
  1. 通过对乌苏市资源的开发利用和城镇发展,可以使民族地区高度分散的人口向中心城镇和市区集聚,并促使分散的农牧民向城镇聚居。

    Through the development and utilization of Usu and urban development , it can be highly dispersed population from minority areas , and move to the center of town and urban agglomeration , and to promote decentralized to towns inhabited by farmers and herdsmen .

  2. 近代西欧民族国家的确立和发展,是15、16世纪西欧由传统农牧社会向近代工业社会转变的重要组成部分。

    The rise of the nation state in early modern Europe is an important part in the transformation from the traditional agricultural society to the modern industrial society .

  3. 中间产品多样性、地区的专业化与产业集聚的边界农业区域化合理布局、专业化分工的趋势逐步显现,主要农产品生产向优势产区集中。

    This has resulted in the rational distribution of agricultural regions , the growing tendency of specialized distribution of work and the concentration of major farm produce in advantageous production areas .

  4. 在今后要进一步查清耕地质量,加强对耕地的保护,加强对农业结构调整的指导,促进优势农产品生产向优势区域集中,确保有限的耕地资源可持续利用。

    Further ascertained the quality of cultivated land and strengthen the protection of arable , guide agricultural structure adjustment , promote advantage agricultural production to advantage area concentrated , ensure that limited arable land resource sustainable utilization .

  5. 以期提高物流配送经济效益,实现物流科学化。并为农产品物流向集约化发展,构建农产品的综合物流体系和电子商务奠定一定的基础。

    Raises the physical distribution allocation economic efficiency by the time , realizes the physical distribution scientific style , and for the agricultural product physical distribution intensification development , the construction agricultural product synthesis physical distribution system and development electronic commerce lays certain foundation .

  6. 主要农产品生产继续向优势产区集中。

    Concentration of major agricultural products in competitive production areas .

  7. 康农的团队还向人们展示出,打印出符合患者不同特点的角膜是完全可行的。

    Connon 's team also showed it is possible to create a cornea that matches a patient 's unique specifications .

  8. 而另一方面由于资源禀赋及技术条件等差异,国外具有竞争力的农产品却有向中国大量倾销的趋势,对我国农业经济和农民生活构成巨大冲击。

    On the other hand , owing to the difference in resource endowment and technological level , competitive agriculture products from developed countries may be dump into China , a serious lash onto China 's agriculture economy and farmer 's life .

  9. 在其期间,实施的一系列农业开发措施,极大的推动了当地由传统的原始农牧业经济向现代化经济的过渡,可谓是西康所在地区历史上最大规模的经济开发。

    A series of measures have been taken to develop the local agriculture during that time , and promoted the modernization of the traditional primitive farming economy extremely , which is considered to be the most great development that ever engaged in this area .

  10. 特别是按照党的十六届五中全会提出的建设社会主义新农村的战略任务的要求,农发行迫切需要向现代农业政策性银行实现战略转型,这既是方向又是目标。

    In particular , in accordance with the Party Plenum building new socialist countryside put forward the strategic task of the requirements of the Agricultural Development Bank urgently needed modern agricultural policy bank to achieve a strategic transformation , which is both direction and is the target .

  11. 虽然对比的各主要发达国家实行农业支持政策的目的迥异,但是由农产品价格支持向收入直接支持转变是各国农业生产者支持方式的调整方向。

    Secondly , although the purposes for implementation of agricultural support policies among China and main developed countries are different , the method of agricultural support transferring from agricultural price support to income directly support is the direction of agricultural support policies adjustment in WTO member countries .