- weber

Weber gave a fair hearing to anyone who held a different opinion .
Science , on Weber 's account , is an essentially value-free activity .
Professor Weber believes that environmental policy can make use of similar tactics .
The incipient cavitation number consists of Weber 's number W and M - relative velocity of cavitation bubble explosion .
A correlation of flow friction factor is obtained from the experimental data by using Reynolds number , Weber number , Bond number , and the dimensionless flow parameter .
The HCCI heat release curves in different EGR ratio are simulated with Partition Webie Function .
In 2011 , Andrew Lloyd Webber sold HK $ 43.3 million-worth of wine at a Sotheby 's auction .
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos , Mr Weber said that the current generation was living at the expense of future generations because monetary policy was encouraging people to pull out all the stops to continue consuming heavily .
Objective To investigate the expression of imprinted genes related to Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome ( BWS ) in human oocytes and preimplantation embryos for understanding the relationship between assisted reproductive technology ( ART ) and BWS .
Once an independent director on the Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. , the operator of the city 's stock exchange , Mr. Webb splits his time between picking stocks to buy with his own money and his public-service activities .
This subject has probed into the inherent relation between the Froude Numbers ( Fr )、 Reynolds Numbers ( Re )、 Weber Numbers ( We )、 Euler Numbers ( Eu ) and the wall pressing weir flow .
Axel Weber , Bundesbank president , last week described the bail-out of IKB , another German bank , as an " isolated , institution-specific " incident .
Launched in May at the height of the eurozone debt crisis , the programme is controversial in Germany , where Axel Weber , Bundesbank president , warned it risks igniting inflation .
Objective : To probe into the rule of bone-conduction measurment by testing a group of health young students with normal hearing and groups of case with different diseased ears , in order to provide some instructions for clinical audiometry .
Max Weber , the great German analyst of organisations , " identified the fact that senior figures in bureaucracy operate with discretion , since it is they who formulate , rather than follow , rules , " the paper said .
Various solution concepts have been proposed to handle these problems , including core , Weber sets , Shapley value and so on , each kind of which satisfies a certain rational behavior and reasonable principle .
This paper based on Weibull distribution theory , use of FORTRAN language , on the basis of the heterogeneous rock mass shear failure criterion , using elastic total method step loading , to prepare a heterogeneous rock shear failure procedure .
If Axel Weber , who appears the most qualified and credible candidate to succeed Jean-Claude Trichet as president of the European Central Bank , is appointed , he will provoke widespread outrage by the simple fact of being German .
It is investigated that the effect of grain growth of β - Si 3N 4 on strength , Weibull modulus , and fracture toughness of in-situ toughened Si 3N 4 containing 15mol % Y 2O 3-La 2O 3 additives by hot pressing .
Determination of Sampling Size of Weibull Population by Statistical Experiments Method
Formal law of Weber 's comes from formal rationality directly .
Analysis on Weber ' Theory of Ruling the Society by Law
The theory of Max Weber : limitation and misuse in China
Max Weber 's Ideal Type Ethics-Economics and Its Moral Philosophical Structure
A pioneer in legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber .
The difference is that Mr Webb is a military man .
remember when he finally caved and gave weber some run ?
Mr. Weber superiorly puffed away the absurd misgivings of women .
The classical sociologists elaborate the problem from different positions .
Wilbur stood in the sun feeling lonely and bored .