
nónɡ yè jú
  • agricultural bureau
  1. 该组织是英联邦农业局的接替组织。

    CABI is the successor organisation to the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau .

  2. 在中国,鲸鱼是保护物种,当地的农业局已经介入了此事展开调查。

    Whales are a protected species in China and the local agricultural bureau has stepped in to investigate the case .

  3. 今年年初,英国农业局(BritishAgricultureBureau)称,英国的洪涝灾害致使在2012年遭受13亿的损失。

    Earlier this year the British Agriculture Bureau said flooding in the UK had caused ㏒ 1.3bn in damage in 2012 .

  4. 伊利诺伊州农业局局长PhilipNelson说,南伊利诺伊州部分地区的玉米已经无药可救,旱情还在蔓延。

    Part of the corn crop in southern Illinois is already beyond salvage , and the problem is spreading , says Illinois Farm Bureau president Philip Nelson .

  5. 《英联邦农业局叙词表》评介

    A Review of the " Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau The saurus "

  6. 农业局信息系统是政府信息化管理系统之一。

    Agriculture information system is one of the information systems .

  7. 我们对寿光市农业局关于农民科技培训工程工作进行了有关的调查。

    We invested Shouguang City agriculture science and technology training project on " the farmer " .

  8. 呈贡县茶桑果站隶属县农业局下设站所,是全民所有制单位。

    Mulberry tea station Chenggong County Bureau of Agriculture under the County consists of stations is state-owned units .

  9. 长宁山民的新跨越&记长宁县农业局

    Changning County Agriculture Bureau

  10. 冬小麦新品系903412-1是环县农业局1990年从兰天7号中选出的变异单株采用系统选育而成。

    The new winter wheat line 903412-1 was selected from the Variation single plant Lantian 7 with systemic selection .

  11. 农业局将猕猴的行为分为敌对行为、攻击行为、臣服行为等三大类。

    The Department of Agriculture has come up with three categories of macaque behavior : hostile , aggressive and submissive .

  12. 可再生能源构建京郊新农村美景专访北京市农业局农村能源生态处史殿林处长京郊农用地持续高效利用优化研究以北京市顺义区为例

    The Regenerated Energy Constructs the New Rural Beautiful Scenery Optimization and Utilization of Farmland for High Efficient Agriculture in Suburb Region in Beijing & Case Study in Shunyi County

  13. 我多次被农业局评为先进工作者,2002年被评为新化县三农服务标兵。

    I am for many times been an advanced worker by select in the agriculture bureau , in2002 selected for turned a county three agriculture service parade guardses lately .

  14. 文昌市农业局官员表示,海南岛气温适宜、光照充足,根本不需要使用膨大剂来增加营养。

    An official with Wenchang 's agriculture bureau said farmers don 't need the chemical to grow watermelon as Hainan island has the right climate and plenty of sunshine .

  15. 通过浙江省缙云县农业局配肥站进行的肥效实验实例,说明了施粒肥比施粉肥能明显增产节肥的客观规律。

    It is stated that application granular fertilizer could notably increase the production of crops and save fertilizer as compared with powder fertilizer , through fertilizer eficiency experimentation of fertilizer ration station , agriculture office , Jinyun county , Zhejiang province .

  16. 为此江津市农业局下属的土壤肥料站开展了优质柑橘土壤的专项研究,本研究就是结合此项研究对江津市柑橘土壤灰棕紫泥背景值进行研究。

    Having promoted the research of project of the high-quality citrus soil for the soil and fertilizer station under this bureau of agriculture of Jiangjin , research this to combine the research carry on research to Jiangjin city citrus soil greyish brown purple mud background value .

  17. 农业研究局的MoonKim是这个研究小组的负责人。

    Moon Kim of the Agricultural Research Service led the team .

  18. 我是在荔湾区农业水利局的办公室里工作。

    I worked in the office of Bureau of Agriculture and Water Conservancy at Liwan .

  19. 该报告是美国农业部统计局(NASS)首次通过调查和目标评定对中耕作物收获前景所做的预测。

    This crop report is USDA 's initial NASS look at row crop yield prospects through survey and objective measurement .

  20. 有政府背景的澳大利亚农业资源经济局(abare)昨日发布对下个财年的首次预测,称继2008-09年猛涨85%后,2009-10年的铁矿石合约价将“大幅”下降。

    In its first forecasts for the coming financial year , the government-backed Australian Bureau of agricultural and resource economics yesterday said negotiated iron ore prices for 2009-10 would fall " substantially " after an 85 per cent jump in 2008-09 .

  21. 澳大利亚农业资源经济局(Abare)预测,随着对炼钢原料的需求逐渐走强,2009年中国铁矿石进口总量将增加28%,2010年将再增加12%。

    China 's imports of iron ore will rise 28 per cent this year and by a further 12 per cent in 2010 as its demand for steel-making raw materials gathers strength , according to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics .

  22. 所罗门先生是美国农业研究服务局的肉类科学家。

    Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux Mr. Solomon is a meat scientist with the United States Agricultural Research Service .

  23. 中国农业部兽医局局长贾幼陵称,中国正在对全国的家禽接种疫苗。

    Jia youling , chief veterinary officer in china 's agriculture ministry , said China is in the process of vaccinating all poultry in the country .

  24. 江西省农业厅渔业局一名姓魏的工作人员告诉记者:“鲸鱼属于二级重点水生野生保护动物。捕捞、买卖及运输并不违法,但必须具备相应的条件。”

    According to Jiangxi Provincial Agriculture Department Fishery Bureau , a staff member surnamed Wei told reporters : ' Whales belong to two key aquatic wild animal protections . Fishing , trading and transportation is not illegal but it must have the appropriate conditions . '

  25. 根据2001及2003~2005年农业部渔业局金枪鱼延绳钓科学观察员获得的生物学数据,对主要捕捞对象大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的生物学特征进行初步分析。

    Based on the data collected by Fishery Scientific Observers in Chinese tuna longline fleet in the Atlantic Ocean during 2001 and 2003-2005 , the biological features of main fishing species i.e. , bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) and yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) were analyzed .

  26. LewisZiska是美国农业部农业研究局的植物生理学家。

    Lewis Ziska is a plant physiologist at the Agricultural Research Service , United States Department of Agriculture .

  27. 研究中采用美国农业部农业研究局(ARS)开发的SWAT模型进行非点源污染模拟计算,SWAT模型是一个连续时间的分布式模型。

    SWAT model developed by USDA Agricultural Research Service ( ARS ) is used to estimate the non-point source pollution . It is a continuous and distributed model .

  28. Ashour是埃及农业部种子生产局的一位农业工程师。

    Ashour is an agricultural engineer in the Agriculture Ministry 's seeds production administration .

  29. 受到密切关注的澳大利亚农业和资源经济局(Abare)本周预计,中国今年的电煤净进口量将达到9800万吨,仍低于日本,但高于迄今一直是第二大进口国的韩国。

    The closely watched Australia Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics this week put China 's net thermal coal imports this year at 98m tonnes , still below Japan , but above South Korea , until now the second-largest importer .

  30. 中国农业科学院财务局财务专项管理办公室。

    Office of Financial Special Fund , Department of Finance , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences .