
jiāo zhàn zhuànɡ tài
  • belligerency;militancy
  1. 如果出现伤亡,这些国家就会进入交战状态。

    If blood is spilled the countries will be at war .

  2. 准确来说,双方自1949年起就一直处于交战状态。

    Technically , the two sides have been in a state of war ever since 1949 .

  3. 当时法国几乎与世界上所有的国家处于交战状态。

    And France was at war with nearly all the countries around .

  4. 那些处于交战状态国家的人民正遭受很多痛苦。

    Those people whose countries are in war are suffering a lot .

  5. 那时美国宣布它同那个国家处于交战状态。

    The U.S then declared it was at war with that country .

  6. 没错,现在是交战状态。

    That 's right . listen , we 're at war with someone .

  7. 两国现在处于正式交战状态。

    The two republics are now officially at war .

  8. 德国当时几乎同世界所有国家处于交战状态。

    Germany was at war with almost all the countries in the world .

  9. 当时,希腊的城市国家总有一些处于交战状态。

    As usual , some of the Greek states are at war with one another .

  10. 罢工的工人似乎被束缚在交战状态,而不能从中解脱出来。

    The striking workers appeared to be handcuffed to a position of belligerence from which they cannot extricate themselves .

  11. 一股冲动爆发出来,与他的灵魂正处于难解的交战状态中(阿纳托尔布鲁瓦亚尔)参见

    An impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit ( Anatole Broyard ) See Synonyms at ambiguous

  12. 有谁、尤其是北京有谁相信,如果今天面临类似的交战状态,奥巴马会做出类似的强硬举动?

    Does anyone , particularly in Beijing , believe Mr Obama would do anything nearly as muscular faced with comparable belligerence today ?

  13. 阿布德特别愤怒的是,该剧是在以色列拍摄的。理论上,黎巴嫩和以色列还处于交战状态。

    Mr. Abboud was particularly angry that the episode had been filmed in Israel , which is officially at war with Lebanon .

  14. 英国还要维持全球的贸易网点,而且为了保持交战状态,

    Britain also had to continue the economic system on which vast populations around the globe depended , and to remain at war at all ,

  15. 严格说来,韩国和朝鲜几十年来一直处于交战状态。两国运动员在国际体育赛事上交谈并非没有先例。

    It is hardly unprecedented for athletes from the two countries , which have technically been at war for decades , to mingle at international sporting events .

  16. 休战协定(有时称为停战)是双方同意中断进行中之交战状态。

    An armistice ( or truce , as it is sometimes called ) is the cessation of active hostilities for a period agreed upon by the belligerents .

  17. 但在会议的前几天产油地区爆发冲突,各界对双方重返全面交战状态的担忧升高。

    But clashes around oil-rich border areas started days before the scheduled meeting and have since escalated , sparking fears the two sides could return to all-out war .

  18. 这使得雷达在任何交战状态下都能稳定的锁住目标,能在复杂的环境背景下,从大量杂波及固定目标中将运动目标检测出来。

    These allow radar to lock on the targets stability in any state of war , and detect targets from a large number of clutters and fixed objects in complex environments .

  19. 交战双方的停战状态只维持了很短一段时间。

    The truce between the warring factions proved to be short-lived .