
  • 网络agricultural policy bank
  1. 随着国家支持三农力度的不断加大,以及金融体制改革的不断深入,作为沈阳地区唯一一家农业政策性银行,SY银行面临着机遇与挑战并存、希望与困难同在的关键考验。

    With the intensely support of the " three rural ", as well as the constant deepening reform of the financial system , SY bank is facing with both opportunities and challenges , hope and difficulties , as an only agricultural policy bank in the area of ShenYang .

  2. 中国农业政策性银行运行机制研究

    Study on the Operating Mechanism of Agricultural Policy Bank of China

  3. 作为农业政策性银行,积极引入和借鉴IRB法,对于农发行加强信贷管理、有效防范风险、提高经营管理水平等,同样具有非常重要的现实意义。

    The introduction of IRB Approach is of great practical significance for agricultural development banks to intensify credit management-to protect risks effectively-and to improve managerial and administrative expertise .

  4. 农业政策性银行风险及监测

    On Monitoring & Measuring the Risks of the Agricultural Policy-related Banks

  5. 构造农村金融体系及农业政策性银行战略定位的思考

    To Rebuild the Rural Financial System and the Agriculture Policy Bank

  6. 新农村建设中农业政策性银行财务管理问题研究

    Agricultural Policy Bank Financial Management Studies in the New Countryside Construction

  7. 对我国农业政策性银行发展的若干思考

    Reflection on the Development of Bank of Our Agricultural Policy

  8. 台湾农业政策性银行的演变与发展前景

    Development and Prospects of Agricultural Policy Bank of Taiwan

  9. 首先,分析农业政策性银行转型的理论基础。

    First , the analysis of the transformation of agricultural policy bank theory .

  10. 对金融危机下农业政策性银行支持涉农企业发展的思考

    Thinking of agriculture policy bank how to support agriculture enterprise development under financial crisis

  11. 基于多任务委托&代理模型的农业政策性银行公司治理问题研究

    Research of Corporate Governance of the Agricultural Policy Bank Based on Multi-task Principal Agent Model

  12. 但是,我国农业政策性银行面临可持续发展问题。

    But , the agricultural policy bank of our country faces the sustainable development problem .

  13. 第四章,提出和解释了农业政策性银行的绩效管理新体系。

    Chapter IV proposes and explains the new system of performance management of agricultural policy banks .

  14. 农业政策性银行转型问题探析

    Probing into Agriculture Policy Bank Transformation

  15. 根据这一目标模式,应该从健全动力机制、约束机制和调控机制三个方面来完善我国农业政策性银行的经营机制。

    So the impetus mechanism , adjustment mechanism and restraint mechanism of chinese agricultural policy bank should be improved .

  16. 提出农发行体制创新目标模式是计划结合市场的农业政策性银行体制。

    Put forward innovation goal of Agricultural Development Bank of China is Combination of Market with Planned Agricultural policy bank System .

  17. 粮食收购资金贷款是我国农业政策性银行&中国农业发展银行对从事粮食购销业务的企业发放的,主要用于支持其向种粮农民收购商品粮食的专项贷款。

    The loan granted by Agricultural Development Bank is special fund for the enterprise which dealing in cereals from the farmer .

  18. 市场失灵的外部环境和农业政策性银行体制弊端引致了体制创新的要求。

    Market failure of the external environment and agricultural policy shortcomings of the banking system caused the need of institutional innovation . 3 .

  19. 第五章,探讨了农业政策性银行某行绩效管理新体系的实施问题。

    In Chapter V , implementation issues of the new performance management system of a branch of the agricultural policy banks is analyzed .

  20. 而在农业政策性银行目前的风险结构中,最为突出的仍是信贷风险或贷款信用风险。

    For the agricultural policy banks , currently , credit risk or loans credit risk is still the most prominent in their risk structure .

  21. 虽然目前为止,农业政策性银行业务范围还较为单一,农业政策性银行在我国的发展甚至受到了质疑。

    Up to now , the agricultural policy banks had the limited business . The development of agriculture policy banks in our country was even questioned .

  22. 与商业银行相比,农业政策性银行具有鲜明的特征,它是特殊的金融企业,具有特殊的经营目标、经营原则和经营业务以及内部组织结构。

    Operational mechanism of agricultural policy bank , the operational target , principle and structure of agricultural policy bank is different with that of commercial bank .

  23. 农业政策性银行扶持农业产业化粮食龙头企业发展责无旁贷,任重道远。

    It is an inescapable duty as well as an arduous task for Agricultural Development Banks to lend support to leading grain enterprises in the industrialization of agriculture .

  24. 农发行应有农业政策性银行的功能和职责,进行体制创新并开拓农业政策性贷款业务。

    Agricultural Development Bank of China should have functions and responsibilities of agricultural policy bank , carry out institutional innovation and the development of agricultural policy lending operations .

  25. 农业政策性银行风险有其自身特点,主要表现在政策性、资产流动性、经营性、市场性及内部管理等五个方面。

    The risks facing the agricultural policy-related banks contain features of their own , mainly revealed in such five aspects as policy , assets liquidity , management , market and internal management .

  26. 结合人力资源管理的理论,探索出一条农业政策性银行的人力资源改革之路,希望能给这个特殊金融企业的人力资源管理提供一些有益的参考。

    In human resources management theory , explore a human resource bank of agricultural policy reform path , I hope that this will give special financial enterprises human resources management provide some useful information .

  27. 农业政策性银行是农村资金净输入的重要源泉,融政策性与金融性为一体,是在农业之外寻求解决三农问题的重要途径。

    The agricultural policy bank is the important sources of rural resources net input , combining " policy " and " finance " together , it is an important means to seek to solve problem that " agriculture , countryside , peasant 's question " except agriculture .

  28. 特别是按照党的十六届五中全会提出的建设社会主义新农村的战略任务的要求,农发行迫切需要向现代农业政策性银行实现战略转型,这既是方向又是目标。

    In particular , in accordance with the Party Plenum building new socialist countryside put forward the strategic task of the requirements of the Agricultural Development Bank urgently needed modern agricultural policy bank to achieve a strategic transformation , which is both direction and is the target .

  29. 在分析比较国外农业政策性银行金融风险防范的基础上,提出进一步完善我国农业政策性银行金融风险的若干思路,以期对今后农发行的发展有所裨益。

    The article advances some consider that how to perfect the policy finance of the Agriculture Development Bank of China on the basic of comparing foreign country 's keeping away financial risk , and hoping the it will help the Agriculture Development Bank of China in the future .

  30. 面临我国农业发展新阶段的到来,我国农业政策性银行需适时转变角色,准确定位,加快调整与改革,以更好地履行政策性银行职能,充分发挥其支持农业发展的重要作用。

    Facing with the new period of our agricultural development coming , the bank of our agricultural policy should change its direction quicken its regulation and reform , fulfil the function of policy bank and play its role in supporting agricultural development .