
jiāo jì wǔ
  • ballroom dance;ballroom dancing;social dancing;social dance
交际舞 [jiāo jì wǔ]
  • [ballroom dance;social dance] 现基本上专指舞厅舞。它是由欧美民间舞蹈演变而成,多为男女对舞的舞会舞蹈形式

  1. 你对交际舞熟悉吗?

    Are you familiar with ballroom dance ?

  2. 这甚至为交际舞增加了更多机械性。

    This added even more machinery for the preoccupation of ballroom dance .

  3. 此项目是冰上的交际舞表演比赛。

    This is the skater 's version of Ballroom Dancing .

  4. 有交际舞、迪斯科舞、踢踏舞、爵士舞…还有探戈。

    There 's ballroom dancing , disco , tap , jazz ... and tango .

  5. 我一个星期跳两次交际舞。

    I go ballroom dancing twice a week .

  6. 跳交际舞没有任何问题。

    There is nothing wrong with ballroom dancing .

  7. 我跳了5年芭蕾舞但从没跳过交际舞。

    I 've done five years of ballet but I 've never done ballroom dancing .

  8. 梅伦格舞起源于多米尼加和海地民间的一种适合在舞厅跳的交际舞,以滑步为特征。

    A ballroom dance of Dominican and Haitian folk origin , characterized by a slidingstep .

  9. 此外三个比基尼模特中,两个女孩儿还表演了交际舞,她说。

    Besides the three bikini models , two other girls presented Latin dance , she said .

  10. 阿根廷交际舞中实际上有三种探戈,每一种都有各自的音乐。

    There are actually three tango dances each with its own music in Argentine social dance .

  11. 你可能要惊讶,竟然那么具有绅士风度,优美动人的交际舞也能产生如此效果。

    You may be surprised that something as gentle and graceful as ballroom dancing could have this effect .

  12. 事实上,我曾一度沉迷交际舞,我参加了考试,成为一个导师。

    Indeed , I was once so indulged in ballroom dancing that I took an examination to become a tutor .

  13. 然而,古典芭蕾已经表明它是主流正如民间舞和交际舞一样,现代的剧场舞蹈是古典芭蕾舞的支流。

    But classical ballet has shown that it is the mainstream ; modern theatrical dance like folk and social dance is its tributary .

  14. 很多舞种,包括巴蕾舞、交际舞、迪斯科舞步,都是人们表达内心情感的一种途径。

    Many kinds of dancing , including ballet , ballroom dancing , and even disco steps , are often a way of expressing some inner feelings .

  15. 她花时间在墨西哥,“用简单而有意识的生活去了解快乐到底是什么感觉”她去学了交际舞。

    She spent time in Mexico ," learning through simple , conscious living , what joy really feels like . " She took up ballroom dancing .

  16. 你可以找到和你有相同兴趣的朋友的朋友:对交际舞、或跑步、或健行有兴趣的朋友的朋友。

    You can find friends of friends who have common interests : Friends of friends who are interested in ballroom dancing or in running or hiking .

  17. 结论:①太极拳(剑)、健身操、交际舞运动对中老年人骨代谢过程影响不显著,对骨代谢过程亦无损伤作用。

    Conclusion : ① Taijiquan 、 body building exercise and social dance have not obvious effects on middle and elder people ′ s bone metabolism biochemical markers .

  18. 贝蒂·福特一生中都挚爱舞蹈,十岁时,她就在密歇根的大急流城参加交际舞学习班,自如的跳华尔兹和狐步舞。

    All her life , Betty Ford loved to dance . At ten she was gliding round to the waltz and the foxtrot at social-dancing classes in Grand Rapids , Michigan .

  19. 在海选的才艺展示部分我表演了一段组合舞蹈,包含爵士、踢踏舞、交际舞、斗牛和少林功夫等元素。

    For the talent portion of the audition , I did a comprehensive dance combination including elements of jazz dance , tap dance , ballroom , ballet , and Shaolin Kung Fu .

  20. 本文从现在高校公共体育教学的现状出发,提出交际舞在体育课教学中的必要性和可行性,以探索交际舞在体育教学中的适应性之路。

    Based on the current situation of university physical education , the article points out the necessity and feasibility of teaching ballroom dancing in university physical education , so as to inquire the practical way to carry it out .

  21. 体育舞蹈是国际流行的融体育、艺术于一身的新兴运动项目,它是随着社会的进步、艺术的发展以及体育运动的兼收并蓄由交际舞派生出来的。

    Sports dance is the international popular melting sports , art at a suit of emerging movement project , it is along with the progress of the society , the development of the arts and sports by monitoring the derivative ballroom dancing .

  22. 本文以社会学理论为依据,从社会学互动论视角出发,即运用社会互动的交换、合作冲突、竞争、强制自控和美的互动,探讨交际舞在大学体育教学中的社会学意义。

    From the perspective of the theory of Interactions in Sociology , the article applies the exchange 、 cooperative conflict 、 competition 、 forced self-control and beauty interaction of social interaction into practice of teaching ballroom dancing in university physical education , so as to inquire its sociological significance .