
  • 网络platform economy;Platform Economic
  1. 首先对平台经济理论进行了系统的研究,并且分析了运营商建设企业应用平台的必要性;其次对国内运营商企业应用平台的发展现状进行分析,并提出存在的问题。

    Firstly , this paper studied the platform economic theory systematically , and analyzed the construction necessity of operator business application platform . Secondly , this paper analyzed the development situation of domestic operator business application platform , and pointed out the problems .

  2. 阐述了平台经济的特点和监管的基本原则。

    It accounts the characteristics of the platform economy and basic principles of regulatory supervision .

  3. 我国平台经济发展正处在关键时期,要着眼长远、兼顾当前,补齐短板、强化弱项,营造创新环境,解决突出矛盾和问题,推动平台经济规范健康持续发展。

    It is important to strengthen weak areas in the sector in both the long and short terms , create an environment for innovation , resolve prominent problems , and promote its regulated , healthy and sustainable development .

  4. 使用结果表明,整个平台经济、合理、可行,取得了较好的实用效果。

    The results demonstrate that the whole platform is reasonable and useful .

  5. 本文在综述国外学者对平台经济研究的基础上,首次给出了平台经济学的定义,并对平台产业可能涉及的问题进行了分析。

    This paper gives the definition of platform economics for the first time , and analyses the possible problems in this area .

  6. 在这一阶段我们社会经济所呈现的新特征长尾效应;新规律维基经济;新模式平台经济;新的组织形式海星组织,这些构成了构建政府云模式的物质基础。

    There are many characteristics in our socioeconomic fields at this stage , new feature-the long tail effect ; new law-Wikipedia ; new model-the platform for the economy ; new forms of organization-starfish organizations . These constitute the foundation of the building of Cloud-Government .

  7. 该系统基于最新的Web技术和数据库技术,采用免费的Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL为其开发工具和运行平台,经济实用又不乏通用性,深受用户的好评,很有推广价值。

    Based on up to date Web and database technology , developed by and run on free Linux / Apache / PHP / MySQL platform , it shows that it is economical , practical and universal , and it is welcome by user and worth distributing .

  8. 利用Stratos,我们可以帮你独立于底层的基础设施云来完成这些工作,而且以一种对平台要经济得多的方式。

    With Stratos we do that for you independently of the underlying infrastructure cloud , and in a way much more tuned to the platform .

  9. 购置深水钻井平台的经济风险评价与融资分析

    Economic Risk Evaluation and Financing Analysis for the Purchase of Deep-Water Drilling Rigs

  10. 实际上,构建平台和经济适度多元是可持续发展中相互促进、互为一体的两大因素。

    In fact , the construction of the platform and the adequate diversification of the economy can run in parallel .

  11. 会展业在构建经贸合作服务平台、经济适度多元发展上,可起到重要的“助推器”作用。

    MCE : Please explain how can the convention and exhibition industry promote the trade and economic co-operation service platform and the adequate diversification of the economy .

  12. 然而实际应用中,受安装平台、经济性、安全性等条件制约往往只能使用小孔径阵列。

    However , due to the consideration of the mounting platform , economy , and security in the practical application , a small aperture array is often adopted .

  13. 与此同时,信息平台、经济支持、空间距离、领导因素、相互依赖等因素也在一定程度上对我国产业生态系统的稳定性造成影响。

    It is also proved that the factors such as information platform construction , economic support , space distance , IES principals and member dependence are influential in some degree .

  14. 改进的时间间隔法具有软件算法简单高效、硬件平台通用经济的优势,尤其适于在发展中国家的计量院和国内的激光绝对法振动校准实验室推广应用。

    This novel method is recommended to apply in national metrology institute of developing countries and domestic primary vibration calibration labs for its simplicity in algorithm and low requirements on hardware .

  15. 本文以GIS技术为平台,对经济开发区投资环境的综合评价进行了分析。

    This article takes the GIS technology as a platform , and analyzes to the investment climate synthesis appraisal of economic development zones .

  16. 本文首先介绍了SWARM的原理、复杂适应性系统的思想和经济仿真的思想,接着通过博弈论方法与经济仿真的结合,利用SWARM平台编写了经济仿真程序。

    In this thesis , the author first introduces the principle of SWARM , the theory of complex adaptive system and the theory of economic simulation .

  17. SAF2205双相不锈钢管道广泛地应用于化工、海洋石油平台等国民经济重要部门的建设。

    Duplex stainless steel pipes , SAF2205 , are widely used in the vital department ofthe national economy , such as chemical industries and offshore applications .

  18. 海洋钻井平台购置项目经济风险评估

    Economic risk assessment for the purchase project of deepwater offshore drilling rig

  19. 构筑太原科技创新平台促进太原经济全面发展

    Constructing Taiyuan science innovation stage to promote comprehensive development of Taiyuan economy

  20. 构建医院成本核算管理信息平台提升卫生经济管理水平

    Constructing hospital cost accounting management information platform to promote health economic management level

  21. 这些融资平台为推动经济建设起到了一定的推动作用。

    The platform of financing plays a certain role in promoting economic construction .

  22. 创建商务仿真实训平台,培养经济管理人才的研究与实践

    Study and practice on establishing business simulated practice training platform and cultivating administration talents

  23. 区域性公共物流信息平台对于地方经济的发展具有重要作用。

    Regional public logistics information platform plays an important role in local economic development .

  24. 构筑海洋生态养殖大平台加快渔业经济产业化进程

    To Establish a Large Platform for Ocean Ecological Aquaculture and Accelerate Progress for Fishery Industry

  25. 这是一种可靠的平台:可经济有效地进行部署和提供支持,并且可直接作为面向部署的良好的设计方法。

    It 's a solid platform : cost-effective to deploy and support and readily accepted as a good design approach for deployment .

  26. 美国要借助这个平台实现全球经济战略目标,甚至超出全球经济战略目标。

    From the strategic prospect , free trade agreement is the platform of the United States achieving the global economic strategy object , even beyond the global economic strategy object .

  27. 传统的基于单边市场特征的产业规制理论,无法解释平台企业的经济行为,也就无法解决具有双边市场特征的平台产业中的垄断与竞争问题。

    Therefore the regulation theory , based on the single market , can not explain the behaviors of platform firms , nor the monopoly and competition problems among the bilateral market platform firms .

  28. 短信平台作为更加经济,更加方便的信息发布平台,对于呼叫中心系统的建设是必不可少的,同时,呼叫中心可以通过短信平台扩展出更加方便、实用的业务功能。

    As a more economy , more convenient information publishing platform , short message platform becomes a necessary part in call center . At the same time , call center can be extension more convenient , practical business functions via short message platform .

  29. 针对经济管理类专业实践能力培养问题,借鉴企业建立产品实验中心的先进理念和经验,创建了商务仿真实训平台,为经济管理人才培养提供了一个新模式。

    Directed at the questions of educating management specialty 's practical ability , this article draws lessons from advanced concept and experience of establishing product lab center , creates business simulated practice training platform and provides a new model for management talents education .

  30. SGIS构建在计算机的软硬件平台上,将经济信息与空间信息结合起来,实现了空间地理数据和经济属性数据的相关查询和分析。

    SGIS is constructed and built on software and hardware platform of the computer . It combines economic information and spatial information together and realizes the relevant inquiry and analysis of the geographical data and economic attribute data .