
  • 网络agrometeorological disaster;agricultural meteorological disasters
  1. 浅析晋城市气候概况及农业气象灾害

    Brief Analysis of Climate Survey and Agrometeorological Disaster in Jincheng

  2. 但总体上说,农业气象灾害预报研究还不很成熟。

    In general the research of agrometeorological disaster prediction is not very satisfied .

  3. 基于GIS技术的安徽省重大农业气象灾害测评系统总体设计

    The Investigating System Design for Some Main Agrometeorological Hazards of Anhui Province Based on GIS

  4. 对《基于GIS技术的安徽省重大农业气象灾害测评系统》的总体设计方法作了概要介绍。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to the investigating system design for some main agrometeorological hazards of Anhui province based on GIS .

  5. 以安徽省重大农业气象灾害的气候规律分析及遥感监测方法为基础,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,设计并建立了省级农业气象灾害测评系统。

    In this paper , based on analysis of climatic regular pattern , a monitoring and assessing system for agrometeorological disasters was established at province level with the aid of satellite remote sensing and geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  6. 利用常用的干旱指标对干旱统计频率、干旱空间分布和干旱过程进行分析,选择综合气象干旱指数(CI)作为江苏省重大农业气象灾害监测、预警系统中的干旱指标。

    After the statistic drought frequencies , the spatial distribution and drought occurrence processes were analyzed by some conventional drought indicators , a composite meteorological drought index ( CI ) was selected as an indicator of drought monitoring and forewarning in the system .

  7. 农业气象灾害预警研究主要包括:数理统计预报方法进一步发展,农业气象模式与气候模式结合的初步尝试,GIS和网络等高技术在农业气象灾害预警中的应用,省级农业气象灾害预测系统的研制。

    The study on agro-meteorological disasters prediction included the further development of mathematic statistical forecast method , the primary study on combining agro-meteorological models with climate models , the application of advanced technology , such as GIS and internet as well as the development of provincial agro-meteorological disasters prediction system .

  8. 基于3S技术和地面监测相结合,构建了农业气象灾害动态监测系统,从宏观和微观角度来全面监测农业气象灾害的发生发展;

    Based on 3s technology and surface observation , the dynamic monitoring system of agro-meteorological disasters was built to monitor the emergence and development of agro-meteorological disasters the year round . Satellite remote sensing monitoring system was built and improved .

  9. 农业气象灾害是造成农业生产不稳定的主要因素之一。

    Agricultural meteorological disasters are the major factor that affected agriculture .

  10. 福建农业气象灾害的产量灾损风险评估

    Risk assessment of yield losses from agro-meteorological disasters in Fujian Province

  11. 农业气象灾害地域组合规律的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Area Combination Law of Agro - Meteorological Disasters

  12. 贵州农业气象灾害综合风险评价与区划

    Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Demarcation of Agro-meteorological Disasters in Guizhou Province

  13. 甘肃农业气象灾害拓扑预测模型

    The Topological Prediction Model on Agricultural Meteorological Calamity in Gansu Province

  14. 农业气象灾害对甘肃天水苹果生产的影响

    Effects of agro-meteorological disasters on apple production in Tianshui , Gansu Province

  15. 农业气象灾害风险评价模型及应用

    An agro meteorological disaster risk analysis model and its application

  16. 农业气象灾害灾情等级划分与年景评估

    Grade classification and annual case assessment of agro-meteorological disasters in Fujian Province

  17. 2002年江苏主要农业气象灾害及其影响

    Analyses of Main Agrometeorological Disasters and Their Impacts in 2002

  18. 农业气象灾害影响评估和防御技术研究进展

    Review on Study on impact assessment and defending technique of Agrometeorological Disasters

  19. 上海地区农业气象灾害监测警示系统的研究

    Study on agricultural meteorological disaster monitor warning systems in Shanghai

  20. 柑桔农业气象灾害风险评估及农业保险产品设计

    Risk Assessment and Agricultural Insurance Design of Agrometeorological Disasters Risk for Citrus

  21. 福建省农业气象灾害对粮食生产的影响

    Influences of Agro - meteorological Disasters on Yield of Crop in Fujian

  22. 1988&2007年辽宁主要农业气象灾害分析

    Analysis of main agrometeorological disasters from 1988 to 2007 in Liaoning province

  23. 一种有效的农业气象灾害的定量性定义方法

    An Efficient Method of Quantitative Definition of Agricultural Meteorological Disaster

  24. 中国主要农业气象灾害区域分布与减灾对策

    Regional distribution of main agrometeorological disasters and disaster mitigation strategies in China

  25. 略论信息技术在农业气象灾害减灾中的应用

    A brief review on Application of information technique to reduction of Agrometeorological Disasters

  26. 农业气象灾害对徐州小麦生产的影响及防治措施

    Agrometeorological calamities affecting the wheat production in Xuzhou area and precautions against them

  27. 河南小麦生产农业气象灾害风险分析及区划

    Analysis and zoning of agrometeorological disasters risk for wheat growing in Henan Province

  28. 秦皇岛市气候变化对农业气象灾害的影响

    Influence Climate Change on Agrometeorological Hazard in Qinhuangdao City

  29. 决策树算法在农业气象灾害统计中的应用

    The Application of Decision-tree Algorithm in the Statistic of Meteorological Hazards of Agriculture

  30. 主要农业气象灾害风险评估技术及其应用研究

    Study on the risk evaluation technologies of main agrometeorological disasters and their application