
  • 网络trading member;Ring Dealing Member;trade member
  1. 结算会员有权根据市场运行情况和交易会员的资信状况调整对其收取保证金的标准。

    A settlement member has the right to adjust the deposits standard according to the market operation situations and the status of credits of a trading member .

  2. 交易所批准后,通知交易会员、移出结算会员、移入结算会员变更结算关系的约定日期。

    The exchange shall , upon approval , notify the trading member , transferring settlement member and transferred settlement member about the date of changing the settlement relationship .

  3. 交易会员承担损失后,有权向有责任的客户追偿。

    After undertaking the losses , the trading members are entitled to recourse to the responsible clients .

  4. 结算会员应当本着安全、准确、及时的原则为交易会员发送结算数据。

    The clearing members shall transmit the clearing data for the trading members following the principle of safety , accuracy , and promptness .

  5. 交易会员保证金不足的,应当在下一个交易日开市前追加到位。

    Where the deposits of the trading members are insufficient , they shall be added to the required amount before the market opening of the next trading day .

  6. 全面结算会员可以为其客户和与其签订结算协议的交易会员办理结算、交割业务。

    A general settlement member can only handle the settlement and delivery businesses for its clients and the trading members that have signed the settlement contracts with it .

  7. 交易所对结算会员进行结算,结算会员对其受托的交易会员进行结算,交易会员对其客户进行结算。

    An exchange makes settlements for settlement members , a settlement member makes settlements for its entrusting trading members , and a trading member makes settlements for its clients .

  8. 交易会员向客户收取交易保证金的标准不得低于结算会员向交易会员收取交易保证金的标准。

    The standard for trading members to collect trading deposits from clients may not be lower than the standard for settlement members to collect trading deposits from trading members .

  9. 交易会员未在结算协议约定的时间内提出异议的,不得再提出异议。

    If the trading members fail to put forward any objections within the time limit agreed by the settlement agreement , they shall not put forward any objections any more .

  10. 移入会员或者移出会员为交易会员的,还应当提交其委托结算的结算会员同意移仓的声明书。

    If a transferred member or transferring member is the trading member , it shall submit the statement of the entrusted settlement member for the consent of transferring the position .

  11. 全面结算会员应当在期货保证金存管银行开设期货保证金账户,用于存放其客户和交易会员的保证金及相关款项。

    The general clearing members shall open an account of futures deposits in the depositary bank of futures deposits to deposit the deposits of their clients and trading members and the relevant funds .

  12. 结算会员对交易会员的所有结算科目的内容、格式、处理方式和处理日期应当与交易所保持一致。

    The contents , format , the ways of dealing and the date of dealing of all the clearing subjects by the clearing members to the trading members shall be in compliance with that of the exchange .

  13. 交易所对客户的套期保值申请材料进行审核,确定其套期保值额度后,应当及时将套期保值额度告知结算会员和交易会员。

    After the exchange has examined the hedging application materials from the clients and has determined the hedging amount limit quotas , it shall promptly inform the clearing members and the trading members of such limit quotas .

  14. 交易会员在结算协议约定的时间内既未对结算数据的内容确认,也未提出异议的,视为对结算数据内容的确认。

    If the trading members neither make a confirmation of the clearing data nor put forward any objections within the time limit agreed by the settlement agreement , they shall be deemed to have confirmed the clearing data .

  15. 交易所对结算会员进行风险管理,结算会员对与其签订结算协议的交易会员进行风险管理,会员对其受托的客户进行风险管理。

    The exchange takes the risk management of settlement members , a settlement member takes the risk management of the trading members , with which the settlement member has signed a settlement contract and a member takes the risk management of the entrusting clients .

  16. 结算会员应当及时准确地了解客户及受托交易会员的盈亏、费用及资金收付等财务状况,控制客户及受托交易会员的风险。

    A settlement member shall timely and accurately find out the profits and losses , receipt and payment of fees and funds , and other financial situations of its clients and entrusting trading members , and control the risks of its clients and entrusting trading members .

  17. 交易结算会员只能为其客户办理结算、交割业务。

    A trading settlement member can only handle the settlement and delivery businesses for its clients .

  18. 该交易所有会员1567各,其中大多数是代表从事替客户买卖股票的经纪行。

    The NYSE has1,567 members , most of whom represent brokerage houses involved in buying and selling for the public .

  19. 电子商务在铁路物流系统的应用包括在线交易、会员制组织形式、虚拟仓储、共享数据仓库、电子支付等方面。

    The usage of electronic commerce in the railway circulation system includes the online business , member system , virtual storage , sharing database , electronic payment , etc.

  20. 积分实绩更新是按照由各店铺得到的POS交易信息累计会员的消费积分;

    The first function updates the consumption scores of the members according to the POS trading information from the stores ;

  21. 其交易编码中会员号不同,客户号相同。

    Therefore the member code in his trading code may vary , however the client codenumber remains unchanged .

  22. 船舶进场交易制度包括会员体系、交易鉴证程序和交易纠纷的解决机制三个方面的内容。

    Floor trading includes three aspects : membership system , business attestation and dispute resolution , among which membership system stands in the center .

  23. 第一百一十一条证券交易所应当从其收取的交易费用和会员费、席位费中提取一定比例的金额设立风险基金。

    Article 111 . A stock exchange shall deduct a proportionate amount of money from the trading costs , membership fees , and seat fees to set up a risk ?

  24. 非银行金融机构符合以下条件的,可以向交易中心申请会员资格,进入银行间即期外汇市场交易。

    Non-banking financial institutions meeting the following criteria can apply for membership at the Center and , if approved , deal with proprietary transactions in the foreign exchange spot market .

  25. 发现异常情况的,应当及时按照交易规则和会员管理规则处理,并向国务院证券监督管理机构报告。

    It shall make disposals according to trading rules and member management rules in a timely manner when it finds any abnormality , and report to the securities regulatory agency under the state council .

  26. 大宗交易平台是为会员之间搭建的服务平台。

    Block Trade Platform is a service platform built between the members .

  27. 非美元币种的交易阈值级别和会员费用见下表。

    Transaction threshold levels and membership fees in non-USD currencies are listed below .

  28. 产权交易市场应当将会员情况向市产管办备案。

    The property rights trading market shall report the matters about its members to SPAO for the record .

  29. 外汇交易中心系统实行会员制、分别报价、集中交易和外汇交易市场清算的制度。

    The Foreign Exchange Trading System had adopted a system of membership , respective quotation , concentrated trading and forex market settlement .

  30. 易货交易公司通常因会员支付费用以及接受易货价值的一定比例而获利。

    Trade exchange companies usually make money from fees paid by members and by receiving a percentage of the value of barter deals .