
  • 网络Wes;weiss;wise
  1. 韦斯耸起双肩,身体前倾靠在柜台边上。

    Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter .

  2. 今年26岁的设计师韦斯??戈登(WesGordon)也认同这种观点。

    Twenty-six-year-old designer Wes Gordon agreed .

  3. 诸如斯特兰奇韦斯监狱之类建于100多年前的监狱故意营造出一种阴森、不祥的气氛。

    Prisons like Strangeways , built more than 100 years ago , were intended to look grim and foreboding places .

  4. 两年前,韦斯合伙创建了智库“西点谈判项目”(westpointnegotiationproject),帮助小型作战部队的军官研究和提高谈判技巧。

    Two years ago , Mr Weiss co-founded the West Point negotiation project , a think-tank that researches and develops negotiation techniques for the leaders of small combat units .

  5. 1987年,韦斯麦尔报考了慕尼黑工业大学(TechnicalUniversityofMunich)的计算机专业。在这家德国领先的教育机构里,他只上了20天的课就退学了。

    In 1987 Mr Vilsmeier enrolled in a computing course at the Technical University of Munich , one of Germany 's leading educational institutes , only to quit after 20 days .

  6. 韦斯表示,X奖基金会的创始人想要重现儿时的梦想,即有朝一日普通人也能登上太空&这是上世纪五六十年代狂热时期人们的期望。他们也许能梦想成真。

    Weiss says that the founders of the X Prize foundation wanted to revive their childhood dreams of a day when ordinary people would be able to travel into space – expectations formed in the heady 1950s and 1960s . They may get their wish .

  7. 墨菲和几个同在韦斯切斯特商城(theWestchester)从事零售业的朋友讨论了自己找房的事之后,她的态度变得谨慎起来。

    Ms. Murphy , having discussed her housing search with friends at her retail job at the Westchester mall , was wary .

  8. Farmigo最近把业务范围扩张到了新泽西州北部和韦斯切斯特地区,并以每月30个的速度增加社区配送点。

    Farmigo recently expanded into northern New Jersey and Westchester and is adding about 30 drop-off sites a month .

  9. 《猛鬼街》(NightmareonElmStreet)系列等影片的导演兼编剧韦斯?克雷文(WesCraven)说:就像一个被讲得太多的冷笑话,你不希望自己成为讲这个笑话的人。

    ' It 's like a bad joke that 's been around too long . You don 't want to be the one to tell it , ' says Wes Craven , the director-writer behind the ' Nightmare on Elm Street ' series among others .

  10. 亨德森你干吗不把嘴闭上,韦斯?

    HENDERSON Why don 't you shut your mouth , Weiss ?

  11. 然而韦斯教授的论点基本上是错误的。

    Professor weiss 's argument is , however , fundamentally flawed .

  12. 韦斯,包里还有其他东西吗?

    What else did you put in here , Wes ?

  13. 韦斯康星州的公墓有一群不同平常的小偷。

    There 's an unusual gang of thieves at a Wisconsin cemetery .

  14. 斯科特•韦斯是公司安德森霍洛维茨(AndreessenHorowitz)的普通合伙人。

    Scott Weiss is a general partner at venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz .

  15. 海水的氧饱和度与韦斯方程

    The Oxygen Saturability of Sea Water and Weiss Equation

  16. 韦斯切勒是如何结识巴菲特的呢?

    And how did Buffett get to know Weschler ?

  17. 韦斯麦尔的回答略带迟疑,这表明公司正处于一个十字路口。

    Mr Vilsmeier 's hesitant response suggests the company lies at a crossroads .

  18. 韦斯打电话来跟进洛佩兹的案子

    Weiss called to follow upon the Lopez case .

  19. 特莱克认为韦斯这样的志愿者能够帮助学生们做到这点。

    Fred Tenkye thinks volunteers like Dave Weiss are helping students do that .

  20. 你知道韦斯本汀这个名字吗?

    Y ou know the name Wes benteen ?

  21. 玛格丽特•韦斯的回答,正在培训中的金融业者

    Answer by Margaret Weiss , financier in training

  22. 埃瓦尔德和韦斯说的是基督的奇迹作为日常的任务。

    Ewald and Weiss speak of the miracles of Christ as a daily task .

  23. 这次选举自查韦斯第一次上台时候是最接近的一次。

    This election was the closest for Chavez since he first came into power .

  24. 韦斯面临着很大压力。

    Wes is under a lot of pressure .

  25. 韦斯派他去这个地区侦察。

    Wes sent him to scout the area .

  26. 结论急诊内镜对马洛里-韦斯综合征的诊断和治疗具有重要临床价值。

    Conclusions Emergency endoscopies played an important role at diagnosis and treatment of Mallory-Weiss syndrome .

  27. “我试着尽可能多的看他比赛,”韦斯说。

    " I try to watch him as much as I can ," Wes adds .

  28. 第15章节马格韦斯隐藏起来

    Chapter 15 Shelter for Magwitch

  29. 所以我打给了韦斯他说我可以卖车套现自用

    so I called Wes and he said I could sell the car and keep the cash .

  30. 韦斯理:为什麽?我知道你十分用功温习准备考试。

    Wesley : Why 's that ? I know you 've worked very hard to review for them .