
  • 网络rural e-commerce
  1. 建设B2C农村电子商务网站的分析

    Consideration on Establishing B2C Countryside E-commerce Websites

  2. 关于构建农村电子商务评价指标体系的探讨

    Constructing An Appraisal Indicator System for Rural Electronic Commerce

  3. 为推进农村电子商务发展,京东已经建立起了1000多个地方特产商店,并且邀请100多个县的党领导来宣传他们县的特产。

    To promote rural e-commerce , JD.com has established more than 1000 local specialty shops and invited Party chiefs from 100 counties to advertise their county specialties .

  4. 意见提出,鼓励高校毕业生投身现代种业、农产品加工、乡村旅游、农村电子商务、农村合作经济和水利工程事业。

    College graduates will be encouraged to find employment in the modern seed industry , agrotechny , countryside tourism , rural e-commerce , rural cooperatives and water conservation projects , according to the guideline .

  5. 当前我国的大部分的农村电子商务系统平台的功能主要集中在农产品的交易功能上,所以相关系统主要由前台的销售平台,及后台的管理平台这两个大功能模块构成。

    The current of our most of the e-commerce system platforms of the main focus on agricultural trade function , so the system of the front platform , and the sale of the management of the platform of the two functions constitute a module .

  6. 这项协议旨在通过教育和注册登记等措施,来促进中国农村的电子商务发展,同时也将帮助这些地区脱贫。

    The agreement aims to boost e-commerce in rural China through education and registration initiatives , which will also help to alleviate poverty in those areas .

  7. 本文就吉林省农村经纪人电子商务的应用现状进行了分析,并对存在的发展障碍提出了解决的方法。

    This article analysis the present situation of E-business and rural broker of Jllin province , and point out the problems and brought forward the countermeasures .

  8. 它拥有7万淘宝村商家,为农村地区带来电子商务和就业机会。

    It has 70,000 Taobao Village merchants , which bring ecommerce and jobs to the countryside .

  9. 随着农村互联网建设的加强,农村电子商务的发展呈上升趋势。

    With the internet construction in rural areas is being enhanced , e-commerce in rural areas is developing well .