
  • 网络symphony concert;The Lord of the Rings Symphony
  1. 在女王音乐厅有一个交响音乐会。

    There was a symphony concert at the queen 's hall .

  2. 交响音乐会的乐师们按照指挥的指令演奏乐器。

    At a symphony concert the musicians play their instruments under the direction of a conductor .

  3. 喜欢交响音乐会或者室内乐音乐会的人会有看不起歌剧的倾向。

    People who prefer symphony concerts or chamber music tend to look down their noses at opera .

  4. 那天我在交响音乐会看到你。

    I saw you at the symphony the other night .

  5. 我可是个交响音乐会爱好者。

    I 'm very big on the philharmonic .

  6. 每年厦天,都要在那里举行“星光交响音乐会”,有夫数的听众来龙去这里欣赏美国最好乐队的表演。

    Every summer " Symphonies under the Start " are played by America 's best orchestras before packed audiences .

  7. 比如,在任何一个美国大城市的交响音乐会,你都会看到现场有人穿着蓝色的牛仔裤。

    For example , one can go to a symphony performance in any large American city and find people dressed in blue jeans .

  8. 当一个人从收音机中听交响音乐会时,只要打开收音机专心听音乐就行。

    Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio , Just turn up the music on your radio and focus on that .

  9. 他去听交响音乐会,还会读书(但他拒绝透露自己在看什么:这是一个非常私密的问题,我不准备告诉任何人。)

    He goes to orchestral concerts and reads . ( He declines to say what : It 's very private and I don 't intend to tell anybody . )

  10. 有人经常在用收音机收听交响音乐会时总是情不自禁地指挥乐队,可他明明知道那里有个专门指挥在作业。

    Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio , he is tempted to direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a competent conductor on the job .

  11. 融汇了中日建筑师共同的美学思考,以上演歌剧、芭蕾舞、大型交响音乐会和综艺晚会等高雅舞台表演艺术为主。

    Combined with aesthetic perceptions of the Chinese and the Japanese architects , it is a place for you to see various stage performances like operas , ballets , symphony orchestras and night shows .

  12. 我乐团的交响音乐会将带给您难以忘怀的欢愉之感。在漫长的严酷冬天之后,空气中春天的感觉使她充满了欢愉。

    The symphony concert given By our orchestra may provide you with the pleasure that you 'll never forget . After the long hard winter , the feeling of spring in the air filled her with cheer .