
  1. 富硒农产品开发利用战略。

    The strategy of the development of products rich in Se .

  2. 安徽特色农产品开发的现状与对策

    Strategy of Speeding up the Development of Special Agri-products in Anhui

  3. 湖南省无公害农产品开发现状与建设重点

    Development Situation and Construction Emphasis of Hazard Free Agricultural Produce in Hunan Province

  4. 试论现代土宜科学与地区名优农产品开发

    On Land Suitability Science and Development of Native Agro-specialities

  5. 果蔬采收成熟度影响其采后品质和对逆境的响应,所以是农业生产和农产品开发的焦点。

    The harvest maturity stage of horticultural product can influence its postharvest quality and stress response , so it is always be the focus of agricultural practice and utilization of product .

  6. 生态农业产业化经营模式、草畜产业一体化发展模式、特色农产品开发模式是实现农牧交错区农业可持续发展的必由之路。

    It is the important approaches that achieve development of the sustaining agriculture in interlaced region include ecological agriculture industrialization management 、 integrative industrialization of pasture and grass 、 exploitation of unique farm produce .

  7. 生态农业观光园以生态农产品开发为基础,结合了休闲娱乐、参与农事、科普教育等多种功能,近年来在我国得到了蓬勃发展。

    It is based on the development of eco-agricultural products and integrates many functions as entertainment , farming participating and science education . It is flourish in China these years and have a promising future .

  8. 文中通过对日本农产品开发进口贸易的形成、贸易主体及其存在条件的分析,寻求对我国农业及农产品贸易的启示。

    In this paper , the inspiration for our agriculture and its trade is performed with the aid of analyzing the formation of the development of import trade of agricultural products , the main part of the trade and the conditions to exist .

  9. 富硒土壤研究成果,经过近年来富硒农产品规模开发利用,已取得巨大的经济效益。

    Enormous economic benefits are made by scale development of selenium-rich soil .

  10. 试论绿色农产品的开发

    Discussion on development of green agriculture produce

  11. 在具体科技开发上,指出了设施农业的科技开发和农产品的开发利用与深度加工,为发展我国农业提出了广阔前景。

    The paper especially mentions that the technological development of facility agriculture and the processing or the deep processing of agricultural products will have broad prospects .

  12. 淀粉与乙烯基单体接枝共聚是淀粉化学改性的重要方法,在利用农产品和开发新型功能材料方面有很好的发展前景。

    The graft copolymerization of vinyl monomers onto starch is an important method for the chemical modification of starch , and has good prospects in utilizing agricultural products to develop new functional materials .

  13. 为处理剩余粮食,美国制定了《1954年农产品贸易开发与援助法》,即480公法,以无偿与有偿援助等方式对外提供粮食,从而开启了制度化的对外粮食援助计划。

    In order to deal with those surpluses , the United States enacted the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 , i.e. Public Law 480 , which gave food aid to non-communist countries and started the systemization of foreign food aid program .

  14. 基于GIS的农产品商务平台开发研究

    Research on the Development of GIS-based Agricultural Products Business Platform

  15. 信息产品的符号性越来越强,同时,其消费正向符号消费转型。最大的机会是城市居民消费转型,为优质农产品生产和开发农业多种功能提供了可能;

    The biggest opportunity is that the urban residents consumption transition has provided the possibility for the high quality agricultural product production and development agriculture variety of functions ;

  16. 澳甘霖有限公司是一家建立在澳大利亚的公司,从事生态农产品的研究,开发,商业化以及市场销售。

    Ozganic Limited is an Australian based Company engaged in the research and development , commercialization , marketing and sales of sustainable agricultural products .