
  • 网络platform competition
  1. 具有双边市场特征的电视媒体平台竞争模型

    The Model of Television Media Platform Competition with the Characteristic of Two-sided Markets

  2. 第四章通过构建平台竞争的古诺模型,分析了非对称均衡的存在性以及不同竞争体制的福利意义。

    By developing a Cournot model of platform competition , the fourth chapter discusses the equilibrium condition of asymmetry platform competition and welfare implications for different competition regime .

  3. 我们要提高关税,改革行业政策,同平台竞争。

    We need tariffs and industrial policy to level the playing field .

  4. 在中国,它要与腾讯视频、阿里巴巴旗下的优酷土豆这些流媒体平台竞争。

    In China , it competes with fellow streaming platforms Youku Tudou , which is owned by Alibaba , and Tencent Video .

  5. 接着,对第三方支付的职能、平台竞争、影响因素、盈利模式、行业存在问题以及与传统行业的关系等进行研究综述。

    Then , research review about function problem , the relationship between with the traditional industry , the existence of the third party payment , the platform competition , the influence factors , the profit model of the third party payment .

  6. 近年来,随着国际高端实验室的实验平台项目竞争日趋激烈,在进行了多方面的综合考虑后S所也着手进行类似的C实验平台的建设。

    In recent years , the international high-end projects laboratory experiment platform is becoming increasingly fierce , in a wide range of consideration in S institute by the General to proceed with a similar experimental platform C construction .

  7. 然而,尽管Blackberry10系列的发布在近期引发了一些乐观情绪,但在竞争激烈的消费类硬件领域,公司的市场份额仍在被使用谷歌(Google)安卓平台的竞争对手不断蚕食。

    Yet despite the recent optimism over the launch of the Blackberry 10 series , the company will almost certainly continue to lose market share in the crowded consumer hardware space to rivals that use Google 's ( GOOG ) Android platform .

  8. 平台企业竞争有效性及投资策略性效果研究

    The Research on Platform Competition Efficiency and Strategic Effects of Investment

  9. 随着金融开放,外资银行将越来越与中资银行在同一平台上竞争。

    Along with the financial opening , foreign banks will compete with Chinese banks more and more on the same platform .

  10. 赞比亚官员说,这么做的目的是为当地人提供收入更好的工作,让投资者在平等的平台上竞争。

    The aim was to create better-paying jobs for locals and a level playing field for investors , say Zambian officials .

  11. 当前,三大平台在竞争关系的基础上也呈现出“融合化、互补化及一体化”发展趋势。

    The three platform presenting a " compatibility , complementation , integration " situation based on the relation of the competition .

  12. 在此基础上,将静态模型扩展为动态微分博弈模型,从长期角度研究重叠业务策略在双边平台企业竞争中的运作机理。

    And then , the static model was extended to dynamic differential game for the long term perspective of overlapping operation strategy .

  13. 之后,通过借助前文对双边平台完全竞争市场的分析和对以往文献的总结,得出了影响完全竞争和完全垄断双边市场定价的影响因素。

    Then , with the help of the above analysis and previous literatures , it summarizes the factors impacting pricing in two-sided platform market .

  14. 这一过程中,政府的作用表现为构建体育院校良好的发展平台和竞争环境。

    The function of government in this process was to construct a good platform for development and favorable competitive environment in physical education institutions of higher learning .

  15. 考虑到高速交易在亚洲市场尚处于起步阶段、交易所刚刚开始面临来自其他平台的竞争,亚洲监管机构的热情可谓引人注目。

    Their zeal is striking , given that high-speed trading is still in its infancy in Asian markets , where exchanges are only just starting to face competition from alternative platforms .

  16. 在合并的协同效益(一个全球化的大型结算机构将为交易商带来最大化的交易机遇)与多个交易和结算平台的竞争优势之间,显然存在着紧张。

    Clearly , there is a tension between the synergy benefits of consolidation one giant , global clearing house would maximise netting opportunities for traders and the competitive benefits of multiple trading and clearing platforms .

  17. 然后,分别构建平台初期竞争模型和平台稳定期竞争模型进行理论阐述,并对封闭式平台和开放式平台进行对比分析。

    Then , this paper through the models of the early-stage of platform and the stable-stage of platform elaborates the theory , and Carries on the comparative analysis to the Proprietary platform and the open platform .

  18. Rational的新作用就是促进、支持并帮助细分平台以应对竞争对手。

    The new Rational role is to encourage , support , and help differentiate that platform from our competitors .

  19. 新进入者也希望建立自己的平台与银行竞争,如美国资产管理公司贝莱德(blackrock)计划推出其aladdin电子债券交易服务。

    New entrants are also seeking to create their own platforms to compete with banks , with us money manager BlackRock planning to offer its own electronic bond trading service called Aladdin .

  20. 然后分别从第三方B2B平台的市场竞争现状和中小企业使用B2B平台的情况说明建立第三方B2B电子商务平台综合竞争力评价体系和模型的必要性。

    Secondly , Then show that there is a necessity to build the evaluating indicator system and the evaluation model of the third-party B2B e-commerce platform after analyzing the market competition and by investigating the user experience of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  21. 构筑现代管理平台提升核心竞争能力

    Constructing the modern managing platform , advancing the core competitive ability

  22. 具有间接网络外部效应平台的动态竞争策略

    Dynamic Competitive Strategy of Platforms with Indirect Network Externality

  23. 而在不同的发展时期,平台厂商的竞争目标会有所侧重。

    In different period of development , these goals are not equally important to platforms .

  24. 中国科技公司腾讯建议以换股的方式合并两家类似“Twich”的游戏直播平台斗鱼及其竞争对手虎牙。

    Chinese tech company Tencent has proposed a stock-for-stock merger between Twich-like game live streaming platform DouYu and its competitor Huya .

  25. 如果这是开发平台间的竞争,那么从技术上讲,苹果处下风。

    If this is the desktop software platform competition , then Apple is getting its ass handed to it , technologically speaking .

  26. 随着经济的高速发展,现代企业的竞争已经从产品平台的表层竞争拓展到深层次的管理竞争。

    With the rapid development of economic , the competition among modern enterprise runs through from the competition of product platform to the competition of management , which is more deep-seated .

  27. 城市既是竞争的平台,也是竞争的主角,随着越来越多的城市加入竞争的洪流中,城市格局风云激荡,变幻多端。

    Cities are competing platforms ; the competition is also the main characters , as more and more cities to join the competition in the torrent of urban pattern of turbulent , changing many-fold .

  28. 2010年,国务院正式提出三网融合的重大决策,有线电视网络即将面临和联通、电信等通讯巨头在同一平台展开激烈竞争的巨大挑战。

    The State Department formally proposed a significant decision of " triple play " in 2010 . Cable TV networks will face a great challenge of competing with Unicom , telecommunication and other communication giants on the same platform .

  29. 通过行业协会组织的各种沟通平台来增强竞争对手之间的信任感,企业做出有成本的承诺等方法是避免恶性价格竞争、提高行业竞争效率的有效途径。

    Thus , it puts forward several suggestions to avoid the vicious price competition and improve the efficiency of competition , such as the communication organized by trade associations and the delivery of " credible commitment " for other firms .

  30. 必须加强制度改革和创新力度,消除制约和束缚个人发展机会公正的各种制度性障碍,完善法制,用统一的规则使社会成员能够在公正的平台上进行竞争。

    The mechanism reform and creativity must be reinforced , and all the systematic obstacles which curb individual development opportunity justice must be removed . The legal system should be perfected , so the society members can compete equally with united rules .