
  • 网络Wechsler scale;WAIS;weste Scale Modifired;Wechsler Intelligence Scale
  1. 用韦氏量表进行智力选材的可行性探讨

    A Feasible Discussion on the Intelligence Selection by Welsh Gauge

  2. 方法对70例MS患者进行韦氏智力量表测查及头颅MRI检查,对其中50例患者的头颅MRI成像进行了定量测量;

    Methods 70 patients with MS were tested with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale and brain MRI .

  3. 用韦氏记忆量表测定的记忆商(MQ)作为判断疗效的标准。

    The MQ ( Wechsler memory scale WMS ) was used for evaluating the effect of the drugs on memory function .

  4. 方法:对95例躯体形式障碍病人采用事件相关电位P300及韦氏智力量表与对照组比较。

    Methods : 95 patients with somatoform disorder and56 normal persons were measured by P300 and Wechsler Intelligence scale .

  5. 方法:用简易智力状态检查表(MMSE)、韦氏记忆量表(WMS)、日常生活能力量表(ADL)对34例AD患者和49例VD患者的认知功能进行测查;

    Methods : Thirty-four patients with AD and 49 patients with VD were assessed by MMSE , WMS , and ADL ( activity of daily life ) .

  6. 方法:应用韦氏智力量表(WAIS-RC)对63名难治性精神病人进行手术前后测试并对照研究。

    Methods : 63 patients with refractory psychosis were evaluated by WAIS RC before and after operation .

  7. 方法:用韦氏智力量表对经CT或MRI证实的56例ACI患者进行神经心理学检查,并与症状性脑梗死(SCI)组及正常对照组比较。

    Methods : Neuropsychological tests were administered to ( a ) 56 ACI patients identified by CT or MRI , ( b ) 50 patients with symptomatic cerebral infarction ( SCI ), and ( c ) 40 healthy control subjects .

  8. 方法:采用中国成人智力量表(CISA)、韦氏记忆量表中国修订(WMS)、酒精依赖诊断量表(SCIDAD)和自编饮酒情况调查表对被试者进行测验和调查。

    Method : Chinese intelligence scale for adults ( CISA ), Wechsler memory scale ( WMS ), schedule of clinical interview for diagnosis alcoholic dependence ( SCID AD ) were employed to test and investigate the subjects .

  9. 采用阿尔茨海默病评定量表-认知部分(ADAS-Cog)、韦氏记忆量表-修订版(WMS-R)和简短心理状况检查(MMSE)评估认知功能。

    The cognitive functions were evaluated with Alzheimer disease assessment scale-Cognitive portion ( ADAS-Cog ), Wechsler memory scale-revised and Mini-Mental Status Examination ( MMSE ) .

  10. 方法:采用儿童韦氏智力量表中的数字广度测验和韦氏记忆量表中的逻辑记忆和视觉记忆及威斯康星卡片分类测验分别对45例正常儿童和45例ADHD患儿进行检测。

    METHODS : The digit span test of Wechsler Child Intelligence Scale , the logical memory and visual memory test of Wechsler Memory Scale , and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test were used to assess the memory and executive functions of ADHD children .

  11. 采用Achenbach儿童行为量表,家庭社会情况及儿童健康情况问卷,部分病例并采用韦氏智力量表检查智商。

    The questionnaire was composed of Achenbach child behavior checklist , family social condition and children health condition . The intelligence quotient of some cases was examined with Wechsler intelligence scales .

  12. 方法:采用韦氏记忆量表&中国修订(WMS)对72例慢性酒中毒患者和70例正常人进行测验和调查。

    Methods : Wechsler memory scale ( WMS ) was employed to test and investigate the subjects . The subjects included a study group of 72 patients with chronic alcoholic intoxication and a control group of 70 normals .

  13. 方法:采用单盲法对31例肢体无活动障碍的AD患者分别进行韦氏记忆量表测试和FIM评定,分析其记忆缺陷特点及其与FIM的相关性。

    Method : The patients were assessed with Wechsler ′ s Memory Scale ( WMS ) and FIM tests which were separately carried out by two specialists in the same day . Analysis was done to find the characteristic of AD patients and the relationship between memory and FIM .

  14. 韦氏记忆量表中国修订本在儿童中的应用

    The Application of Wechsler Memory Scale Revised in China in Chineses Children

  15. 儿童韦氏记忆量表常模祥本的测验结果在年龄和性别中的差异


  16. 左颞叶和颅底占位性病变在韦氏智力量表中的损害模式

    The Damage Pattern of left Temporal Lobe Brain Tumor and Cranium Basal Tumor on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

  17. 方法对我院癫痫专科新诊断为癫痫并符合研究要求的患者60例,治疗前接受韦氏智力量表测定,并记录临床情况,比较其智商及构成因子与对照组的差异;

    Methods 60 registered patients , newly diagnosed cryptogenic epilepsy and met the criteria of the study , were arranged for the Wechsler intelligence scale and registered their clinical manifestation before the treatment .

  18. 本工作结果基本上重复了国外用韦氏智力量表所看到的智力老化的经典模式,但我国的20岁组成绩较差。

    The results were essentially the same as those of the " classical pattern " of the aging of adults ' intelligence reported abroad , with lower scores in the Chinese 20-yr-old group .

  19. 方法:选择某镉污染区41名及与之相临的非污染区44名8~10岁小学男生,采用韦氏记忆量表进行记忆能力的测试。

    Methods : The memory ability was evaluated by using Wechsler Memory Scale in 41 boys and 44 boys who were 8-10 years old and were selected from a Cd-polluted area and a non-polluted area respectively .

  20. 对符合入组标准的强迫症收集临床学资料,并用韦氏记忆量表、数字划销测验和威斯康星卡片分类测验评估记忆、注意、执行功能。

    Wechsler Memory Scale ( WMS ), Number cancellation test ( NCT ), wisconsin card sorting test ( WCST ) were used to assessed memory , attention and executive function of OCD patients according with enter criterion .

  21. 方法:利用ERP、韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订版(WIS-CR)对32例癫癎儿童进行P300测定和心理评估,以28例性别、年龄相匹配的正常儿童作对照。

    Methods : P300 was measured in 32 epileptic children and 28 normal children respectively .

  22. 效度检验:简易老年记忆测验与韦氏记忆测验量表有较高的相关性(P0.01)。

    Validity-testing : The mini-memory test of old people had a higher correlation with the Wechsler Memory Scale ( P0.01 ) .

  23. 方法:用韦氏成人智力量表和韦氏记忆量表对21例AD和15例MID病人的认知功能进行测查。

    Methods : 21 AD patients and 15 MID patients were compared on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and Memory Scale Revised in China .

  24. 方法:对53例恋物癖儿童测查BEAM、韦氏儿童智力量表修订本(WISC-R)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),并与20名正常儿童对照。

    Method : A total of53 children with fetishism were tested with BEAM , Wechsler intelligence scale for children ( WISC-R ), Eysenck personality questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

  25. 目的研究韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS-RC)与中国成人智力量表(CISA)两种智力量表用于精神分裂症病人的一致性和精神分裂症病人的智力状况。

    Objectives : To study the consistency of Chinese Intelligence Scale of Adults ( CISA ) in schizophrenia .

  26. 干预:使用龚耀先修订的韦氏成人记忆量表(WMS)对患者组和对照组的记忆商数分别进行测试。

    INTERVENTIONS : Wechsler memory scale ( WMS ) was used to assess the memory quotient of the patient group and the control group .

  27. 方法采用龚氏修订的韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS-RC),对40例PD患者进行测试,并与病程、运动功能障碍、受教育年限等因素进行相关性分析。

    Methods Forty patients with PD were tested with WAIS RC and analysed on the ralation between WAIS RC scores and the course of PD , motor dysfunction and education .

  28. 目的探讨中国修订韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS-RC)简式在神经症性障碍病人中的应用价值,对WAIS-RC简式进行效度检验。

    Objective To investigate the value of the WAIS-RC short forms in neurotic patients , and to examine the validity .

  29. 方法运用韦氏儿童智力量表、临床记忆量表、H-R神经心理成套测验等多种神经心理学测试方法对不同学习成绩的儿童进行测试。

    Methods The neuropsychological functions of children with different achievement were assessed by using C-WISC , Clinical Memory Scale , H-R Neuropsychological Battery .

  30. 方法77例脑震荡患者在发病后30d左右(恢复期)接受了中国成人韦氏智力测试量表(WAIS-RC)评估,并与48例正常人(对照组)测试结果比较。

    Method All the 77 patients with cerebral concussion were received Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised China ( WAIS-RC ), and were compared with 48 healthy adults .