
nóng lín
  • agriculture and forestry;farming and forestry
农林 [nóng lín]
  • [farming and forestry] 农业与林业的简称

农林[nóng lín]
  1. 基于GIS的多尺度农林生态环境空间分析及应用研究

    Spatial Analysis and Application Research on Ecological Environment of Multi-Scaled Agriculture and Forestry Based on GIS

  2. 新型植物生长调节剂(ASL)在农林业上的应用

    The Application of a New Plant Growth Regulator ( ASL ) on Agriculture and Forestry

  3. EXCEL在农林试验多因素统计分析中的应用

    Application of the Multivariate Data Analysis in Agroforestry Experiments with EXCEL

  4. 农林生物质解毒Cr(Ⅵ)是一种廉价的环境修复方法。

    Detoxification of Cr (ⅵ) by biomass is a kind of low cost methods in environment remediation .

  5. 3S技术与农林复合生态系统景观格局分析

    3S Technique and Analysis of Agri-forestry Ecosystem Landscape Structure

  6. 农林复合生态系统能够显著改善黑土区土壤结构,提高土壤养分质量分数,增加表层土壤的有机质和C/N。

    Agroforestry eco-system can significantly improve soil structure , enhance the content of soil nutrient , and increase the organic matter and C / N in surface soil .

  7. 1:5万TM卫片在农林牧交错带土地利用现状调查中的应用

    50000 Landsat TM Images Be Used In Present Land Using Survey In Farming Forestry and Animal Husbandry Crisscross Area

  8. 华南丘陵区农林复合生态系统早稻田CH4和N2O排放通量的时间变异

    Fluxes of CH_4 and N_2O from paddy field of agroforestry ecosystem in hilly area of South China in the first crop season

  9. 他提出了同一地块上存在于农林各个组成部分之间的3种经济关系特性,即增补性(supplementary)、互助性(complementary)和竞争性(competitire)。

    He proposed the existence of the same land in agriculture and forestry among the various components of the three kinds of characteristics of economic relations , namely the addition of supplementary , complementary and competitive .

  10. 运用简单重复序列(SSR)技术,采用分离群体分组分析法(BSA)进行了水稻农林8号m苯达松敏感致死基因的分子定位。

    Mapping for bentazon susceptible lethality ( BSL ) gene in rice cultivar Nonglin8m was carried out with simple sequence repeat ( SSR ) markers by bulked segregation analysis ( BSA ) .

  11. 高吸水性树脂(SAR)是一类具有高吸水保水性能的高分子材料,已在医用卫生、农林园艺等众多领域扮演重要角色。

    Super-absorbent resin ( SAR ) which can absorb and retain a lot of aqueous liquid has been playing an more important role in many fields , such as medicinal products , hygienic products , agriculture , and forestry horticulture , etc. .

  12. 农林中金综合研究所(NorinchukinResearchInstitute)的TakeshiMinami指出,GDP数据疲弱在一定程度上是以进口增加的形式呈现的,进口增加在计算整体GDP数据时被认为是不利因素。

    Economist Takeshi Minami at the Norinchukin Research Institute noted that part of the weakness came in the form of higher imports , which are calculated as a negative factor in the overall GDP .

  13. RodelLasco是设在菲律宾的世界农林中心的项目协调员。

    Rodel Lasco is a program coordinator for the World Agroforestry Centre in the Philippines .

  14. 日本农林水产省(ministryofagriculture,forestryandfisheries)负责国际贸易政策谈判的主管munemitsuhirano表示,日本的投资努力可能换不来稳定的食品供应。

    Munemitsu Hirano , director for international trade policy negotiations at the Ministry of agriculture , forestry and fisheries , said Japan might not be guaranteed stable food supplies as a result of its investment efforts .

  15. 经济林斑块每年单位面积的生态价值最高,达191.45元·m-2·a-1,其次是农林间作斑块(186.78元·m-2·a-1)。

    The annual ecological value per square meter of economic forest patches was the highest and reached 191.45 yuan , while that of tree-crop intercropping patches was 186.78 yuan .

  16. 利用1996&2000年统计资料的11项指标,采用典型相关分析(CCA)方法,以中国北方农牧交错带为例,对其农林牧业生产结构类型的空间分异特征进行了分析。

    By using 11 indexes of statistics between 1996 and 2000 and canonic correspondence analysis ( CCA ) method , spatial differentiation pattern of production structure ( combination and proportion of faming-livestock raising-forestry ) is analyzed .

  17. 而三种农林生物质快速热解时HCN的产率远高于NH3,且HCN的产率随生物质木质素含量的升高而升高。

    While yields of HCN were much higher than those of NH3 during rapid pyrolysis of the 3 agriculture and forestry biomass , and the yields of HCN increased with the lignin contents of biomass .

  18. 世界农林中心空间分析组组长SonyaDewi说,然而,可持续的经济效益也可以在低碳排放的情况下获得。

    But sustainable economic benefits can be achieved with low carbon emissions , says Sonya Dewi , head of the Spatial Analysis Unit of ICRAF .

  19. 采用静态箱-气相色谱法对典型华南农林复合生态系统早稻田CH4和N2O排放进行田间原位测定,探讨早稻田两种温室气体的排放规律。

    A field experiment was conducted to evaluate CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy field of agroforestry ecosystem in hilly area of South China with closed static chamber and a modified gas chromatograph ( HP5890 ⅱ) in situ in the first crop season .

  20. Granger因果关系检验表明水利建设投资与农林牧渔业产值之间存在着双向因果关系,同时有效灌溉面积比值增长也是引起农村居民家庭人均纯收入增长的原因。

    Granger causality tests show that there is a double-direction causality relationship between investment of conservancy construction and agricultural output value . And the increase of the rate of effective irrigated areas was also a reason for the increase of net income of the rural families .

  21. 红叶石楠Photinia×fraseri于1998年从国外引入江苏农林职业技术学院,它属于蔷薇科石楠属杂交品种,是目前全球绿化树种中最为时尚的红叶系列树种。

    Photinia × fraseri is a hybrid of Photinia Genus in Rosa Family . It was imported Jiangsu Polytechnic College of Agriculture and Forestry from abroad in 1998 . It is one of most fashionable red leaf trees in the whole world .

  22. F-20-7是西北农林科技大学葡萄酒学院2003年获得的以葡萄酒酵母(saccharomycescerevisiae)1450和酒酒球菌(Oenococcusoeni)SD-2a为亲本的跨界融合子。

    F-20-7 is the inter-kingdom fusant of wine yeast 1450 ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) and SD-2a ( Oenococcus oeni ), which was obtained by College of Enology in 2003 . Because the key enzyme genes are on the plasmid , so the ability of degrading malic acid is not stable .

  23. 农林科技成果评价的思考

    Pondering over the Evaluation of Sci-tech Achievements in Agriculture and Forestry

  24. 三峡库区农林复合生态系统的效益评价

    Benefit Assessment of Agroforestry Ecosystems in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  25. 红壤区农林复合系统分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Agroforestry System in the Red Soil Region

  26. 积极开展农林牧综合经营;

    Positive developing comprehensive management of animal , forest and agriculture ;

  27. 贵州喀斯特地区农林复合系统的分类

    Study on Classification of Agroforestry Systems in Karst Section of Guizhou

  28. 浅议农林院校图书馆创新人才的培养

    College of agriculture and forestry libraries with training of creative talents

  29. 因而开展农林复合经营研究,有着重要的理论和实践意义。

    The research on agroforestry is significant in theory and practice .

  30. 关于新时期农林院校信息技术教育的思考

    Thoughts on the Information Technique Education in Agricultural and Forestry Universities