
  1. 在《阿毛姑娘》中,阿毛所代言的并非阶级的矛盾,而是一个文化的悲剧。

    What is depicted in Miss Amao is not class conflicts , but a cultural tragedy .

  2. 城乡抉择的焦虑及其想象性解决&丁玲《阿毛姑娘》再解读

    The Anxiety Between the Urban and Rural and the Conception Settlement & the Survey of Ah Mao Girl

  3. 丁玲的《阿毛姑娘》是一个内涵非常丰富的文本,它容纳了作家对于女性命运非常密集的思考,而以往的学术界对它的关注不够。

    Ding Ling 's , Maid A Mao a text with rich implications , is the writer 's considerations about women 's fate in old China .