
  • 网络Merriam-Webster;Webster’s dictionary;Webster;Merriam-Webster Dictionary;Webster Dictionary
  1. 韦氏词典将爱好定义为“在日常工作之外的一种追求,特别是为了放松。”

    Merriam-Webster defines a hobby as " a pursuit outside one 's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation2 . "

  2. 韦氏词典表示,nitty-gritty第一次出现是在1956年。

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary says nitty-gritty was first used in 1956 .

  3. 《韦氏词典》则将ginormous一词追溯至1948年,当时这个词出现在英国的一个军事词典中。

    But Merriam-Webster traces ginormous back to1948 , when it appeared in a British dictionary of military slang .

  4. 《韦氏词典》现在已经是第11版了,它采用我们现在熟悉的美式拼写——theatre中的re变为er,去掉colour中的u,把一些单词中的两个l如traveller变为一个l。

    Webster 's dictionary , now in its 11th edition , adopted the Americanised spellings familiar today - er instead of re in theatre , dropping the u from colour , and losing the double l from words such as traveller .

  5. 或者,根据《韦氏词典》(Merriam-Webster)的注解,礼仪是良好教养所要求或权威机构所规定的,在社会或正式场合所必须遵守的行为或程序。

    Or as Merriam-Webster , the dictionary , notes , etiquette is the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life .

  6. 然而,牛津字典所列的单词只是韦氏词典的一半那么多。

    Yet the Oxford dictionary lists only half as many .

  7. 从2000年开始,《韦氏词典》的编辑们就在很多报纸和杂志的文章中发现了这个词。

    Merriam-Webster editors have spotted it in countless newspaper and magazine articles since 2000 .

  8. 这就是韦氏词典对宽恕的定义。

    That 's webster 's definition offorgiveness .

  9. 韦氏词典正在订正“种族主义”一词的定义。

    The Merriam-Webster dictionary is working on a revision to its definition of the word racism .

  10. 不过最重要的是好好享受莱奈尔在韦氏词典里

    But most of all ... Have fun , Lionel . To ever be in webster 's dictionary

  11. 韦氏词典对clapback的定义是“用极具讽刺性的回答来应对批评声”接近于汉语里的“回呛”。

    Merriam-Webster defines " clapback " as " responding to a criticism with a withering comeback . "

  12. 韦氏词典将道德定义为伦理规范、正直的操守、从道德角度判断的操守或态度。

    Webster 's dictionary defines morality as ethics , upright conduct , conduct or affitude judged from the moral standpoint .

  13. 与往常一样,《韦氏词典》今年收入的词汇也是流行文化、技术和时事领域里出现的新词。

    As always , the yearly list gives meaning to the latest lingo in pop culture , technology and current events .

  14. 韦氏词典给这个词的同义词是以自我为中心的、自恋的、自私的。

    In fact , Merriam-Webster 's dictionary offers " egocentric , " " narcissistic , " and " selfish " as synonyms .

  15. 这也是《韦氏词典》选录新词的标准,如果一个词在主流文章中经常出现,那么编辑们就会考虑将其收入词典。

    That 's essentially the criteria for making it into the collegiate dictionary-if a word shows up often enough in mainstream writing , the editors consider defining it .

  16. 按《韦氏词典》里的话说,涅盘的意思从痛苦的外部世界中解脱&这相当接近我对朋克摇滚的定义。

    In Webster 's terms ," Nirvana " means freedom from pain , suffering and the external world , and that 's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock .

  17. 让寻常的美国人来给“财富”下定义,大部分人会给出《韦氏词典》里的解释,“财富”对于他们来说,是指拥有大量的物质财产。

    Ask the average American to define the term " Wealthy ", most would give the same definition found in Webster 's. " Wealthy " to them refers to people who have an abundance of material possessions .

  18. 疾病的定义并不是单一的,其中《韦氏词典》是这样解释的:一种身体和某些器官的变化;有碍于身体重要功能的发挥;导致疼痛、虚弱;

    There is no single definition of disease but Webster 's dictionary defines it as ' An alteration of the state of the body or some of its organs , interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions and causing or threatening pain and weakness ;

  19. 《韦氏大词典》总裁约翰•莫斯说,“w00t”一词既新奇,又体现了新技术,无疑是今年年度词汇的最佳选择。

    Merriam-Webster 's president , John Morse , said " w00t " was an ideal choice because it blends whimsy and new technology .

  20. 不久,他捧出那本《韦氏大学词典》回来了。

    Very soon he came back , holding the Webster 's Collegiate Dictionary in his hand .

  21. 《韦氏大词典》刚刚公布了加入第11版学院词典的100个新词汇。

    Merriam-Webster has just released the list of the some 100 new words added to its Collegiate Dictionary , Eleventh Edition .

  22. 细数2005年的热门话题,有政治辩论,有自然灾害,也有新奇的通俗文化,美国人纷纷求助“韦氏”词典来查询这些热点词汇的含义。

    In a year filled with political wrangling , natural disasters and pop culture curiosities , Americans turned to Merriam-Webster to help define them all .

  23. 每年,《韦氏大词典》的编委都要花上几个月的时间在书、杂志、甚至食品标签中搜罗,选出科学、技术、通俗文化及工业领域的一些新词和短语收入词典。

    New words and phrases from the fields of science , technology , pop culture and industry are chosen each year by Merriam-Webster 's team of editors after months of poring over books , magazines and even food labels .

  24. 1961年《韦氏新国际词典第三版》出版。

    In 1961 , Webster 's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language was published .

  25. 韦氏家族的新成员《韦氏新世界美语词典》(第三版)是一部颇具特色的中型词典。

    This article offers a brief introduction to Webster 's New World Dictionary ( the third edition ), a new member in the Webster 's family .