
  • 网络Natural disasters in China
  1. 中国自然灾害灾情统计与自组织临界性特征

    Statistics and Self-organized Criticality Characters of Natural Disasters in China

  2. 中国自然灾害的空间分布特征

    The spatial characteristics of natural disasters in China

  3. 依据灾害系统理论和中国自然灾害数据库,构建了综合城市化水平(Cl)指标和综合自然灾害强度(QC)指标;

    Based on the disaster system theory and the China natural disaster database , this paper sets up the C_l index and the Q_C index .

  4. 中国自然灾害的分布与分区减灾对策

    The distributions of natural disasters and the divisional DISASTER-COUNTERMEASURES for China

  5. 全球气候变化对中国自然灾害的可能影响

    Possible Impacts of Global Climate Change on Natural Disasters of China

  6. 中国自然灾害灾情统计现状及展望

    Present Situation on Natural Disaster Statistics in China and the Prospect

  7. 近40年来中国自然灾害的时空统计特征

    The statistical charateristics of natural disasters last 40 years in China

  8. 中国自然灾害应急管理研究进展与对策

    Advances in study on natural disaster emergency management in China

  9. 国家发布中国自然灾害风险地图集。

    Risk map shows parts of nation in most danger .

  10. 中国自然灾害保险风险度综合评判与区划

    The Comprehensive Assessment and Regionalization of Natural Disaster Insurance Risk in China

  11. 中国自然灾害灾后响应能力评价与地域差异

    Assessment and regional difference of disaster resilience capability in China

  12. 中国自然灾害灾情估计

    An estimation of damage done by natural disaster in China

  13. 中国自然灾害数据库的建立与应用

    Establishment and application of natural disaster database of China

  14. 中国自然灾害、减灾建设与可持续发展

    The natural disasters , constructions works for disaster reduction and sustainable development of China

  15. 中国自然灾害的区域组合规律河北省自然灾害区划与减灾

    AREAL ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL HAZARD IN CHINA Hebei Natural Hazard Regionalization and Hazard Decrease

  16. 中国自然灾害转移、安置的财政补助机制

    Research on mechanism of financial aids for transfer and resettlement in natural disaster emergency management

  17. 中国自然灾害区划

    Regionalization of natural disasters in China

  18. 最后根据评判结果得到了各风险区的自然灾害保险风险度,由此绘制了中国自然灾害保险风险区划图。

    At last , every region 's natural disaster insurance risk degree can be concluded from the assessed result and then the regionalization map of China is drawn .

  19. 作者根据多年来的灾害研究资料.分析了中国自然灾害的基本情况,总结了建国以来我国减灾工作的进展。

    According to research material of natural disaster in last many years , the author analyse a basic condition of natural disaster in China , summaries on trends of decrease disaster .

  20. 再利用改进后的数学模型计算出各风险区的自然灾害保险风险度,并绘制了中国自然灾害保险风险区划图;

    After that , every risk region 's natural disaster insurance risk degree is figured out by the improved mathematics model and China 's natural disaster insurance risk regionalization map is drawn .

  21. 最后指出,中国自然灾害灾情的自组织临界性特征是客观存在的,而标度-频度的幂律值则是一个相对值。

    The paper also discriminates the relationship between the negative power and scales , it is found that the character of self-organized criticality of China disaster exposure exists objectivity , but the value of the negative power of relationship between the scale and frequency may change with different scales .

  22. 从中国自然灾害应急管理的现状出发,系统分析了自然灾害应急管理领域的研究进展,指出了中国自然灾害应急管理在理论和实践方面存在的问题。

    Based on the status quo of the natural disaster emergency management in China , the advances in the study on the natural disaster emergency management are analyzed , and the problems in the theory and practices of the study on natural disaster emergency management in China are indicated .

  23. 中国重大自然灾害监测与评估信息系统的建设与应用

    Monitoring and evaluation information system of major natural disasters in China

  24. 中国沿海自然灾害及减灾对策

    Natural disaster and response measurement in china 's coastal zone

  25. 中国农业自然灾害综合区划方案

    Comprehensive regionalization of agricultural natural disaster in China

  26. 中国城市自然灾害区划编制

    Compilation of city natural disaster Regionalization in China

  27. 对《中国重大自然灾害与社会图集》进行了综合而深入地评述。

    This paper evaluated extensively and profoundly the atlas of Chinese Major Natural Disasters and Society .

  28. 主要介绍1998年以来中国在自然灾害救助方面的体系建设和能力建设。

    The reforms centers on the construction of the natural disaster relief system and construction of capability .

  29. 21世纪中国的自然灾害发展趋势&以地震和旱涝灾害为例

    The natural disasters of China in the 21 ~ ( st ) century : earthquake , drought and flood

  30. 一般而言,中国古代自然灾害引发的社会危机,可粗略地概括为两大方面:一是在社会经济方面。

    In general , we can roughly summarize two aspects according to natural calamities ' leading to social crisis : one is social economy .