- 网络contractual operation right of farmland

The Entry of WTO and the Circulating of Contractual Operation Right of Rural Land
A Study on the Right in Rem Regarding Farmland Contracted Operating Right
Land Trust System : Innovation of Land Contracted Management Right Turnover System
Clearly , the current legislation farmlands contracting authority should also have further developed .
The Dual Structure in the Circulation of Rights of Contracted Country Land in China
Farmland Contracted Operating Right is an innovative concept in the Chinese legal system .
A Review about the Studies of Farmland Transfer
Systemically analyse rural land contract-manage history and evolution character , base of real rights realization ;
The Market Liquidity of Contracting and Operating Right to Rural Land : A Theoretical and Empirical Study
The status quo of the divide and tendency of its being intensified are also dealt with .
The contracted management of rural land mortgage has always been controversial in the theoretical and practical circles .
Chapter three and four focus on farmland contract-management right systems , ownership right and development right systems respectively .
It is advised that the transfer of the contractual rights of land can be promoted on a case-by-case basis .
Although the land transfer is legal in the form of laws and regulations by the nation , but for the rural land contract management right mortgage is opposed .
The Analysis and Research on the Theory and Practice of the Policies on the Agriculture Industry Contracted Land Registration and China 's Rural Land Reform & Perspectives from Land Use Rights Transaction
The Analysis on the Massive Circulation of Contracting and Operating Right of Rural Land in Southeastern Coastal Regions of China : Investigation based on 3 Provinces of Zhejiang , Fujian and Guangdong
Since the reform and opening up , the country has gradually liberalized the control of the countryside , especially given the farmers the important right to free transfer agricultural land contract and management .
Its states that the incompleteness of contracting and operating right to rural land and the village cadres ′ " rent-seeking behavior " are the two basic reasons to the poor development of rural land market .
Based on the value option of the law , this paper exposits the relationship between farmland contractual management rights and other relevant rights by structure analysis method , and then offers the suggestion of perfecting farmland rights system .
In this model , farmers are considered as a seller who has land use right , and to those who are in need of land contractual management rights are regarded as a buyer , while the government is the auctioneer .
Thus , promoting real rights construction of rural land contract-manage right , must become the most effective ways to perfect rural land contract-manage right implication , protect farmers benefits , and it answers for fanners ' rights demand in modern market economy system .
This part respectively commented basic theory related to rural land contractual management right transference , including property right theory , institutional change theories , the land rent and land price theory , land market theory as well as the theory of agricultural scale management .
Think of Use Right Commercialization of Rural Land under the Background of Building the New Socialist Countryside
The so-called right to use farming land refers to the contract and management right of farming land , and the behavior of amortizing the narrowly & defined right to use farming land to other peasant households or units through the form of transferring , contracting , leasing etc.
The main agricultural land use rights as a form of farmlands franchise contract is a major turning point in Chinese society to the special conditions developed , and also played a huge role in society has greatly promoted the development of rural economy .
The rights to collective land in our country mainly include the ownership of collective land and the right to contract for management .
I think China 's current farmland property right systems can be classified into two important categories : farmland ownership right system and farmland contract-management right system .