
  • 网络rural financial service
  1. 论我国农村金融服务的规范与创新

    Standardization and Innovation of the Rural Financial Service of our Country

  2. 四是强化农村金融服务体系。

    The fourth is to strengthen rural financial service system .

  3. 信息处理、博弈参与和农村金融服务中介

    On the Information Process , Game Participation and Rural Financial Service Intermediation

  4. 中介服务能力不足;加强农村金融服务提高农业综合生产能力

    Strengthening the Rural Finance Service and Improving the Agricultural Comprehensive Productive Forces

  5. 对完善我国农村金融服务体系的思考

    Consideration on Perfecting the Rural Financial Service System in China

  6. 欠发达农业区农村金融服务:现状与改革思路

    Financial Services in Developing Rural Areas : Current Situation and Reorganization Ideas

  7. 试论农村金融服务体系改革

    Preliminary Analysis of the Reformation of Rural Financial Service System

  8. 论我国农村金融服务及其完善

    On Our Country 's Rural Financial Service and its Improvement

  9. 一是创新农村金融服务可持续发展机制。

    First , establish a sustainable mechanism of providing rural financial services .

  10. 政策性金融与农村金融服务供给

    Policy - Oriented Finance and Financial Services in Rural Area

  11. 农村金融服务可获得性:监管问题与制度创新

    Accessibility of Financial Service : Regulatory Issues and Institutional Innovation

  12. 为此要进行农村金融服务的创新,完善农村金融体系,引导各类金融机构增加对三农的支持力度,提高服务效率,为农民增收提供完善的金融服务。

    So much has to be done to improve rural financial services .

  13. 关于完善农村金融服务的研究

    Research on the Financial System in the Rural Area

  14. 运用公共管理学理论分析了农村金融服务弱化的原因。

    Analyzed the reasons that waken rural financial services with Public Management Theory .

  15. 加强农村金融服务促进县域经济发展

    Thinking on Strengthen Rural Financial Service and Promoting economic development of town region

  16. 改善农村金融服务。

    We should improve financial services in rural areas .

  17. 以行政资源和市场资源重塑三层次农村金融服务体系

    On the Restructuring of Rural Financial Service System

  18. 青海农村金融服务体系发展的路径

    The avenue of the systematic development of the countryside 's finance service in Qinghai

  19. 加快构建农村金融服务体系

    Quicken Building Financial System in Rural Area

  20. 农村金融服务能为生产要素流动提供有力保障。

    Financial services in rural areas can provide effective protection for the flow of production .

  21. 对重建农村金融服务的新机制和新载体提出了设想。

    Proposed the idea of constructing new mechanisms and new vectors for rural financial services .

  22. 广东省欠发达地区农村金融服务体系建设的政策研究

    A Study on the Policy of Agricultural Financial Service System Construction in Guangdong Underdeveloped Regions

  23. 我国农村金融服务体系的困境及纾解

    Chinese Rural Financial Service System-Dilemmas and Solutions

  24. 准确定位完善农村金融服务

    Locate Accurately Consummate Rural Financial Service

  25. 农村金融服务条件下资金流与经济增长的相关性分析

    The Correlation Analysis of Capital Flow and Economic Growth Under the Conditions of Financial Services in Rural Areas

  26. 农村金融服务效率是农村金融深化与农村经济发展的标志。

    The efficiency of rural financial service is the token of rural finance deepening and rural economy development .

  27. 农业政策性金融是整个农村金融服务体系的重要环节,发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Agricultural policy-oriented finance is an important part of the entire rural financial service system and plays an irreplaceable role .

  28. 在解决三农问题中,强化农村金融服务起着至关重要的作用。

    Abstract : In the progress of solving the three rural problems , strengthening rural financial services plays a crucial role .

  29. 由于多方面的原因,农村金融服务仍存在许多问题,特别是农民贷款难问题比较突出。

    Due to many reasons , there still exist many problems in rural financial service , especially the problem of loans .

  30. 摘要日本农协金融作为合作金融的典型代表,是比较成功的农村金融服务体系。

    As a typical representative of cooperative finance , japan 's peasants associate finance is relatively successful agricultural financial service system .