目前为止北京所推介的管制方案包括了上星期新的五天交通系限制,停车费和汽油涨价。

    Reports say other measures that Beijing has so far introduced include last week 's new rule of five-day traffic restrictions , and also the parking fee and petrol price increases .

  24. 第二、在区域之间的救荒互动中,受距离和交通条件的限制,最为普遍存在的是灾区与邻区之间的互动。

    Famine is limited by distance and traffic conditions , the most common is the interaction between the disaster area and adjacent areas .

  25. 我们在过去几年一直希望能有一座新的球场,但却受到场地和交通问题的限制。

    We have looked at possibilities for a new stadium over several years and it is tough to find necessary space and transport links .

  26. 由于地缘关系及古代交通条件的限制,各地区的产品互有影响。

    The products of different regions had influences upon each other for the geopolitic reasons and the restrictions of the transportation in ancient time .

  27. 有分析认为,由于电动自行车是目前快递公司在终端配送中使用的主要交通工具,限制电动车行驶将大幅提高深圳快递企业运营成本。

    Analysts predict the operation costs for delivery companies in the city will increase sharply as electric bicycles are a major transportation source at the terminal of delivery .

  28. 中国的规划者和官员们必须付出更多努力来确保城市梦不会破碎,这要求净化空气、加大公共交通投入、限制无序扩张、尊重文化遗产。

    Planners and officials must work harder to keep the urban dream intact , purifying the air , investing in public transport , restricting sprawl and respecting cultural heritage .

  29. 在路权侵犯的权利救济中,主要分析了行政处罚、交通事故和限制通行权的法律救济存在的问题。

    As for the right to remedy for violation of right-of-way , the problems of legal remedy in administrative penalties , traffic accidents and the wayleave restriction are to be analyzed .

  30. 这意味着改变自己:重新设计我们的港口,管理我们的海岸线,以及建设我们的建筑和交通系统从而限制更加频繁和更具威力的飓风所造成的损害。

    This means adaptation : redesign our ports , manage our coastlines , and construct our buildings and transportation systems to limit the damage caused by more frequent and more powerful storms .