
  • 网络Golden Mile;THE GOLDEN LAND
  1. 南京路是上海商业的黄金地带。

    Nanjing Road is a prime commercial area in Shanghai .

  2. 一群人移居到新发现的黄金地带。

    A large migration of people to a newly discovered gold field .

  3. 顶级商业房产,如质数般稀少商业地产已经复苏,但是只在黄金地带

    Commercial property has bounced back , but only in the best locations

  4. 随着经济的发展,城市滨水区越来越成为独具个性的城市黄金地带。

    With the development of economy , the waterfront has increasingly become the " golden zone of the city " .

  5. 时代广场:是纽约市的黄金地带,人行道上人头攒动,灯火辉煌。

    Times Square : Occupying the heart of New York City , the sidewalks here are full of life and bright lights .

  6. 发达国家商业地产真正的问题是非黄金地带数量巨大的房产。

    The real problem in commercial property in much of the rich world is the vast number of properties in less auspicious locations .

  7. 还可能意味着在大城市里选择质量较差的资产,或者进入二级城市的黄金地带。

    It might mean staying in the biggest cities but plumping for lower-quality assets , or moving into the best locations in secondary cities .

  8. 研究表明:山西地处我国玉米种植的黄金地带,玉米的产量高、品质好。

    The study indicate that Shanxi which located in the best place availed to plant maize has the high yield , good quality of maize .

  9. “顶级”是这个产业中被过度使用的一个词,但是这个词的本意是指位于黄金地带的最优质房产,而且有很好的租户和长期的租约。

    Prime is an overused word in the industry , but in essence it means the best buildings in the best locations , with good tenants and long leases .

  10. 地处哈市政治、经济、文化的黄金地带,百业兴旺。毗邻省展览馆、各大百货公司及地下商业街。

    Located at the political , economic and cultural centre of Harbin , the hotel is adjacent to the Provincial Exhibition Centre , major department stores and the underground shopping street .

  11. 在斯里兰卡各社区开展工作的非政府组织表示,目前有人怀疑搬空后的缓冲区会变为海滨饭店的黄金地带,从而使某些人从中获利。

    Non-government organizations ( NGOs ) working in the communities say there is much suspicion the vacated buffer zone will turn into profit for someone else as prime beachfront property for hotels .

  12. 中国第一商城和中国世界贸易中心、新世界京广中心组成一个黄金商业地带&一个独特的商业区。

    The Great Mall together with China World Trade Center and the New World Jing Guang center constitute a golden zone - a unique business area .

  13. 杭州作为长江中下游黄金三角地带的一个重要大中城市,近年来,健身娱乐行业发展比较迅速。

    Summary : Hangzhou be in Yangtze River triangle district of the downstream gold of an importance big medium city , in recent years , workout amusement the profession develop more and quickly .

  14. 蓬莱地处环渤海旅游黄金板块的中心地带,与周围地区可以形成旅游资源共享。

    Located in the central belt of the Bohai rim tourism golden block , Penglai can form tourism resources with neighboring areas .

  15. 镀金的黄金甲&《雷雨》与《满城尽带黄金甲》之比较南京路是上海商业的黄金地带。

    The Gilded " Golden Armour " & Comparison between The Thunderstorm and Curse of the Golden Flower ; Nanjing Road is a prime commercial area in Shanghai .