
  • 网络winter time;standard time
  1. 在世界各地,由于夏时制的开始或结束,人们的睡眠模式也发生了改变。例如,在俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京从10月26日开始将国家永久性地改为永久冬令时后,俄罗斯人每天大约晚半个小时醒来。

    Around the world , people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time , Russians , for example , began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to " winter time " starting on October 26 .

  2. 而协调世界时恰好与伦敦的冬令时相吻合。

    Coordinated Universal Time coincides with winter time in London .

  3. 一项调查表明,昨天是这一年中人们工作效率最低的一天,由于冬令时开始,黑夜变长,人们的工作积极性也受到了打击。

    Yesterday was the most unproductive day of the year , according to a survey , as workers'morale is hit by the darker evenings brought on by the clock change .