
  • 网络welland;WAYLAND;Weyland
  1. 韦兰夫人走在最前面,她由大儿子搀扶。

    Mrs. Welland came first , on the arm of her eldest son .

  2. 韦兰说,实际损失和该报告估算的数字相差不到1亿美元(6.21亿元人民币)可能仅仅是个巧合。

    Weiland said it was probably less than a coincidence that the actual loss ended up being within $ 100 million of that original estimate .

  3. 然而,尽管韦兰夫妇同意延长去欧洲度蜜月的时间(也许还可到埃及呆一个冬天),但对于小夫妻回来后需要一所住宅的问题坚定不移。

    but , though the Wellands approved of an extended European honeymoon ( perhaps even a winter in Egypt ) , they were firm as to the need of a house for the returning couple .