
jūn fá zhǔ yì
  • warlordism
  1. 在八路军中,开始向新军阀主义倾向作斗争。

    A struggle has been started against the tendency towards new warlordism in the Eighth Route Army .

  2. 经过长期反对军阀主义的斗争,军队内部很团结,联系群众也很好。

    Through protracted struggles against warlordism , the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses .

  3. 还有军阀主义残余。

    There were also remnants of militarism .

  4. 还有军阀主义残余。敌对的军队相遇的地方。

    There were also remnants of militarism . the line along which warring troops meet .

  5. 经济类稿件的三种八股倾向与编辑选稿之管见在八路军中,开始向新军阀主义倾向作斗争。

    The Eight-part Essay Tendency of Economic Papers and the Editors Selection ; A struggle has been started against the tendency towards new warlordism in the Eighth Route Army .

  6. 1928年统一前后,是民国政治转折的重要关头,中国的统一面临来自帝国主义势力和军阀主义势力两个方面的挑战。

    The time around the unification of 1928 was an important political transition during the period of Republican China , at that time China 's unification faced double challenges both from the imperialism and from militarism .

  7. 饿死第三集团军比军事上消灭第三集团军要慢一些。经过长期反对军阀主义的斗争,军队内部很团结,联系群众也很好。

    Starving the Third Army out would be a slower process than destroying it militarily . Through protracted struggles against warlordism , the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses .

  8. 军阀势力与帝国主义列强亦常插手干涉。

    The intervention from warlords and foreign empires .