
  1. 听广播,关于对Belview的农民代表和公路部门人员的采访。

    Listen to the radio interview with representatives of the Belview farmers and of the Department of Roads and Highways .

  2. 农民代表是平民马尔科姆华莱士。

    Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace ,

  3. 作为农民阶级代表的苔丝,她的悲剧命运的根源在于资产阶级的伦理道德和社会制度。

    Tess is a representative of the peasantry and the root of her tragedy lies in capitalist 's moral principles and social system .

  4. 供销合作社作为中国农民合作社的代表加入国际合作社联盟,成为国际合作的重要力量。

    Supply and marketing cooperatives , as the delegate of Chinese agricultural cooperatives , join the International Cooperative Alliance .

  5. 指出:农民不能自己代表自己,无产阶级领导权实现的关键是农民问题。

    He pointed out that peasants cannot represent themselves ; and the key to the proletarian realizing the leadership was the peasant problem .

  6. 随着市场经济的发展,以农民专业合作社为代表的农民组织化和由农业企业拉动的农业产业化,均呈现快速发展的趋势。

    As the development of a market economy , the organizations of farmers and agricultural industrialization represented as professional farmers cooperative , driven by agricultural enterprises , are currently embracing the developmental acceleration .

  7. 以进城农民个体劳动者为代表的进城农民在城市中存在各种需要,他们的需要状况及需要满意感如何都会影响社会的安定和发展。

    The peasants who are in business in cities are the representative of peasants staying in cities , stability and development of the society are affected by their needs and sense of need satisfaction .

  8. 通过分析;笔者选取一般农业型地区以农业收入为主要生活来源的农民作为中国农民的代表,并认为这部分农民对土地的诉求实际上代表了中国农民对土地的诉求。

    The author chooses the peasants of common agricultural region who regard the agricultural income as their major income as the representative typical peasants , and their claims as the requirements of China peasants .

  9. 因此,要富裕农民必须减少农民,要繁荣农村必须推进城镇化。他们不是代表广大农民群众,而是代表少数富裕农民。

    Hence , to enrich the farmers , it is necessary to cut their number , and to prosper rural areas , it is necessary to advance the process of urbanization .

  10. 农民是建设新农村和发展现代农业的主体,职业农民是广大农民的优秀代表。

    Peasant is the main part of the new construction and development rural , the occupations peasant is an excellent representative of them .

  11. 农民增收是农业产业化发展的初衷和落脚点,农民专业合作社是农业产业化背景下,农民利益的代表者和实现农民收益的重要载体。

    Farmers ' income is the purpose and foothold of the development of the agricultural industrialization . Farmers ' professional co-operatives is representative of the interests of farmers and carrier of realizing farmers benefiting under the industrialization of agriculture .