
xīn qì xiànɡ
  • New Meteorology;new atmosphere/scene
  1. 新年新气象,祝福你万事从头开门红!

    Wishing you all the New Year from at the beginning !

  2. 当代&庄子研究呈现新气象。

    In the contemporary era , it presents the new atmosphere .

  3. 薪资的新气象产生了一定的影响。

    The new climate surrounding pay has already had an effect .

  4. 这种新气象,并非因为解禁股流通徒有虚名。

    This new atmosphere is not lifted shares in circulation as illusory .

  5. 作为总统,奥巴马创造了国际政治的新气象。

    Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics .

  6. 莫莉:在美国我们希望事物保持新气象。

    Molly : In the States we like to keep things fresh .

  7. 进步人士在政策方面有几分新气象。

    The progressives are mildly newdealish in domestic policy .

  8. 那计划具有新气象。

    That program has taken on a new look .

  9. 他开创了女性服装依赖于材质而非裁剪的新气象。

    He relied on drapery rather than tailoring to construct his new look .

  10. 改革是该时期的价值观统领,农村、城市及各个领域都呈现出建设的新气象,发展的途径明显转变。

    Rural , urban and all areas of the construction emerged a new atmosphere .

  11. 吴金优没有详细说明新气象站建设的完成日期是什么时候。

    Wu did not specify when construction of the new station would be finished .

  12. 这一系列新气象都对黑人家庭的发展产生了很大影响。

    The new phenomena have great effect on the development of the black families .

  13. 基金组织也在治理和职责改革等方面显示出新气象。

    IMF showed the emerging new look of governance and responsibility reform as well .

  14. 香港银行业务转型新气象

    New Atmosphere Appears in HK Banking Industry

  15. 在传统的自然经济条件下,商业的发展是宋代三峡地区的新气象。

    The economic development of Three Gorges in the Song Dynasty was based on agriculture .

  16. 新气象,新目标,新过程,新收获。

    New Year , New Horizon , New Goal , New Process , New Harvest .

  17. 这个小城市因为发展迅速已呈现出一派新气象。

    The small city has taken on a new look because of its explosive development .

  18. 又是一番新气象。

    A new world is brought on .

  19. 语文的政治色彩淡了,人们的心情较轻松,语文生态就有了一些新气象。色彩上,政治功利,神化帝王,为汉王朝服务。

    On the color , they own political utility , deify monarchy for serving Han dynasty .

  20. 新年新气象。

    New Year , New beginning .

  21. 吐蕃道畅通后,中印佛教文化交流出现了前所未有的新气象。

    After Tubo Road opened , the exchange of Sino-India Buddhist culture brought us an unprecedented atmosphere .

  22. 创意市集的开集更为这个传统节日增添一种新气象。

    The Opening of the Redtory I-Mart injected a fresh blast of air to the traditional day .

  23. 微处理器领域的新气象

    New Trends of Processor

  24. 飞行准备:飞行员接收最新气象信息,这时飞行计划已签发。

    Preflight : the pilot receives the most recent weather information and a fight plan has been filed .

  25. 无论如何,新年新气象,大家对新的开始有点寄望总不为过吧。

    In any case at lunar new year we are all allowed to indulge a little in wishful thinking .

  26. 进一步分析了社会主义荣辱观教育带来的行政文化建设新气象。

    Further analyze the new look of administrative culture which the socialist education of glory and shame linked to .

  27. 如今,肥西县农民只要看看气象多媒体显示屏,就能足不出户,轻松获得最新气象信息。

    Nowadays , farmers in Feixi County obtain easily the latest weather information by watching multi-media weather displays indoors .

  28. 以当事人的记录为基础,本文展现了维多利亚时代英国社会生活中的一个新气象;

    Based on their records , this article reveals a new social scene dealing with science in Victorian England .

  29. 可以说,正是作为现代化本质内容的城市化运动的发展,导致了中国传媒的新气象。

    We can say that it is the development of urbanization that leads to the different phenomena of China media .

  30. 语文的政治色彩淡了,人们的心情较轻松,语文生态就有了一些新气象。

    As the language issue becomes less sensitive politically and people are more at ease , some changes have taken place .