
  • BLUE ROSE;Rosy Blue
  1. 她却穿得很华丽一朵蓝玫瑰

    She was wearing a blue rose very gorgeous

  2. 蓝玫瑰传统上代表神秘和超越。

    Blue roses traditionally signify mystery or attaining the impossible .

  3. 蓝玫瑰:幻想,奇迹,新的机会和可能性希望。

    Blue roses : fantasies , hoping for miracles , new opportunities and possibilities .

  4. 但我以为红玫瑰比蓝玫瑰更漂亮。

    But I think the red one is much more beautiful than the blue one .

  5. 然而,在东京花卉展上展出的是自然生长的,货真价实的蓝玫瑰。

    They were created by genetically modifying the blooms through implanting a gene that stimulates the synthesis of blue pigment pansies , so that the rose petals produce a natural blue color .