
nóng nú
  • serf
农奴 [nóng nú]
  • [serf] 人身隶属于农奴主或封建主的农业劳动者

农奴[nóng nú]
  1. 第二部分为农奴制下的人们,着重描述了封建农奴制的特征和农奴主、农奴的生活比较。

    Second part is the people 's life in serf system .

  2. 不是农奴或奴隶的人。

    A person who is not a serf or a slave .

  3. 地主迫使农奴们每天干活16个小时。

    The landlord forced the serfs to work 16 hours a day .

  4. 但是要是我们象白痴农奴那样去耕地,我们永远也看不到这样的荣耀!

    But we will never see that glory if we till the soil like oafish farm hands .

  5. 作为抵制农奴制度美北浸信会的独立分支,美南浸信会(SBC)从1845年成立之初就披上了歧视的色彩。

    Prejudice coloured the SBC from its very founding in 1845 , as a breakaway sect from the anti-slavery Baptists of the north .

  6. 来自昆士兰农村地区的无党派议员鲍勃•卡特尔(BobKatter)占据了制高点:“我可不想生活在一个为外国地主卖命的农奴国家中。”

    Bob Katter , an independent parliamentarian from rural Queensland , takes the prize : " I do not wish to live in a country of serfs working for foreign landlords . "

  7. 废除农奴制以后,俄国步入现代化轨道。

    Russia started its modernization after abolishing the system of slavery .

  8. 广大农奴和奴隶被剥夺了受教育的权利。

    Education was denied to the masses of serfs and slaves .

  9. 农奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建农奴制度。

    The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments .

  10. 他说,这项议案将给以前的农奴造成错觉。

    He said it would create false hopes among former slaves .

  11. 农奴主把农奴当做会说话的牲口。

    Serf owners regarded their serfs as animals that could talk .

  12. 残忍的农奴主挖掉了农奴的眼睛。

    The cruel serf-owner put out the serf 's eyes .

  13. 解放农奴在历史上是一件大事。

    The emancipation of the serfs is a great event in history .

  14. 封建农奴的合法地位。

    The legal status or condition of a villein or feudal serf .

  15. 几千人成为农奴,

    Tens of hundreds of people are enslaved in agriculture ,

  16. 奴役一个人被迫做奴隶或农奴的状态。

    The state of one who is bound as a slaveor serf .

  17. 一个臭鬼,把我们说成是农奴。

    What a stinker , he wanted to make us into serfs .

  18. 他们大胆站起来谴责农奴主的罪行。

    They boldly stood up and charged the serf-owner with his crimes .

  19. 在封建等级底层的是农奴。

    At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs .

  20. 他们不给农奴任何自由。

    They did not allow the serfs any freedom .

  21. 雇佣和管理当代“农奴”的挑战

    The challenges of hiring and managing modern day serfs

  22. 试析中世纪英国农奴制发展特点

    An Analysis on the Characteristics of the British Serfdom

  23. 农奴和奴隶不再需要满足少数精英群体的要求。

    Serfs and slaves need no longer satisfy the appetites of narrow elites .

  24. 广大农奴和奴隶没有接受教育的权利。

    The masses of serfs and slaves had no right to receive education .

  25. 贵族压迫剥削农奴。

    The nobles had oppressed and exploited their serfs .

  26. 自然法对于废除农奴制和奴隶制起了很大的作用。

    The law of nature contributed to the abolishment of villeinage and serfdom .

  27. 您很向往农奴时代吧

    So you hanker for the days of serfdom ?

  28. 俄国的农奴制度与农村公社

    The Serf System and the Primitive Commune in Russia

  29. 这种分散的经济制度依赖于农奴在法律上的固定性。

    This decentralized economic system relied on the legal immobility of the serf .

  30. 他们是中世纪农奴的前辈。

    They were the forerunners of the medieval serfs .