
nóng yè hé zuò huà
  • agricultural cooperation
农业合作化[nóng yè hé zuò huà]
  1. 农业合作化运动若干理论问题的再思考

    To Further Research on Several Theoretical Problems about the Agricultural Cooperation Movement

  2. 论50至70年代农业合作化小说的文学想象

    Literary Imaginations in Novels on Agricultural Cooperation between 1950 's and 1970 's

  3. 建国初农业合作化运动述评

    A Commentary on Agricultural Cooperative Movement during the Early Days of P.R.C

  4. 农业合作化运动失误的传统思想文化原因

    Errors in the Agricultural Cooperative Movement : Their Ideological and Cultural Causes

  5. 农业合作化究竟是有希望,还是没有希望?

    Is agricultural co-operation promising , or is it unpromising ?

  6. 农业合作化和资本主义工商业改造的关系

    The relationship between agricultural co-operation and the transformation of capitalist industry and Commerce

  7. 农业合作化的一场辩论和当前的阶级斗争

    The debate on the co-operative transformation of agriculture and the current class struggle

  8. 张闻天农业合作化思想及其贡献

    ZHANG Wen-tian 's Agriculture Collaboration Theory and its Contribution

  9. 第二部分回顾了五十年代农业合作化运动的历程。

    The second part makes a historical retrospection of the Agricultural Cooperative Movement .

  10. 新中国的农业合作化与农村工业化

    Agricultural Cooperation and Rural Industrialization in New China

  11. 印度农业合作化及对其农业发展的作用

    Indian Agricultural-Cooperation and its Impact on Agricultural Development

  12. 亚细亚生产方式与中国农业合作化运动

    The Mode of Production in Asia and the Movement of Agricultural Cooperation in China

  13. 1950-1970年代农业合作化小说研究

    The Study of Agricultural Co-operative Novel during 1950-1970

  14. 这是农业合作化大发展的一个新的突出的特点。

    This is a new and striking feature in the great development of agricultural co-operation .

  15. 延边农业合作化历史研究

    The History of Agricultural Cooperative in Yanbian

  16. 多重身份的复合与写作立场的错位&农业合作化题材小说作家浅论

    Multiple identity compounds and the malposition of writing position & on agricultural cooperation fiction writers

  17. 沉浸在理想王国的史诗写作&关于五十年代农业合作化小说

    Epic Writing Immersed in the Kingdom of Ideal & Fictions on Agricultural Collectivization of the 1950s

  18. 实行农业合作化,党内也有人起来反对。

    When agricultural co-operation was being carried out , again some people in the party opposed it .

  19. 20世纪50年代农业合作化运动经历了互助组、初级社、高级社的发展过程。

    The champion of agriculture collaboration in 1950s experienced cooperation group , primary community , superior community .

  20. 农业合作化决策的过程及其政治学意义:新中国1951

    Policy Decision in the Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture and its Political Implications : New China in 1951

  21. 农业合作化运动,从一开始,就是一种严重的思想的和政治的斗争。

    From the start , the agricultural co-operative movement has been a severe ideological and political struggle .

  22. 农业合作化必须依靠党团员和贫农下中农

    Rely on party and League members and poor and lower-middle peasants in the co-operative transformation of Agriculture

  23. 第一部分概述农业合作化的发展和巩固历史。

    The first part is the introduction of agricultural cooperation for the development and consolidation of history .

  24. 命令主义盛行带来的严重失误&评湖南农业合作化运动

    Prevailing Authoritarianism Brought about Serious Error & On the Movement of Cooperation Transformation of Agriculture in Hunan

  25. 从农业合作化到家庭联产承包责任制的进步

    The advance from champion of agriculture collaboration to system of contracted responsibility of family linking remuneration to output

  26. 这一部分主要论述农业合作化运动对于女性形象的影响。

    This part mainly discusses the influence upon female images , which was exerted by agricultural cooperation movement .

  27. 当代文学史研究中,50年代农业合作化题材小说是颇有争议的部分。

    In the research of contemporary literary history , fictions on agricultural collectivization in the 1950s are quite controversial .

  28. 建国初期,农业合作化是我国重要的历史事件之一。

    In the early period of P.R.C , agriculture " Cooperative " is one of the important historical events .

  29. 对于农业合作化的背景以及合作化的不同阶段也作了具体分析。

    For the background of agricultural co-operation and co-operation were also made at different stages of a specific analysis .

  30. 建国后中国农业合作化运动与农村合作医疗制度发展间的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship of Agricultural Cooperative Movement and Rural Cooperative Medical System after the Founding of New China