
nóng yè jīng jì
  • agricultural economy
农业经济[nóng yè jīng jì]
  1. 人力资本与农业经济增长:基于中国农村的PANELDATA模型分析

    Human Capital and Growth of Agricultural Economy : An Analysis with Panel Data Based on Chinese Countryside

  2. 加入WTO后河北省农业经济安全问题研究

    Study on Security of Hebei Agricultural Economy after China 's WTO Entry

  3. 有一些解决办法可以为实现更可持续、更公平的农业经济铺平道路,但农民不能笨拙地把它们摆在我们面前。

    There are solutions that could light a path toward a more sustainable and fair farm economy , but farmers can 't clumsily put them together before us .

  4. 中国已经加入WTO,广西农业经济在国内并无优势的情况下,又面临国际农业列强的冲击。

    Since China has joined WTO , Guangxi agriculture economy now has to face with the consequent impact from international agriculture powers as well as its domestic disadvantageous position .

  5. 农产品供给告别短缺,两重市场困难,迫使农业经济分析由过去的侧重生产的单一分析,即F函数分析,发展到生产和需求相结合的综合分析。

    The end of the shortage of agricultural products and double-fold marketing difficulties are the causes of the transformation of agricultural economic analysis from the single analysis solely focused on production , or the analysis of function F , to the synthetic analysis combining production and demand ;

  6. 酸沉降农业经济损失估算

    Estimation of the agricultural loss in economy due to acidic deposition

  7. 甘薯在西部农业经济中的重要作用

    Importance of Sweet Potato in Agricultural Economy in Western China

  8. 立草为业兴晋富民&确立草业为山西农业经济的主导产业

    Establishing Prataculture and Offering it to Dominant Industry in Shanxi Agricultural Economic

  9. 日据时期台湾农业经济研究

    A Study on the Agricultural Economy of Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation

  10. 论淮安市农业经济可持续发展的临界值

    A discussion rural economy sustainable development threshold in Huai'an City

  11. 基于景观格局和农业经济分析的小流域治理

    Small watershed management based on landscape pattern and agricultural input-output

  12. 乳品产业是中国农业经济中一个十分重要的部门。

    Dairy industry is an important sector in agricultural economy in China .

  13. 建设新农村,发展现代农业经济是关键。

    The construction of new countryside , developing modern agriculture economy is key .

  14. 健全信息服务网络提高农业经济效益

    Perfecting information service network and raising agricultural economic benefits

  15. 吉林省农业经济可持续发展条件分析

    Sustainable Development Precondition of Agricultural Economy in Jilin Province

  16. 农产品贸易纠纷对我国农业经济的影响

    The Influence of Trade Disputes on Chinese Agricultural Economy

  17. 福建农业经济可持续发展区域差异的空间叠置分析

    Spatial Overlap Analysis of Regional Diversity of Agro-economic Sustainable Development in Fujian Province

  18. 农村金融学是金融学与农业经济管理学科交叉派生出来的一个新兴学科,也是一个相对年轻的学科。

    The rural finance is an important part of agriculture economics and management .

  19. 农业经济是中国国家经济发展的一个基础性问题,由于政治、历史和地理等多方面的原因,我国农业经济的发展一直处于落后的状态。

    The agricultural economy is a basic problem of economic development in China .

  20. 中国公共图书馆为农业经济服务的实证研究

    A Research on Chinese Public Library Serving Agricultural Economy

  21. 试论四川盆地农业经济发展的途径

    Trial Analysis of the Ways of Developing Agricultural Economy of the Sichuan Basin

  22. 柑橘在世界农业经济中占有十分重要的地位。

    Citrus is a very important fruit for agricultural economy in the world .

  23. 山东农业经济与农业产业化研究

    The study of Shandong agricultural economy and agricultural industrialization

  24. 试谈近代皖北地区的农业经济

    On Agricultural Economy of Northern Anhui in Modern Times

  25. 近代中国农业经济落后原因综论

    Modern China Agricultural Economy Backwardness Reason Synthesis Theory

  26. 21世纪农业经济发展的科学选择&三色农业

    The Green-White-Blue Agriculture , a Scientific Choice of Agricultural Economy Growth in 21st Century

  27. 匈牙利农业经济管理体制改革的成就和经验

    The achievements and experiences of the system reformation of agricultural economic management in Hungary

  28. 知识资产对农业经济增长的渗透

    Knowledge Assets ' Penetration to Agricultural Economic Growth

  29. 近年来,云南洱海流域国民经济实现了快速增长,农业经济得到了全面发展。

    The national and agricultural economy grew rapidly in Erhai Watershed in recent years .

  30. 直到现在,这些理论都对农业经济增长有一定的借鉴作用。

    Until now , the theory of agricultural economic growth is of certain reference function .